求助 VBA中坐标转换问题
以下是一段简单的vba程序代码Sub Example_AddPolyline()
' This example creates a polyline in model space.
Dim plineObj As AcadPolyline
Dim points(0 To 14) As Double
' Define the 2D polyline points
points(0) = 1: points(1) = 1: points(2) = 0
points(3) = 1: points(4) = 2: points(5) = 0
points(6) = 2: points(7) = 2: points(8) = 0
points(9) = 3: points(10) = 2: points(11) = 0
points(12) = 4: points(13) = 4: points(14) = 0
' Create a lightweight Polyline object in model space
Set plineObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddPolyline(points)
End Sub
Sub Example_AddPolyline()
' This example creates a polyline in model space.
Dim plineObj As AcadPolyline
Dim points(0 To 14) As Double
' Define the 2D polyline points
points(0) = 1: points(1) = 1: points(2) = 0
points(3) = 1: points(4) = 2: points(5) = 0
points(6) = 2: points(7) = 2: points(8) = 0
points(9) = 3: points(10) = 2: points(11) = 0
points(12) = 4: points(13) = 4: points(14) = 0
Dim P1(2) As Double, P2 As Variant, I As Integer
For I = 0 To 12 Step 3
P1(0) = points(I): P1(1) = points(I + 1): P1(2) = points(I + 2)
P2 = ThisDrawing.Utility.TranslateCoordinates(P1, acUCS, acWorld, 0)
points(I) = P2(0): points(I + 1) = P2(1): points(I + 2) = P2(2)
' Create a lightweight Polyline object in model space
Set plineObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddPolyline(points)
End Sub
Sub Example_AddPolyline()
' This example creates a polyline in model space.
Dim plineObj As AcadPolyline
Dim points(0 To 14) As Double
' Define the 2D polyline points
points(0) = 1: points(1) = 1: points(2) = 0
points(3) = 1: points(4) = 2: points(5) = 0
points(6) = 2: points(7) = 2: points(8) = 0
points(9) = 3: points(10) = 2: points(11) = 0
points(12) = 4: points(13) = 4: points(14) = 0
' Create a lightweight Polyline object in model space
Set plineObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddPolyline(points)
plineObj.TransformBy ThisDrawing.UserCoordinateSystems("UCS名称").GetUCSMatrix
End Sub 谢谢高手的指点!能否直接points数组直接从WCS转换到UCS? 占个位置,有时间学习