[求助]CAD 多重复制 如何用一个命令按扭完成!!
以前在2000I中有这样一个按扭,多重复制只要点一下按扭就可完成,现用2002、2004等软件都没这个按扭,而要手工输入M,多重复制 如何用一个命令按扭完成!请告之,不胜感谢! 存成*.lsp,加载后,在command中输入cm即可。(defun c:CM ()
;**** Internal error handler defined locally ****
(defun DR_ERR (S) ; If an error (such as CTRL-C) occurs
(if (/= S "Function cancelled") ; while this command is active...
(if (= S "quit / exit abort")
(princ (strcat "\nError: " S))
);end if
);end if
(if DR_OER ;If an old error routine exists
(setq *error* DR_OER) ;then, reset it
);end if
(if (not BASEPT) ;if an initial displacement was used
(foreach x SSELIST (redraw X 4));unhighlight the last selection set
(setvar "cmdecho" 1) ;reset command echo upon error
);end error defun
;**** Set our new error handler ****
(if (not *DEBUG*)
(if *error*
(setq DR_OER *error* *error* DR_ERR)
(setq *error* DR_ERR)
);end if
);end if
(if (setq EMARK (entlast))
(while (setq B (entnext EMARK))
(setq EMARK B)
(setq SS (ssget))
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(prompt "\nBase point or Displacement: ")
(command "copy" SS "" pause)
(setq BASEPT (getvar "lastpoint"))
(prompt "\nCopy point: ")
(command pause)
(if (equal BASEPT (setq LASTPT (getvar "lastpoint")))
(progn (setq REFPT LASTPT)
(setq BASEPT nil)
(while (entnext EMARK) ;while there are new entities
(setq SSOLD SS)
(setq SS (ssadd)) ;reset SS
(while (entnext EMARK) ;while there are new entities
(setq EMARK (entnext EMARK))
(ssadd EMARK SS) ;add them to new SS
(if (equal BASEPT (setq LASTPT (getvar "lastpoint")))
(progn (command "erase" SS "")
(command "copy" SSOLD "" REFPT "")
(setvar "lastpoint" (polar BASEPT ANGLPT DISTPT))
(progn (setq ANGLPT (angle BASEPT LASTPT))
(setq DISTPT (distance BASEPT LASTPT))
(setq REFPT (polar '(0.0 0.0 0.0) ANGLPT DISTPT))
(setq BASEPT LASTPT) ;increment basepoint
(prompt (strcat "\nCopy point <@" (rtos (car REFPT)) "," (rtos (cadr REFPT)) "," (rtos (caddr REFPT))">: "))
(command "copy" SS "" BASEPT pause)
);end while
(while (entnext EMARK) ;while there are new entities
(setq SSOLD SS)
(setq SS (ssadd)) ;reset SS
(while (entnext EMARK) ;while there are new entities
(setq EMARK (entnext EMARK))
(redraw EMARK 3)
(setq SSELIST (append (list EMARK) SSELIST))
(setq SSELIST (list EMARK))
(ssadd EMARK SS) ;add them to new SS
(ssget "P")
(setq REFPT (getpoint (strcat "\nDisplacement <" (rtos (car REFPT)) "," (rtos (cadr REFPT)) "," (rtos (caddr REFPT))">: ")))
(if (not REFPT)
(setq REFPT (getvar "lastpoint"))
(command "copy" SS "" REFPT "")
);end while
);end if
(setvar "cmdecho" 1)
);end defun
(princ) 还真没发现系统有这个功能啊,害得我还自己开发了一个supercopy,现在一看,原来跟多重复制一模一样。
你可以自己做个菜单,自动输入M,就象那个在同一点break命令一样,依葫芦画瓢就可以了 楼上的,如何做这个自动输入M,我做了一个,只能用于选一个对象,用框选就不行了,请赐教!! to citykunan :写程序不用这么长吧,我记得我的程序还不到10行代码。
^C^C_copy \\ _m这样可以有一次框选 多重COPY以在COPY的指令里, 加以正確運用可以得到很好的較果. 但並用寫得那樣長的一條程序吧. 樓上的方法是很直接和實用. 呵呵. 但我很少用這個功能.
I love CAD . 共同交流共同進步. 你们说得对,这个方法我也在用,只是只能选一次,另写长程序的朋友,你给的我试了,功能可以,只是结束时必须用ESC,,用右键还是继续复制啊!! 你们说得对,这个方法我也在用,只是只能选一次,另写长程序的朋友,你给的我试了,功能可以,只是结束时必须用ESC,,用右键还是继续复制啊!! 试试下面这个程序,右键退出,不过没有拖动效果,如果你们需要,我可以做一下
(defun c:Scopy( / ss pt pt2)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq ss (ssget))
(setq pt (getpoint "\n选择基点:"))
(setq pt2 (getpoint pt "\n选择插入点:"))
(while pt2
(command "_.copy" ss "" pt pt2)
(setq pt2 (getpoint pt "\n选择插入点:"))