;http://bbs.xdcad.net/thread-669308-1-1.html;by eachy ;flowerson 修改
(if (>= (atof (getvar "acadver")) 16.0)
(vl-arx-import "acapp.arx")
(vl-arx-import "acadapp.arx")
fillc 新图层颜色
tf 保留颜色 "1" 保留 "0" 不保留
tf1 保留线形 "1" 保留 "0" 不保留
ltf 忽略块内0层"1" 忽略 "0" 修改
(defun c:Lyrt (/ ea:string_parse ea:string_unparse
ea:pross ea:get-utimeRGBtoOLE_color
ea:getcecolor ea:chglyrcolor
ea:translyr ea:chgcolor ea:fillcolor
ea:pre ea:table getsslyr
myerr mknewlyr ea:clearcset
thisdrawing blocks layers
name nullss olderr
ltf nlyr llyr
fillc tf tf1
_$ver _ealyrtr_id what_next
oAcad xtmp bn
;|(if (or (> (atoi (rtos (getvar "cdate") 2 0)) 20041231)
(< (atoi (rtos (getvar "cdate") 2 0)) 20040906)
"MsgBox "\nAuthor: Eachy\n\nhttp:\\\\www.xdcad.net""
", "
", "
""Layer Merge V2.3 ""
) ;_ end eval
) ;_ end if|;
(defun ea:table (s / d r)
(while (setq d (tblnext s (null d)))
(setq r (cons (cdr (assoc 2 d)) r))
(acad_strlsort (reverse r))
(defun ea:string_parse (str delimiter / post strlst)
(if str
(setq strlst '())
(while (vl-string-search delimiter str)
(setq post (vl-string-search delimiter str))
(setq strlst (append strlst (list (substr str 1 post))))
(setq str (substr str (+ post 2)))
(vl-remove "" (append strlst (list str)))
) ;_ end if
) ;_ end defun ea:string_pase
(defun ea:string_unparse (lst delimiter / return)
(setq return "")
(foreach str lst
(setq return (strcat return delimiter str))
(substr return 2)
;; k 数 l 长度
(defun Ea:pross (k l)
(grtext -2
(strcat "已完成"
(rtos (/ (* 100.0 k) l)
(defun ea:get-utime ()
(* 86400 (getvar "tdusrtimer"))
;; Convert a list of RGB to TrueColor
;; (RGBtoOLE_color '(118 118 118))
(defun RGBtoOLE_color (RGB-codes / r g b)
(setq r (lsh (car RGB-codes) 16))
(setq g (lsh (cadr RGB-codes) 8))
(setq b (caddr RGB-codes))
(+ (+ r g) b)
;;Truecolor -> rgb
(defun OLEtoRGB_color (OLE_color / r g b)
(setq r (lsh OLE_color -16))
(setq g (lsh (lsh OLE_color 16) -24))
(setq b (lsh (lsh OLE_color 24) -24))
(strcat "RGB:"
(vl-princ-to-string r)
(vl-princ-to-string g)
(vl-princ-to-string b) ;(list r g b))
(defun RGBtoACI (RGB-codes / colorobj)
ColorObj (vla-GetInterfaceObject oAcad "AutoCAD.AcCmColor.16")
(car RGB-codes)
(cadr RGB-codes)
(caddr RGB-codes)
(vlax-get-property ColorObj 'ColorIndex)
(defun ea:Clearcset (/ cset)
(if (not (vl-catch-all-error-p
(setq cset
(vla-get-selectionsets thisdrawing)
(vla-delete cset)
(defun ea:translyr (/ ea:chg_layer_color_ltyp_0 ea:chgattblk
ea:chg_not_ssget_blockdef llyrc
lt t0 nl
filter cset l
n s sl
t1 blst ll
lt x nllyr
0colorobj 0_in e0 all_0 nn tmp
;;修改实体mark 0 层实体块内/非块内标志, 如果 0 不在llyr中,块内 0 层仅涉及颜色
(defun ea:chg_layer_color_ltyp_0 (obj mark / alyr cl colobj olt)
;;处理块内 object 及属性
(if (/= (cdr (assoc
) ;_ 排除代理实体
(setq alyr (vla-get-layer obj))
(if _$ver
(setq colobj (vla-get-truecolor obj)
cl (vla-get-colorindex colobj )
(if (= cl 256) ;_ bylayer
(setq colobj (cdr (assoc alyr llyrc)))
) ;_ 2004/2005 特性
(if (= (setq cl (vla-get-color obj )) 256)
(setq cl (cdr (assoc alyr llyrc)))
(if (and (/= alyr nlyr)
(not (and mark (= alyr "0") (= ltf "1")))
) ;_ 只有忽略块内 0 时不改图层
(vla-put-layer objnlyr)
) ;_ end if
(if (= tf "1") ;_ 保留
((and mark
(= alyr "0") ;_ 0 层实体
(= cl 256) ;_ bylayer
(if _$ver
(vla-put-colorindex colobjacByblock) ;_ 只有块内实体才需要改
(vla-put-truecolor obj ' colobj)
(vla-put-color obj0)
) ;_ byblock
((and (/= alyr nlyr) (= cl 256)) ;_ bylayer 非0层实体
(if _$ver
(vla-put-truecolor objcolobj)
(vla-put-color obj cl)
) ;_ end if
) ;_ end cond
(if (and _$ver
(/= cl 256)
(vla-put-colorindex colobj 256);_ bylayer
(vla-put-truecolor objcolobj)
(vla-put-color obj256)
) ;_end if
(if (= tf1 "1")
(if (and (= (setq olt (vla-get-linetype obj ))
(/= olt "BYBLOCK")
(vlax-property-available-p obj 'linetype t)
(vlax-put-property obj 'linetype (cdr (assoc alyr lt)))
(if (and (/= (vla-get-linetype obj ) "BYLAYER")
(vlax-property-available-p obj 'linetype t)
(vla-put-linetype obj ' "BYLAYER")
) ;_ end if
) ;_ end progn
) ;_ end progn (if)
) ;_ end defun ea:chg_color_ltyp_0
;;修改属性块的属性实体及SEQEND, 属性只能是最外层, mark 块内/非块内标志
(defun ea:ChgAttBlk (blk mark / seqent attlst)
(setq attlst (vlax-safearray->list
(vlax-variant-value (vla-getattributes blk))
(mapcar '(lambda (x)
(if (vl-position (vla-get-layer x ) llyr)
(ea:chg_layer_color_ltyp_0 x mark)
(if (vl-position
seqent (vlax-ename->vla-object
(vlax-vla-object->ename (last attlst))
(vlax-put-property seqent 'layer nlyr)
) ;_ 修改 SEQEND 实体
(if (and (= tf1 "0")
(/= (vla-get-linetype seqent ) "BYLAYER")
(vla-put-linetype seqent"BYLAYER")
) ;_end defun ea:chgattblk
(if (and (/= llyr "") (/= nlyr ""))
(if (not blocks)
(setq blocks (vla-get-blocks thisdrawing ))
(if (not layers)
(setq layers (vla-get-layers thisdrawing ))
(setq t0 (ea:get-utime))
(if (not (tblsearch "layer" nlyr))
(vla-add layers nlyr)
;;(vla-startundomark thisdrawing)
'(lambda (x) (vla-put-lock x:vlax-false))
(setq nl (mapcar 'atoi (ea:string_parse llyr " "))
filter (ea:string_unparse
(setq llyr (mapcar '(lambda (x) (nth x name)) nl))
) ;_end setq
(if (not (vl-position "0" llyr))
(setq nllyr (append llyr '("0")))
(setq nllyr llyr)
(setq l (vla-get-count blocks ))
(if (= tf "1") ;_ 保留颜色时提取对应的颜色列表
(setq llyrc
'(lambda (x / col mod bkname)
(if _$ver
(cons x (vla-get-truecolor (vla-item layers x) ))
(cons x (cdr (assoc 62 (tblsearch "layer" x))))
) ;_ end if
) ;_ end lambda
(if (not (vl-position nlyr nllyr))
(append (list nlyr) nllyr)
) ;_end mapcar
) ;_ end setq
) ;_ end if
(if (= tf1 "1")
(setq lt
(mapcar '(lambda (x)
(cons x (cdr (assoc 6 (tblsearch "layer" x))))
(if (not (vl-position nlyr nllyr))
(append (list nlyr) nllyr)
(if (ssget "x"
(list '(-4 . "<or")
'(66 . 1)
'(-4 . "<and")
(cons 8 filter)
'(-4 . "<not")
'(-4 . "not>")
'(-4 . "and>")
'(-4 . "or>")
) ;_ end ssget
(setq l (+ l
(setq cset (vla-get-activeselectionset
n 1
'(lambda (x / bbn)
(Ea:pross n l)
((= (vla-get-objectname x ) "AcDbBlockReference")
(if (vl-position (vla-get-layer x) llyr)
(ea:chg_layer_color_ltyp_0 x nil)
(if (not blst)
(setq blst
(list (setq
bbn (vla-get-name x )
(if (not (vl-position
bbn (vla-get-name x)
(setq blst (append blst (list bbn)))
) ;_ 只记录了最外层块
(if (= (vla-get-hasattributesx) :vlax-true)
(ea:chgattblk x nil)
(t (ea:chg_layer_color_ltyp_0 x nil))
(setq n (1+ n))
) ;_ while
) ;_ end progn
;;修改图块定义, 保留颜色仅涉及 块内 Bylayer 0 层是否改为 acByblock
(vlax-get-property thisdrawing 'blocks)
'(lambda (i / bn e tmp)
(setq bn (strcase (vlax-get-property i 'name)))
(not (wcmatch bn "`**_SPAC*"))
(/= (vla-get-count i) 0)
(if (vl-position bn blst);_ in ssget block
'(lambda (e / etyp lay bbn)
(setq etyp (vla-get-objectname e)
lay(vla-get-layer e)
((and (wcmatch etyp "*Block*")
(not (vl-position
(strcase (vla-get-name e))
(vl-position lay llyr)
(if (not 0_in)
(setq 0_in (list (vla-get-name e)))
(if (not (vl-position
(setq bbn (vla-get-name e))
(setq 0_in (append (list bbn) 0_in))
(ea:chg_layer_color_ltyp_0 e t)
(if (= (vlax-get-property e 'hasattributes)
(ea:chgattblk e t)
((vl-position lay llyr)
(ea:chg_layer_color_ltyp_0 e t)
) ;_ end vlax-map-collection
(vlax-map-collection ;_ not in ssget 但可能在 blst 引用内(0_in)
'(lambda (e / etyp lay)
(setq etyp (vla-get-objectname e)
lay(vla-get-layer e)
((vl-position lay llyr)
((wcmatch etyp "*Block*")
(ea:chg_layer_color_ltyp_0 e t)
(if (not (vl-position
(strcase (vla-get-name e))
(if (not 0_in)
(setq 0_in (list (vla-get-name e)))
(not (vl-position
(setq bbn (vla-get-name e))
0_in (append (list bbn) 0_in)
(= (vlax-get-property e 'hasattributes)
(ea:chgattblk e t)
((/= lay "0")
(ea:chg_layer_color_ltyp_0 e t)
((and (= lay "0") ;_ 仅保留 0 层实体
(not (vl-position lay llyr))
(if (not 0_in)
(setq 0_in (list bn))
(if (not (vl-position bn 0_in))
0_in (append (list bn) 0_in)
(setq nn(read bn)
tmp (eval nn)
(if (not tmp)
(set nn (list e))
(set nn (cons e tmp))
) ;_ end if
);_ end if
);_ end lambda
) ;_ end vlax-map-collection
) ;_ end if
) ;_ end if
) ;_ end lambda
) ;_ 结束处理块定义
;;处理被非选择图块且被引用并在 llyr 图层之块定义内的 0 实体
(if 0_in
(setq 0colorobj (vla-get-truecolor (vla-item layers"0")))
(vla-put-colorindex 0colorobj acByblock)
'(lambda (x / 0lst)
(if (not (setq 0lst (eval (read x))))
(mapcar '(lambda (e0)
(if _$ver
(vla-put-truecolor e0 0colorobj)
(vla-put-color e0 0)
(setvar "clayer" "0")
(vla-purgeall thisdrawing)
(if (setq s (ssget "x" (list (cons 8 nlyr) '(0 . "INSERT"))))
(setq sl (sslength s))
(while (> sl 0)
(entupd (ssname s (setq sl (1- sl))))
) ;_ end progn
) ;_ end if
;;(vla-endundomark thisdrawing)
(setq llyr nil
name (ea:table "layer")
blocks (vlax-get-property thisdrawing 'blocks)
layers (vlax-get-property thisdrawing 'layers)
(if fillc
(setq ll (entget (tblobjname "layer" nlyr))
ll (vl-remove-if
'(lambda (x)
(vl-position (car x) '(62 420 430)))
(entmod (append ll fillc))
(if t0
(setq t1 (ea:get-utime))
(strcat "\n成功转换至 " nlyr " 图层,耗时(secs): ")
(princ (- t1 t0))
(if all_0 (mapcar '(lambda (x) (set x nil)) all_0))
) ;_ end progn
) ;_end if
) ;_ end dufun ea:translyr
(defun ea:pre (/ nl layers str)
(if (and (/= llyr nil) (/= llyr ""))
(vla-startundomark thisdrawing)
(setq nl (mapcar 'atoi (ea:string_parse llyr " "))
nl (mapcar '(lambda (x) (nth x name)) nl)
(vlax-get-property thisdrawing 'layers)
'(lambda (l)
(if (vl-position (vlax-get-property l 'name) nl)
(if (= (vlax-get-property l 'layeron) :vlax-false)
(vlax-put-propertyl 'layeron :vlax-true)
(if (= (vlax-get-property l 'freeze) :vlax-true)
(vlax-put-property l 'freeze :vlax-false)
(vlax-put-property l 'layeron :vlax-false)
(vla-endundomark thisdrawing)
(setq str (getstring "\n回车退出...."))
(vl-cmdf ".u")
) ;_end if
) ;_ end defunea:per
;;选择合并实体, 支持嵌套在块内图层?
(defun getssLyr (/ ss ssl lyr slyr slst)
(princ "\n选择要合并图层实体<退出>...")
(if (setq ss (ssget))
(setq ssl (sslength ss))
(while (> ssl 0)
(cdr (assoc 8 (entget (ssname ss (setq ssl (1- ssl))))))
(if slyr
(if (not (vl-position lyr slyr))
(setq slyr (cons lyr slyr))
(setq slyr (list lyr))
) ;_ end while
(setq slst (mapcar '(lambda (l) (vl-position l name))
(if llyr
(setq slst
(append slst (mapcar 'atoi (ea:string_parse llyr " ")))
(setq llyr (ea:string_unparse
(mapcar 'vl-princ-to-string
(vl-sort slst '<)
" "
) ;_ end progn
) ;_ end if
) ;_ end dufun
;;获取当前颜色 l 层
(defun ea:getcecolor (l / color el inc tc dc le)
(if (not l)
(setq color (getvar "cecolor"))
((= (type (read color)) 'INT);_ ACI
(list (cons 62 (read color)))
((wcmatch color "RGB:*");_ truecolor
(setq inc
(ea:string_parse (vl-string-trim "RGB:" color) ",")
(list (cons 62 inc) (cons 420 (RGBtoOLE_color tc)))
((= color "BYLAYER")
(setq el(entget (tblobjname "layer" (getvar "clayer")))
inc (assoc 62 el)
tc(assoc 420 el)
dc(assoc 430 el)
(dc (list inc tc dc))
(tc (list inc tc))
(t (list inc))
((= color "BYBLOCK")
(setq color '(62 . 7))
);_ end cond
);_ end progn
(if (setq le (tblobjname "layer" l))
(setq el(entget le)
inc (assoc 62 el)
tc(assoc 420 el)
dc(assoc 430 el)
(dc (list inc tc dc))
(tc (list inc tc))
(t (list inc))
(ea:getcecolor nil)
) ;_ end defun ea:getcecolor
(defun ea:fillcolor (/ cc width height cl)
(fillc ;acad_colordlg
(setq cc (abs (cdar fillc)))
(setq cc (abs (cdar (ea:getcecolor nlyr))))
(setq cc (abs (cdar (ea:getcecolor nil))))
(setq width(dimx_tile "col")
height (dimy_tile "col")
(start_image "col")
(fill_image 0 0 width height cc) ;1 = AutoCAD red.
) ;_ end defun
(defun ea:chgcolor (/ c l)
(setq c (ea:getcecolor nlyr))
(setq fillc (if _$ver
((= (setq l (length c)) 1);_ aci
(acad_truecolordlg (cdar c))
((= l 2);_ truecolor
(acad_truecolordlg (cadr c))
(t (acad_truecolordlg (last c)));_ dict
(acad_colordlg (car c))
) ;_ end setq
) ;_ end defun
(defun myerr (msg /)
(if (or (/= msg "*函数已取消*")
(= msg "*函数已取消*")
(princ "\n*取消*")
(if 0_in
(mapcar '(lambda (x) (set (read x) nil)) 0_in)
(setq 0_in nil)
(vla-endundomark thisdrawing)
(setq *error* olderr)
) ;_end deufn
(setq oAcad (vlax-get-acad-object)
thisdrawing (vlax-get-property oAcad 'activedocument)
_$ver (> (atof (getvar "acadver")) 16.)
olderr *error*
*error* myerr
(vla-startundomark thisdrawing)
(if (setq nullss (ssget "x" '((0 . "*text") (1 . ""))))
(vl-cmdf ".erase" nullss "")
;(vla-purgeall thisdrawing)
(if (not _ealyrtr_id)
(setq _ealyrtr_id (load_dialog "D:/lyrtr.dcl"))
(setq what_next 2)
(while (>= what_next 2)
(if (not name)
(setq name (ea:table "layer"))
(if (not (new_dialog "ea_lyrtrans" _ealyrtr_id))
(start_list "what")
(mapcar 'add_list name)
(start_list "Sel")
(mapcar 'add_list name)
(if llyr
(set_tile "what" llyr)
(if (and (/= nlyr "") nlyr)
(set_tile "Nlyr" nlyr)
(if tf
(set_tile "color" tf)
(if tf1
(set_tile "ltyp" tf1)
"(princ "\n请稍候,处理进行中.....")"
"(setq nlyr (get_tile "Nlyr"))"
"(setq llyr (get_tile "what"))"
"(setq tf (get_tile "color"))"
"(setq tf1 (get_tile "ltyp"))"
"(setq ltf (get_tile "lay"))"
"(done_dialog 4)"
(action_tile "accept" "(done_dialog 1)")
(action_tile "lay" "(setq ltf $value)")
(action_tile "Nlyr" "(setq nlyr $value)")
(action_tile "color" "(setq tf $value)")
(action_tile "ltyp" "(setq tf1 $value)")
"(setq nlyr (get_tile \"Nlyr\"))(ea:chgcolor)(ea:fillcolor)(if fillc(set_tile \"color\" \"0\"))"
"(set_tile \"Nlyr\" (nth (atoi $value) name))"
"(setq nlyr (get_tile \"Nlyr\"))(setq llyr (get_tile \"what\")) (done_dialog 5)"
"(setq llyr (get_tile \"what\"))(done_dialog 6)"
"(setq nlyr (get_tile "Nlyr"))"
"(setq llyr $value)"
"(if (= $reason 4)(progn (setq nlyr (get_tile "Nlyr"))(setq llyr $value)(done_dialog 5)))" ;_ double click
(setq what_next (start_dialog))
((= what_next 4)
((= what_next 5)
((= what_next 6)
) ;_end while
(unload_dialog _ealyrtr_id)
(vla-endundomark thisdrawing)
(vlax-release-object thisdrawing)
(vlax-release-object oAcad)
(if blocks (vlax-release-object blocks))
(if layers (vlax-release-object layers))
(if 0_in (mapcar '(lambda (x) (set (read x) nil)) 0_in))
(setq 0_in nil)
(setq *error* olderr)
) ;_end defun
"\n\t图层合并V2.3, 命令: Lyrt. BY eachy"
有人知道如何改一下可以把这两个文件直接放在d盘使用吗?或者怎么把他们合并到lsp 合并了下,似乎缺少2个函数
尘缘一生 发表于 2020-2-15 05:07
加载运行没反应 尘缘一生 发表于 2020-2-15 05:07
没跑起来:'( 图层合并可以直接laymgr命令或者在layer命令界面合并,没必要写代码 kozmosovia 发表于 2024-5-17 10:53
laymgr命令不好用啊,用.chprop就很快,一句command解决 jun470 发表于 2024-5-19 23:31
中文真好,改图层==合并图层 kozmosovia 发表于 2024-5-20 00:40