(defun c:py (/ en offd pt py_fs offd dx_ss dx_ss dx_n pt pt0 n)
(command "undo" "be") ; 定义返回点
(setvar "cmdecho" 0) ; 关闭命令提示
(if (or (= py_fs0 nil) (eq py_fs0 ""))
(setq py_fs0 "Z")
(princ "\n请输入偏移方式[正向(Z)/反向(F)/双向(S)/通过(T)]<")
(princ py_fs0) ;输入偏移方式
(princ ">:")
(setq py_fs (getstring))
(if (or (= py_fs nil) (eq py_fs ""))
(setq py_fs py_fs0)
(setq py_fs0 py_fs)
(if (or (eq py_fs "t") (eq py_fs "T"))
(princ "\n采用通过点偏移方式")
(if (= offd0 nil)
(setq offd0 "0")
(princ "\n请输入偏移距离(")
(princ offd0)
(princ ")") ;输入偏移距离
(setq offd (getdist))
(if (= offd nil)
(setq offd offd0)
(setq offd0 offd)
(princ "\n请选择线段,弧,圆,多段线:")
(setq dx_ss (ssget))
(if (or (eq py_fs "s") (eq py_fs "S"))
(setq pt (list 0 0))
(setq pt (getpoint "\n请选择基点"))
) ;输入偏移基点
(setq n 0)
(while (< n (sslength dx_ss))
(setq dx_n (ssname dx_ss n))
(or (eq py_fs "t") (eq py_fs "T"))
(command "OFFSET" "t" dx_n pt "")
((or (eq "LINE" (cdr (assoc '0 (entget dx_n))))
(eq "LWPOLYLINE" (cdr (assoc '0 (entget dx_n))))
(command "OFFSET" offd dx_n pt "") ;正向偏移
(setq ptst (cdr (assoc '10 (entget dx_n))))
(setq pten (cdr (assoc '10 (entget (entlast)))))
(if (or (eq py_fs "f") (eq py_fs "F")) ;正向偏移删除
(command "ERASE" "l" "")
(if (or (eq py_fs "f")
(eq py_fs "F")
(eq py_fs "s")
(eq py_fs "S")
) ;反向偏移
(setq pt0 (list (- (* 2 (nth 0 ptst)) (nth 0 pten))
(- (* 2 (nth 1 ptst)) (nth 1 pten))
(command "OFFSET" offd dx_n pt0 "")
((or (eq "ARC" (cdr (assoc '0 (entget dx_n))))
(eq "CIRCLE" (cdr (assoc '0 (entget dx_n))))
(command "OFFSET" offd dx_n pt "") ;正向偏移
(setq rst (cdr (assoc '40 (entget dx_n))))
(setq ren (cdr (assoc '40 (entget (entlast)))))
(if (or (eq py_fs "s") (eq py_fs "S")) ;正向偏移复制
(command "copy" "l" "" "0,0,0" "0,0,0")
(if (or (eq py_fs "f")
(eq py_fs "F")
(eq py_fs "s")
(eq py_fs "S")
) ;反向偏移
(setq r0 (- (* 2 rst) ren))
(if (<= r0 0)
(command "ERASE" "l" "") ;正向偏移删除
(setq dx_n0 (entget (entlast)))
(setq dx_n0
(subst (cons '40 r0) (assoc '40 dx_n0) dx_n0)
(entmod dx_n0)
) ;正向偏移更改
(setq n (1+ n))
(command "Chprop" (entlast) "" "La" (Getvar 'Clayer) "") ;偏移的对象只有1根置为当前,求指正!!
(command "undo" "e") ; 定义返点
(setvar "cmdecho" 1) ; 打开命令提示
Returns the name of the last nondeleted main object (entity) in the drawing
The entlast function is frequently used to obtain the name of a new entity that has just been added with the command function. To be selected, the entity need not be on the screen or on a thawed layer.
您的情况应先建立空的选集 (setq Ofst_ss (ssadd))
在回圈内加入 (entlast)
(command "Chprop" Ofst_ss "" "La" (Getvar 'Clayer) "")
(command "Chprop" (entlast) "" "La" (Getvar 'Clayer) "") ;偏移的对象只有1根置为当前,求指正!! 学习一下,谢谢 Andyhon 发表于 2019-7-6 12:50
Returns the name of the last nondeleted main object (entity) in the drawing
感谢大师指点~! 感谢分享辛苦了 你好能否改一个完整的版本