本帖最后由 树櫴希德 于 2019-12-25 21:09 编辑(defun LM:outline (sel / LM:ssboundingboxapp
are box cmd dis enl
ent lst obj rtn tmp
(defun LM:ssboundingbox (s / a b i m n o)
(repeat (setq i (sslength s))
(setq o (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname s (setq i (1- i)))))
(vlax-method-applicable-p o 'getboundingbox)
(vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-getboundingbox (list o 'a 'b))
(setq m (cons (vlax-safearray->list a) m)
n (cons (vlax-safearray->list b) n)
(if(and m n)
(mapcar '(lambda (a b) (apply 'mapcar (cons a b)))
'(min max)
(list m n)
(if (setq box (LM:ssboundingbox sel))
(setq app(vlax-get-acad-object)
dis(/ (apply 'distance box) 20.0)
lst(mapcar'(lambda (a o) (mapcar o a (list dis dis)))
'(- +)
are(apply '* (apply 'mapcar (cons '- (reverse lst))))
dis(* dis 1.5)
'((000 . "LWPOLYLINE")
(100 . "AcDbEntity")
(100 . "AcDbPolyline")
(090 . 4)
(070 . 1)
(mapcar '(lambda (x)
(cons 10 (mapcar '(lambda (y) ((eval y) lst)) x))
'((caar cadar)
(caadr cadar)
(caadr cadadr)
(caar cadadr)
(vl-list* app
(mapcar '(lambda (a o) (mapcar o a (list dis dis 0.0)))
'(- +)
(setq cmd(getvar 'cmdecho)
(while (setq tmp (entnext enl)) (setq enl tmp))
(setvar 'cmdecho 0)
(trans (mapcar '- (car box) (list (/ dis 3.0) (/ dis 3.0)))
(while (< 0 (getvar 'cmdactive)) (command ""))
(entdel ent)
(while (setq enl (entnext enl))
(if (and (vlax-property-available-p
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object enl))
(equal (vla-get-area obj) are 1e-4)
(entdel enl)
(ssadd enl rtn)
(vla-zoomprevious app)
(setvar 'cmdecho cmd)
(defun PoInPl(pt lst / i p1 p2 an anl ret)
(setq i -1 p1 (last lst))
(while(and(not ret)(setq p2(nth(setq i(1+ i))lst)))
(cond((equal p2 pt 1e-6)(setq ret t))
(t(setq an(-(angle pt p1)(angle pt p2)))
(if(equal pi(abs an) 1e-6)
(setq ret t)
(setq anl(cons(rem an PI)anl)))))
(setq p1 p2))
(cond(ret 0);线上;
(t(if(equal PI(abs(apply'+ anl))1e-6)1 -1))))
(defun vxs(e / p a b n ob q et d d1 en et)
(setq a(entget e)ob(vlax-ename->vla-object e)et(cdr(assoc 0 a))n 0 p nil d nil)
(repeat(length a)(setq b (nth n a) n (+ n 1))
(if (= 10 (car b))(progn
(setq q(list (cadr b) (caddr b))d1(vlax-curve-getDistAtPoint ob q))
(if p (if (not(member d1 d)) (setq p (append p (list q))d (append d (list d1))))
(setq p (list q)))))))
(SETQ q (CDR (ASSOC 10 EN))d1(vlax-curve-getDistAtPoint ob q)q(reverse(cdr(reverse q))))
(if p(if (not(member d1 d)) (setq p (append p (list q))d (append d (list d1))))(setq p(list q)))
(setq p(reverse p))))P)
(defun c:dmfc (/ zxbl pt p1 p2 p3 p4fchd lst gcz nn i ssp5);
(setq fchd (getreal "\n请输入回填土压实后厚度(一般0.25米) :"))
(setq zxbl (getint "\n请输入断面纵向比例 1 :"))
(setq pt (getpoint "\n请点击横断面图上96区顶中桩位置 :"))
(setq p1 (car(entsel "\n请选择96区顶横断面多段线:")))
(setq p2 (car(entsel "\n请选择左边坡断面多段线:")))
(setq p3 (car(entsel "\n请选择右边坡横断面多段线:")))
(setq p4 (car(entsel "\n请选择原地面横断面多段线:")))
(setq ss(ssadd)) (ssadd p1 ss)(ssadd p2 ss)(ssadd p3 ss)(ssadd p4 ss)
(LM:outline ss ) (setq p5 (entlast))
(setq lst (vl-sort (vxs p4)(function (lambda (e1 e2) (< (cadr e1) (cadr e2))))))
(setq gcz (* (- (cadr pt)(cadr(car lst))) (/ zxbl 1000.000)))
(setq nn (fix (/ gcz fchd)))
(setq i 0)
(repeat(- nn 1)
(setvar "osmode" 16384) (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
(command "_.copy" p1 "" pt (polar pt (* 1.5 pi ) (/ (* fchd (+ i 1)) (/ zxbl 1000.000)) ) "" )
(command "_.extend"p2 "" (list(entlast)(car(vxs (entlast)))) "" )
(command "_.extend"p2 "" (list (entlast) (last(vxs (entlast))) ) "" )
(command "_.extend"p3 "" (list(entlast)(car(vxs (entlast)))) "" )
(command "_.extend"p3 "" (list (entlast) (last(vxs (entlast))) ) "" )
(command "_.extend"p4 "" (list(entlast)(car(vxs (entlast)))) "" )
(command "_.extend"p4 "" (list (entlast) (last(vxs (entlast))) ) "" )
(cond ((>=(poinpl (car(vxs (entlast))) (vxs p5))0 ) ;
(command "_.trim"p4 "" (list (entlast) (last(vxs (entlast))) )"" ))
((>=(poinpl (last (vxs (entlast))) (vxs p5))0 ) ;
(command "_.trim"p4 "" (list (entlast) (car(vxs (entlast))) )"" ))
(setq i (1+ i))
(entdel p5)
(setvar "osmode" 9) (setvar "CMDECHO" 1)
) 李苹果大神 的直线多段线包围盒 DDXBWH
本帖最后由 树櫴希德 于 2019-12-31 11:27 编辑
;;; Copyright ?1999 by Autodesk, Inc.
;;; Your use of this software is governed by the terms and conditions of the
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;;; "opying of this computer program or its documentation except as
;;; permitted by this License is copyright infringement under the laws of
;;; your country.If you copy this computer program without permission of
;;; Autodesk, you are violating the law."
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;;; Software - Restricted Rights) and DFAR 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii)
;;; (Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software), as applicable.
;Extended-TRIM - cookie-cutter routine
;Select a polyline, line, circle or arc and a side to trim on
(defun pzx-extrim (na p1 / na e1 p1 redraw_it lst n )
(acet-error-init (list
(list "cmdecho" 0
"highlight" 0
"regenmode" 1
"osmode" 0
"ucsicon" 0
"offsetdist" 0
"attreq" 0
"plinewid" 0
"plinetype" 1
"gridmode" 0
"celtype" "CONTINUOUS"
"ucsfollow" 0
"limcheck" 0
T ;flag. True means use undo for error clean up.
'(if redraw_it (redraw na 4))
(princ "\nPick a POLYLINE, LINE, CIRCLE, ARC, ELLIPSE, IMAGE or TEXT for cutting edge...")
(if na
(setq e1 (entget na));;setq
(if (or (equal "TEXT" (cdr (assoc 0 e1)))
(equal "MTEXT"(cdr (assoc 0 e1)))
(equal "ATTDEF" (cdr (assoc 0 e1)))
(equal "IMAGE"(cdr (assoc 0 e1)))
(equal "INSERT" (cdr (assoc 0 e1)))
(equal "SOLID"(cdr (assoc 0 e1)))
(equal "3DFACE" (cdr (assoc 0 e1)))
(equal "TRACE"(cdr (assoc 0 e1)))
(setq lst (acet-geom-object-point-list na nil))
(setq n 0)
(command "_.pline")
(repeat (length lst)
(command (nth n lst))
(setq n (+ n 1));setq
(if (not (equal (car lst) (last lst) 0.0000001))
(command "_cl")
(command "")
(setq na (entlast)
e1 na
);progn then draw a temp pline to be the cutting edge.
(setq e1 nil)
(redraw na 3)
(setq redraw_it T)
(redraw na 4)
(setq redraw_it nil)
(if p1 (etrim na p1));if
(if e1
(if (setq p1 (acet-layer-locked (getvar "clayer")))
(command "_.layer" "_un" (getvar "clayer") "")
(entdel e1)
(if p1
(command "_.layer" "_lock" (getvar "clayer") "")
);progn then
);defun c:extrim
;Entity-TRIM function
;takes: na - entity name
;a - a point, the side to trim on
;NOTE: This function does not allow for the possible miss of
; non-continuous linetypes.
(defun etrim ( na a / la b d e1 lst lst2 n j k m ss na2 na3 na4
x y z flag flag2 flag3 zlst vpna vplocked
(setq e1 (entget na));setq
(if (or (setq flag (equal (acet-dxf 0 e1) "POLYLINE"))
(setq flag (equal (acet-dxf 0 e1) "LWPOLYLINE"))
(equal (acet-dxf 0 e1) "LINE")
(equal (acet-dxf 0 e1) "CIRCLE")
(equal (acet-dxf 0 e1) "ARC")
(equal (acet-dxf 0 e1) "ELLIPSE")
(equal (acet-dxf 0 e1) "TEXT")
(equal (acet-dxf 0 e1) "ATTDEF")
(equal (acet-dxf 0 e1) "MTEXT")
(equal (acet-dxf 0 e1) "SPLINE")
(if (and flag
(equal 8 (logand 8 (acet-dxf 70 e1)))
(setq flag nil)
(setq a (trans a 1 0)
vpna (acet-currentviewport-ename)
(acet-ucs-cmd (list "_View"))
(setq lst (acet-geom-object-point-list na nil);;;find extents of selected cutting edge object
lst (acet-geom-list-extents lst)
x (- (car (cadr lst)) (car (car lst)))
y (- (cadr (cadr lst)) (cadr (car lst)))
x (* 0.075 x)
y (* 0.075 y)
z (list x y)
x (list (+ (car (cadr lst)) (car z))
(+ (cadr (cadr lst)) (cadr z))
y (list (- (car (car lst)) (car z))
(- (cadr (car lst)) (cadr z))
zlst (zoom_2_object (list x y))
(if vpna
(setq vplocked (acet-viewport-lock-set vpna nil)) ;unlock cur viewport if needed.
(command "_.zoom" "_w" (car zlst) (cadr zlst))
(entupd na) ;;;update the ent. so it's curves display smoothly
(setq lst (acet-geom-object-point-list na
(/ (acet-geom-pixel-unit) 2.0)
(if (or (not flag)
(not (acet-geom-self-intersect lst nil))
(progn ;then the object is valid and not a self intersecting polyline.
(if (and flag
(equal (car lst) (last lst) 0.0001)
(setq flag3 T);then the polyline could potentialy need a second offset
(if (setq la (acet-layer-locked (getvar "clayer")))
(command "_.layer" "_unl" (getvar "clayer") "")
(command "_.pline")
(setq b nil)
(setq n 0);setq
(repeat (length lst)
(setq d (nth n lst))
(if (not (equal d b 0.0001))
(command d)
(setq lst2 (append lst2 (list d)));setq
(setq b d);setq
(setq n (+ n 1))
(command "")
(setqna2 (entlast)
ss (ssadd)
ss (ssadd na2 ss)
lst nil
(acet-ss-visible ss 1)
(setq lst2 (get_fence_points na2 a lst2 flag3 flag));setq
(if la
(command "_.layer" "_lock" (getvar "clayer") "")
(acet-ucs-cmd (list "_p"))
;Move the ents to force a display update of the ents to avoid viewres problems.
(setvar "highlight" 0)
(if (setq ss (ssget "_f" (last lst2)))
(command "_.move" ss "" "0,0,0" "0,0,0")
(if flag
(if (setq la (acet-layer-locked (acet-dxf 8 e1)))
(command "_.layer" "_unl" (acet-dxf 8 e1) "")
(acet-ucs-set-z (acet-dxf 210 e1))
(command "_.copy" na "" "0,0,0" "0,0,0")
;(entdel na)
(acet-ss-visible (ssadd na (ssadd)) 1);make it invisible for a while.
;rk 12:01 PM 3/10/98
(setq na3 na
na (entlast)
(command "_.pedit" na "_w" "0.0" "_x")
(acet-ucs-cmd (list "_p"))
(if la (command "_.layer" "_lock" (acet-dxf 8 e1) ""));if
(command "_.trim" na "")
(setq m (- (length lst2) 1));setq
(setq k 0)
(repeat (length lst2)
(setq lst (nth k lst2))
(setq a (trans (car lst) 0 1))
(setq n 1)
(repeat (- (length lst) 1) ;repeat each fence list
(setq b (trans (nth n lst) 0 1))
(if (equal a b 0.0001)
(setq flag2 T)
(setq flag2 nil)
(setq na4 nil);setq
(setq j 0);setq
(while (not flag2) ;repeat each segment of the fence until no new ents are created.
(setq na4 (entlast));setq
(command "_F" a b "")
(if (and (equal na4 (entlast))
(or (not (equal k m))
(> j 0)
(setq flag2 T)
(setq j (+ j 1));setq
(setq a b);setq
(setq n (+ n 1));setq
(setq k (+ k 1))
(command "")
(if flag
(if (setq la (acet-layer-locked (acet-dxf 8 e1)))
(command "_.layer" "_unl" (acet-dxf 8 e1) "")
(entdel na) ;get rid of the copy
;(entdel na3);bring back the original
(acet-ss-visible (ssadd na3 (ssadd)) 0) ;bring back the original
;rk 12:01 PM 3/10/98
(if la (command "_.layer" "_lock" (acet-dxf 8 e1) ""));if
(acet-ucs-cmd (list "_p"))
(princ "\nSelf intersecting edges are not acceptable.")
);progn else invalid self intersecting polyline
(command "_.zoom" "_p")
(if vplocked
(acet-viewport-lock-set vpna T) ;then re-lock the viewport
);progn then it's a most likely a valid entity.
);defun etrim
(defun another_offset ( pl1 pl2 a1 a2 b na2 lst2 a lst3 lst4 / na ss lst da1 da2)
(setq da1 (abs (- a2 a1)));setq
(setq da2 (- (* b (max pl2 pl1))
(/ (* b (abs (- pl2 pl1)))
(if (> (abs (- da2 da1))
(* 0.01 (max a1 a2))
(acet-pline-make (list lst2))
(setqna (entlast)
na2 (entlast)
ss (ssadd)
ss (ssadd na ss)
(acet-ss-visible ss 1)
(command "_.offset" b na2 a "")
(if (and (not (equal na (entlast)))
(setq lst3 (acet-geom-vertex-list (entlast)))
(setq lst3 (intersect_check lst2 lst3 lst4))
(acet-ss-visible (ssadd (entlast) (ssadd)) 1)
(command "_.area" "_ob" (entlast))
(setq pl2 (getvar "perimeter")
a2 (getvar "area")
(setq lst (list (acet-geom-vertex-list (list (entlast) 0))));setq
(entdel (entlast));then offset was a success so delete the ent after getting it's info
);progn then
(if (not (equal na (entlast))) (entdel (entlast)));if else
(entdel na2)
);progn then let's do that second offset
);defun another_offset
(defun get_fence_points ( na2 a lst2 flag plflag / a1 a2 pl1 pl2 b c d n
lst lst2 lst3 lst4 na
(if flag
(setq lst2 (cdr lst2));setq
(repeat (fix (/ (length lst2) 2))
(setq lst2 (append (cdr lst2) (list (car lst2)));append
(setq lst2 (append lst2 (list (car lst2))));setq
(command "_.area" "_ob" na2)
(setq pl1 (getvar "perimeter")
a1 (getvar "area")
(setq a (trans a 0 1)
b (* (getvar "viewsize") 0.05);initial offset distance
n 3.0 ;number of offsets
d (/ b (- n 1)) ;delta offset
c (acet-geom-pixel-unit)
lst4 (acet-geom-view-points)
(while (> b c)
(setq na (entlast))
(command "_.offset" b na2 a "")
(if (and (not (equal na (entlast)))
(setq lst3 (acet-geom-vertex-list (entlast)))
(or (not plflag)
(setq lst3 (intersect_check lst2 lst3 lst4))
(setq lst3 (acet-geom-m-trans lst3 1 0))
(acet-ss-visible (ssadd (entlast) (ssadd)) 1)
(if flag
(command "_.area" "_ob" (entlast))
(setq pl2 (getvar "perimeter")
a2 (getvar "area")
(setq lst (append lst (list lst3)));setq
(entdel (entlast));delete the ent after getting it's vertex info
(if flag
(setq lst (append lst
(another_offset pl1 pl2 a1 a2 b na2 lst2 a lst3 lst4)
);progn then offset was a success
(if (not (equal na (entlast))) (entdel (entlast)));if else
(setq b (- b d));setq
(setq na (entlast))
(command "_.offset" c na2 a "")
(if (and (not (equal na (entlast)))
(setq lst3 (acet-geom-vertex-list (entlast)))
(or (not plflag)
(setq lst3 (intersect_check lst2 lst3 lst4))
(setq lst3 (acet-geom-m-trans lst3 1 0))
(acet-ss-visible (ssadd (entlast) (ssadd)) 1)
(if flag
(command "_.area" "_ob" (entlast))
(setq pl2 (getvar "perimeter")
a2 (getvar "area")
(setq lst (append lst (list lst3)));setq
(entdel (entlast));then offset was a success so delete the ent after getting it's info
(if flag
(setq lst (append lst
(another_offset pl1 pl2 a1 a2 c na2 lst2 a lst3 lst4)
);progn then
(if (not (equal na (entlast))) (entdel (entlast)));if else
(entdel na2)
);defun get_fence_points
;returns a list of points on screen if the first two lists do not
;contain segments that intersect each other.
(defun intersect_check ( lst lst2 lst3 / x x2 y y2 lst4 flag len len2
a aa b bb c d n j)
(setqlen (length lst)
len2 (length lst2)
x (car (car lst3))
x2 (car (cadr lst3))
y (cadr (car lst3))
y2 (cadr (cadr lst3))
(setq n 0);setq
(while (and (not flag)
(< (+ n 1) len2)
(setq aa (nth n lst2)
bb (nth (+ n 1) lst2)
a (bns_truncate_2_view aa bb x y x2 y2)
b (bns_truncate_2_view bb aa x y x2 y2)
lst4 (append lst4 (list a))
(if (or (not (equal a aa))
(not (equal b bb))
(setq lst4 (append lst4 (list b)))
(setq j 0);setq
(while (and (not flag)
(< (+ j 1) len)
(setq c (nth j lst)
d (nth (+ j 1) lst)
flag (inters a b c d)
(setq j (+ j 1));setq
(setq n (+ n 1));setq
(if (not (equal b (last lst4)))
(setq lst4 (append lst4 (list b)));setq
(if (not flag)
(setq flag lst4)
(setq flag nil)
);defun intersect_check
(defun zoom_2_object ( lst / p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 mp dx dy dx2 dy2
r1 r2 na e1 x w h dv1 dv2 x
(setqlst (acet-geom-m-trans lst 1 2)
p1 (acet-geom-m-trans (acet-geom-view-points) 1 2) ;p1 and p2 are the viewpnts
p2 (cadr p1)
p1 (car p1)
p1 (list (car p1) (cadr p1))
p2 (list (car p2) (cadr p2))
(if lst
(setq p5 (acet-geom-list-extents lst) ;p5 and p6 are the geometry points
p6 (cadr p5)
p5 (car p5)
p5 (list (car p5) (cadr p5))
p6 (list (car p6) (cadr p6))
mp (acet-geom-midpoint p5 p6) ;prepare to resize the geometry rectang to
dx (- (car p2) (car p1)) ;have the same dy/dx ratio as p1 p2.
dy (- (cadr p2) (cadr p1))
dx2 (- (car p6) (car p5))
dy2 (- (cadr p6) (cadr p5))
(if (equal dx 0.0)(setq dx 0.000001));just in case div by zero
(if (equal dx2 0.0) (setq dx2 0.000001))
(setq r1 (/ dy dx)
r2 (/ dy2 dx2)
(if (< r2 r1)
(setq dy2 (* r1 dx2));then scale dy2 up
(if (equal r1 0.0)(setq r1 0.000001));just in case div by zero
(setq dx2 (* dy2 (/ 1.0 r1)));else scale dx2 up
(setq p5 (list (- (car mp) (/ dx2 1.98)) ;1.98 is used instead of 2.0 to expand
(- (cadr mp) (/ dy2 1.98));the rectangle slightly
p6 (list (+ (car mp) (/ dx2 1.98))
(+ (cadr mp) (/ dy2 1.98))
);progn then lst
(if (and lst
(equal 0 (getvar "tilemode"))
(not (equal 1 (getvar "cvport")))
(setq na (acet-currentviewport-ename))
(setqe1 (entget na)
x (cdr (assoc 10 e1))
w (cdr (assoc 40 e1))
h (cdr (assoc 41 e1))
p3 (list (- (car x) (/ w 2.0))
(- (cadr x) (/ h 2.0))
p4 (list (+ (car x) (/ w 2.0))
(+ (cadr x) (/ h 2.0))
p3 (trans p3 3 2) ;p3 and p4 are the viewport points
p4 (trans p4 3 2)
dv1 (acet-geom-delta-vector p1 p3)
dv2 (acet-geom-delta-vector p2 p4)
x (distance p1 p2)
(if (equal 0 x) (setq x 0.000001));just in case
(setq x (/ (distance p5 p6)
dv1 (acet-geom-vector-scale dv1 x)
dv2 (acet-geom-vector-scale dv2 x)
p5 (acet-geom-vector-add p5 dv1)
p6 (acet-geom-vector-add p6 dv2)
);progn then
(setq p1 (list (car p1) (cadr p1) 0.0)
p2 (list (car p2) (cadr p2) 0.0)
p5 (list (car p5) (cadr p5) 0.0)
p6 (list (car p6) (cadr p6) 0.0)
(if lst
(setq lst (list (trans p5 2 1)
(trans p6 2 1)
(setq lst nil)
);defun zoom_2_object
(defun LM:outline (sel / LM:ssboundingboxapp
are box cmd dis enl
ent lst obj rtn tmp
(defun LM:ssboundingbox (s / a b i m n o)
(repeat (setq i (sslength s))
(setq o (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname s (setq i (1- i)))))
(vlax-method-applicable-p o 'getboundingbox)
(vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-getboundingbox (list o 'a 'b))
(setq m (cons (vlax-safearray->list a) m)
n (cons (vlax-safearray->list b) n)
(if(and m n)
(mapcar '(lambda (a b) (apply 'mapcar (cons a b)))
'(min max)
(list m n)
(if (setq box (LM:ssboundingbox sel))
(setq app(vlax-get-acad-object)
dis(/ (apply 'distance box) 20.0)
lst(mapcar'(lambda (a o) (mapcar o a (list dis dis)))
'(- +)
are(apply '* (apply 'mapcar (cons '- (reverse lst))))
dis(* dis 1.5)
'((000 . "LWPOLYLINE")
(100 . "AcDbEntity")
(100 . "AcDbPolyline")
(090 . 4)
(070 . 1)
(mapcar '(lambda (x)
(cons 10 (mapcar '(lambda (y) ((eval y) lst)) x))
'((caar cadar)
(caadr cadar)
(caadr cadadr)
(caar cadadr)
(vl-list* app
(mapcar '(lambda (a o) (mapcar o a (list dis dis 0.0)))
'(- +)
(setq cmd(getvar 'cmdecho)
(while (setq tmp (entnext enl)) (setq enl tmp))
(setvar 'cmdecho 0)
(trans (mapcar '- (car box) (list (/ dis 3.0) (/ dis 3.0)))
(while (< 0 (getvar 'cmdactive)) (command ""))
(entdel ent)
(while (setq enl (entnext enl))
(if (and (vlax-property-available-p
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object enl))
(equal (vla-get-area obj) are 1e-4)
(entdel enl)
(ssadd enl rtn)
(vla-zoomprevious app)
(setvar 'cmdecho cmd)
(defun PoInPl(pt lst / i p1 p2 an anl ret)
(setq i -1 p1 (last lst))
(while(and(not ret)(setq p2(nth(setq i(1+ i))lst)))
(cond((equal p2 pt 1e-6)(setq ret t))
(t(setq an(-(angle pt p1)(angle pt p2)))
(if(equal pi(abs an) 1e-6)
(setq ret t)
(setq anl(cons(rem an PI)anl)))))
(setq p1 p2))
(cond(ret 0);线上;
(t(if(equal PI(abs(apply'+ anl))1e-6)1 -1))))
(defun vxs(e / p a b n ob q et d d1 en et)
(setq a(entget e)ob(vlax-ename->vla-object e)et(cdr(assoc 0 a))n 0 p nil d nil)
(repeat(length a)(setq b (nth n a) n (+ n 1))
(if (= 10 (car b))(progn
(setq q(list (cadr b) (caddr b))d1(vlax-curve-getDistAtPoint ob q))
(if p (if (not(member d1 d)) (setq p (append p (list q))d (append d (list d1))))
(setq p (list q)))))))
(SETQ q (CDR (ASSOC 10 EN))d1(vlax-curve-getDistAtPoint ob q)q(reverse(cdr(reverse q))))
(if p(if (not(member d1 d)) (setq p (append p (list q))d (append d (list d1))))(setq p(list q)))
(setq p(reverse p))))P)
(defun c:dmfc (/ zxbl pt p1 p2 p3 p4fchd lst gcz nn i ssp5 ssa);
(setq fchd (getreal "\n请输入回填土压实后厚度(一般0.25米) :"))
(setq zxbl (getint "\n请输入断面纵向比例 1 :"))
(setq pt (getpoint "\n请点击横断面图上96区顶中桩位置 :"))
(setq p1 (car(entsel "\n请选择96区顶横断面多段线:")))
(setq p2 (car(entsel "\n请选择左边坡断面多段线:")))
(setq p3 (car(entsel "\n请选择右边坡横断面多段线:")))
(setq p4 (car(entsel "\n请选择原地面横断面多段线:")))
(setq ss(ssadd)) (ssadd p1 ss)(ssadd p2 ss)(ssadd p3 ss)(ssadd p4 ss)
(LM:outline ss ) (setq p5 (entlast))
(setq lst (vl-sort (vxs p4)(function (lambda (e1 e2) (< (cadr e1) (cadr e2))))))
(setq gcz (* (- (cadr pt)(cadr(car lst))) (/ zxbl 1000.000)))
(setq nn (fix (/ gcz fchd)))
(setq i 0) (setvar "osmode" 16384) (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
(repeat(- nn 1)
(command "_.copy" p1 "" pt (polar pt (* 1.5 pi ) (/ (* fchd (+ i 1)) (/ zxbl 1000.000)) ) "" )
(command "_.extend"p2 "" (list(entlast)(car(vxs (entlast)))) "" )
(command "_.extend"p2 "" (list (entlast) (last(vxs (entlast))) ) "" )
(command "_.extend"p3 "" (list(entlast)(car(vxs (entlast)))) "" )
(command "_.extend"p3 "" (list (entlast) (last(vxs (entlast))) ) "" )
(command "_.extend"p4 "" (list(entlast)(car(vxs (entlast)))) "" )
(command "_.extend"p4 "" (list (entlast) (last(vxs (entlast))) ) "" )
(setq i (1+ i))
)(setvar "osmode" 16384) (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
;(TrimByFence0 (GetListOfPline0 p5))
;(entdel p5)
(pzx-extrim p5(polar pt (* 0.5 pi ) (/ (* fchd 3) (/ zxbl 1000.000)) ) )
(setvar "osmode" 9) (setvar "CMDECHO" 1)
) 树櫴希德 发表于 2019-12-30 22:21
非常棒的创新。。。。。。。 大神你好,我不会lisp,我一直用的VBA,我也想做一个CAD提取分层线信息到Excel以便于参与水准以及坐标的计算的小插件,现在我遇到的问题是没办法再次延伸或者剪切掉重新生成的多段线,卡住了,如果用纯数学的方式判断有点复杂。能帮我看看吗?我的代码如下:Sub zcx()
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim ch As Double
ch = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetReal("请输入层厚:")
Dim pt1 As Variant
Dim ptn(0 To 2) As Double
Dim jgc As AcadLWPolyline
Dim zbp As Object
Dim ybp As Object
Dim dmx As Object
ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity jgc, pt1, "拾取结构层线(确保其为一根多段线):"
ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity zbp, pt1, "拾取左边坡:"
ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity ybp, pt1, "拾取右边坡:"
ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity dmx, pt1, "拾取地面线:"
Dim zbpjd As Variant
Dim ybpjd As Variant
Dim dmjd As Variant
Dim fcx() As Double
Dim fch As Integer '分层的层号,从上到下为负1...负N层(倒数第一至倒数第N层)
j = 1
For i = 1 To (UBound(jgc.Coordinates) + 1) Step 2
ReDim Preserve fcx(1 To (UBound(jgc.Coordinates) + 1))
fcx(j) = jgc.Coordinates(i - 1)
fcx(j + 1) = jgc.Coordinates(i) - ch
j = j + 2
Next i
Set jgc = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLightWeightPolyline(fcx)
zbpjd = jgc.IntersectWith(zbp, acExtendThisEntity)
ybpjd = jgc.IntersectWith(ybp, acExtendThisEntity)
dmjd = jgc.IntersectWith(dmx, acExtendThisEntity)
End Sub
有挡墙的路基,选择起来更复杂,判断也比较复杂,路肩墙桩板墙或者路堤墙还要与边坡判断,我已经放弃了。谢谢 群主可以出一个工具箱了, 好像写过一个提取到表的 楼主问啥每次发帖 后面都要带个问号?
填方路基横断面自动分层? 树櫴希德 发表于 2019-12-30 22:21