本人在学习《AutoCADVBA&VB.NET开发基础与实例教程》一书中编写代码实现有一点问题。关键对于动态数组的实现有一点问题,图形的实现效果也与书中不同,本人希望能得到大佬的指点一下。因书中的模块都会在后面用到,所以希望能解决一下。attach://110663.dvb 本帖最后由 cadlearner 于 2020-9-7 10:29 编辑
sgwsssxm 发表于 2020-9-7 00:18
If i Mod 2 = 0 Then
point(0) = centerpoint(0) + radius * Sin((i / 2) * sideAngle)
verts. ...
这就是m_bFirstItem的问题了,我说的两个地方都改了,最后显示效果才能对上。 Option Explicit
Private m_verts() As Double
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
ReDim m_verts(1)
Dim m_bFirstItem As Boolean
m_bFirstItem = True
End Sub
Public Function Append(ByVal point As Variant)
Debug.Assert (VarType(point) = vbArray + vbDouble)
Debug.Assert (UBound(point) >= 1)
Dim m_bFirstItem As Boolean
If (m_bFirstItem) Then
m_bFirstItem = False
ReDim Preserve m_verts(UBound(m_verts) + 2)
End If
m_verts(UBound(m_verts) - 1) = point(0)
m_verts(UBound(m_verts)) = point(1)
End Function
Public Function InsertAt(ByVal i As Integer, ByVal point As Variant) As Boolean
Debug.Assert (VarType(point) = vbArray + vbDouble)
Debug.Assert (UBound(point) >= 1)
Dim m_bFirstItem As Boolean
If (m_bFirstItem) Then
If (i = 0) Then
m_verts(0) = point(0)
m_verts(1) = point(1)
m_bFirstItem = False
InsertAt = False
Exit Function
End If
If (i < 0 Or i > GetCount()) Then
InsertAt = False
Exit Function
ReDim Preserve m_verts(UBound(m_verts) + 2)
If (i <> GetCount()) Then
Dim j As Integer
For j = UBound(m_verts) To (i + 1) * 2 Step -1
m_verts(j) = m_verts(j - 2)
Next j
End If
m_verts(i * 2) = point(0)
m_verts(i * 2 + 1) = point(1)
InsertAt = True
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function GetCount() As Integer
Dim m_bFirstItem As Boolean
If (m_bFirstItem) Then
GetCount = 0
GetCount = (UBound(m_verts) + 1) / 2
End If
End Function
Public Function RemoveLast() As Boolean
Dim m_bFirstItem As Boolean
If (GetCount() > 1) Then
ReDim Preserve m_verts(UBound(m_verts) - 2)
RemoveLast = True
ElseIf (GetCount() = 1) Then
m_verts(0) = 0
m_verts(1) = 0
RemoveLast = True
m_bFirstItem = True
RemoveLast = True
End If
End Function
Public Function RemoveAt(ByVal i As Integer) As Boolean
If (i < 0 Or i > GetCount() - 1) Then
RemoveAt = False
Exit Function
If (i <> GetCount() - 1) Then
Dim j As Integer
For j = i * 2 To UBound(m_verts) - 2
m_verts(j) = m_verts(j + 2)
Next j
End If
If (GetCount() = 1) Then
m_verts(0) = 0
m_verts(1) = 0
m_bFirstItem = True
ReDim Preserve m_verts(UBound(m_verts) - 2)
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function SetPoints(ByVal points As Variant) As Boolean
Debug.Assert (VarType(points) = vbArray + vbDouble)
Debug.Assert (UBound(points) Mod 2 = 1)
ReDim m_verts(UBound(points))
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To UBound(points)
m_verts(i) = points(i)
Next i
End Function
Public Function GetAt(ByVal i As Integer, ByRef point As Variant) As Boolean
If (i < 0 Or i > GetCount() - 1) Then
GetAt = False
Exit Function
Dim vert(0 To 1) As Double
SetPoint2d vert, m_verts(i * 2), m_verts(i * 2 + 1)
point = vert
GetAt = True
End If
End Function
Public Function SetAt(ByVal i As Integer, ByVal point As Variant) As Boolean
Debug.Assert (VarType(point) = vbArray + vbDouble)
Debug.Assert (UBound(point) = 1)
If (GetCount() = 0) Then
SetAt = False
Exit Function
If (i < 0 Or i > GetCount() - 1) Then
SetAt = False
Exit Function
m_verts(i * 2) = point(0)
m_verts(i * 2 + 1) = point(1)
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function ToArray() As Variant
ToArray = m_verts
End Function
Public Function AddPolygon(ByVal centerpoint As Variant, ByVal sideCount As Double, ByVal radius As Double, Optional width As Double = 0, Optional angle As Double = 0) As AcadLWPolyline
Dim math As New clsmath
Dim sideAngle As Double
sideAngle = (2 * math.PI()) / sideCount
Dim verts As New cls2dPointArray
Dim i As Integer
Dim point(0 To 1) As Double
For i = 0 To 2 * (sideCount - 1)
If i Mod 2 = 0 Then
point(0) = centerpoint(0) + radius * Sin((i / 2) * sideAngle)
verts.Append point
point(1) = centerpoint(1) + radius * Cos((i / 2) * sideAngle)
End If
Next i
Set AddPolygon = AddLWPolyline(verts.ToArray(), True, width)
AddPolygon.Rotate centerpoint, angle
End Function 这个代码应该相当简单,请直接把代码以代码方式贴出来方便别人查看。
回到问题本身,这个程序相当简单,既然是图形错误,估计就是坐标错误导致,自己先检查下坐标值。 Public Sub CreatePolygon()
Dim centerpoint(0 To 2) As Double
SetPoint3d centerpoint, 0, 0, 0
Dim mSpace As New clsModelSpace
mSpace.AddPolygon centerpoint, 6, 50
End Sub
Public Function SetPoint3d(ByRef point As Variant, ByVal x As Double, ByVal y As Double, ByVal z As Double)
Debug.Assert (VarType(point) = vbArray + vbDouble)
Debug.Assert (LBound(point) = 0 And UBound(point) = 2)
point(0) = x
point(1) = y
point(2) = z
End Function
Public Function AddLeaderByPolyline(ByVal startPoint As Variant, ByVal endPoint As Variant, Optional widthScale As Double = 0.3) As AcadLWPolyline
Debug.Assert (VarType(startPoint) = vbArray + vbDouble)
Debug.Assert (VarType(endPoint) = vbArray + vbDouble)
Debug.Assert (UBound(startPoint) = 1)
Debug.Assert (UBound(endPoint) = 1)
Dim verts As New cls2dPointArray
verts.Append startPoint
verts.Append endPoint
Set AddLeaderByPolyline = AddLWPolyline(verts.ToArray())
Dim length As Double
Dim math As New clsmath
length = math.GetDistanceBetween2Point(startPoint, endPoint)
AddLeaderByPolyline.SetWidth 0, length * widthScale, 0
End Function
Public Function AddLWPolyline(ByVal verts As Variant, Optional closed As Boolean = False, Optional width As Double = 0) As AcadLWPolyline
Debug.Assert (VarType(verts) = vbArray + vbDouble)
Debug.Assert (UBound(verts) > 2 And UBound(verts) Mod 2 = 1)
Set AddLWPolyline = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLightWeightPolyline(verts)
If (closed) Then
AddLWPolyline.closed = True
End If
AddLWPolyline.ConstantWidth = width
End Function cadlearner 发表于 2020-9-4 13:26
Public Function AddPolygon(ByVal centerpoint As Variant, ByVal sideCount As Double, ByVal radius A ...
If i Mod 2 = 0 Then
point(0) = centerpoint(0) + radius * Sin((i / 2) * sideAngle)
verts.Append point
point(1) = centerpoint(1) + radius * Cos((i / 2) * sideAngle)
End If
If i Mod 2 = 0 Then
point(0) = centerpoint(0) + radius * Cos((i / 2) * sideAngle)
point(1) = centerpoint(1) + radius * Sin((i / 2) * sideAngle)
verts.Append point
End If
你的 Sin 和 Cos 弄反了,至于你为什么用 i Mod 2 = 0 取偶数,再把 i/2 就看不出来你要干什么了。 cadlearner 发表于 2020-9-4 13:30
Option Explicit
Private m_verts() As Double
Private m_verts() As Double
Private m_bFirstItem As Boolean
再把所有 Dim m_bFirstItem As Boolean 删除,全局变量要放在公共的位置,局部变量就算命名一样,也是互相独立、互不影响的。