我想在插入某个对象时,获得这个对象,并判定是否是一个特定的对象如块名是“aaa”,想用反应器来实现,但是vlr-insert-reactor 并不启作用,我检索了这个问题,网络上关于这个应用的案例非常少,并找到了一个英文网站,一个网友有我一样的疑问,我希望能采用这个反应器来获得插入的对象。这个反应器怎么不起作用了,还是我哪里理解错了,它的正确用法是怎样的呢,希望各位版主和高手都能给个回复,万分感谢。代码如下:;;;=======创建insert反应器*at_inst_reactor*及回调函数==============================
(defun at_inst_reactor ()
(if (not *instReactor*)
(setq *instReactor*
'((:vlr-beginInsert . inst-begin)
(:vlr-endInsert . inst-ended)
(defun inst-begin (reactor-object parameterlist)
(princ "inst-begin<")
(vl-princ-to-string parameterlist)
(princ ">\n")
(defun inst-ended (reactor-object parameterlist)
(princ "inst-ended<")
(vl-princ-to-string parameterlist)
(princ ">\n")
英文网站的问题如下:why does vlr-insert-reactor doesn't work? (augi.com)
why does vlr-insert-reactor doesn't work?I want do some thing when a block was been inserted into autocad,so I make a reactor like this:
(vlr-insert-reactor nil '((:vlr-endinsert . vlr-trace-reaction)))
but it doesn't work when I have inserted any block. It seems like this reactor was never exsited.
Hope you can help me. Thanks.============================================Re: why does vlr-insert-reactor doesn't work?Welcome to AUGI and congrats on your first post.
I have always used a command reactor for causing commands to fire when inserting a block.
(if (not Command_Ending_Reactor) (setq Command_Ending_Reactor (vlr-command-reactor nil '((:vlr-commandended . Command_Ended_Command ) ) ) ;_ end of vlr-command-reactor ) ;_ end of setq () ;_ the reactor is already loaded ) ;_ end of if
then I define my command ended command with the in reactor name and the in command, and compare the in command to the command I am looking for, in your case "insert" or "-insert" If it matches, it will run the program.
这个是我用错了,还是CAD版本的问题了,我的版本是autocad 机械版 2021.各位高手,看看哪里错了,折腾好几天,搜罗了好几天,没招到答案。 (defun blkstarted (reac data)
(if (wcmatch (car data) "INSERT")
(alert "INSERT"))
(defun blkended (reac data)
(if (wcmatch (car data) "INSERT")
(alert "hh INSERT"))
"My Reactor"
'((:VLR-commandWillStart . blkstarted)
(:VLR-commandEnded . blkended)
jun353835273 发表于 2023-10-3 21:23
这个只是知道了用了INSERT命令,这个不知道是否插入了特定的块对象。还需要检测到这个命令后,去检测文档数据是否插入了新的指定对象,这个比较麻烦。 我使用CTRL+V,时,好像触发了:vlr-endInsert事件,难道这个inset-reactor,在插入对象时不启用?可能是真没有理解这个反应器的应用。 只要用到了反应器,所有代码尽可能多用vl-catch-all-apply,否则,各种奇葩问题