本帖最后由 尘缘一生 于 2024-7-20 06:17 编辑这个功能忘记那几个帖子了,就不贴上了,搜索没找到。
;;Modify bySLdesign V3.0QQ:15290049 2024年7月20号
(defun c:txpp (/ *error* dcf dch dcl des l l2 ss lis lisf tgassoc tgswitch dokeysys obj tmpl nam1 str fi)
((= $Lgver 1)
(setq l2
("TextColor" "文字颜色")
("TextStyle" "文字样式")
("TEXT" "标注文字")
("DrawingLabel" "图纸编号")
("ScaleText" "比例文字")
("ImageWidth" "图像宽度")
("ImageHeight" "图像高度")
("TextHeight" "文字高度")
("ToleranceUpperLimit" "上 公 差")
("ToleranceLowerLimit" "下 公 差")
("TextRotation" "文字角度")
("ArrowheadType" "箭头样式")
("EffectiveName" "*块")
("Diameter" "*直径")
("Radius" "*半径")
("AssociativeHatch" "*填充")
("Color" "颜色")
("Layer" "图层")
("LineType" "线型")
("LinetypeScale" "线型比例")
("Lineweight" "线宽")
("ConstantWidth" "整体线宽")
("EntityTransparency" "透明度")
("Material" "材质")
("Rotation" "旋转")
("TextString" "文本内容")
("StyleName" "字体样式")
("Width" "宽度")
("Height" "高度")
("ScaleFactor" "宽高比")
("AttachmentPoint" "多行文字附着点")
("BackgroundFill" "多行文字遮罩")
("LineSpacingFactor" "多行文字行间距")
("LineSpacingStyle" "多行文字间距样式")
("XEffectiveScaleFactor" "块X方向有效比例")
("XScaleFactor" "块X比例")
("YEffectiveScaleFactor" "块Y方向有效比例")
("YScaleFactor" "块Y比例")
("ZEffectiveScaleFactor" "块Z方向有效比例")
("ZScaleFactor" "块Z比例")
((= $Lgver 2) ;繁体版
(setq l2
("TextColor" "ゅ肅︹")
("TextStyle" "ゅ妓Α")
("TEXT" "夹猔ゅ")
("DrawingLabel" "瓜絪腹")
("ScaleText" "ゑㄒゅ")
("ImageWidth" "瓜钩糴")
("ImageHeight" "瓜钩蔼")
("TextHeight" "ゅ蔼")
("ToleranceUpperLimit" " そ 畉")
("ToleranceLowerLimit" " そ 畉")
("TextRotation" "ゅà")
("ArrowheadType" "絙繷妓Α")
("EffectiveName" "*遏")
("Diameter" "*畖")
("Radius" "*畖")
("AssociativeHatch" "*恶")
("Color" "肅︹")
("Layer" "瓜糷")
("LineType" "絬")
("LinetypeScale" "絬ゑㄒ")
("Lineweight" "絬糴")
("ConstantWidth" "俱砰絬糴")
("EntityTransparency" "硓")
("Material" "借")
("Rotation" "臂锣")
("TextString" "ゅセず甧")
("StyleName" "砰妓Α")
("Width" "糴")
("Height" "蔼")
("ScaleFactor" "糴蔼ゑ")
("AttachmentPoint" "︽ゅ帝翴")
("BackgroundFill" "︽ゅ綛竛")
("LineSpacingFactor" "︽ゅ︽丁禯")
("LineSpacingStyle" "︽ゅ丁禯妓Α")
("XEffectiveScaleFactor" "遏XよΤゑㄒ")
("XScaleFactor" "遏Xゑㄒ")
("YEffectiveScaleFactor" "遏YよΤゑㄒ")
("YScaleFactor" "遏Yゑㄒ")
("ZEffectiveScaleFactor" "遏ZよΤゑㄒ")
("ZScaleFactor" "遏Zゑㄒ")
((= $Lgver 3)
(setq l2
("TextColor" "TextColor")
("TextStyle" "TextStyle")
("DrawingLabel" "DrawingLabel")
("ScaleText" "ScaleText")
("ImageWidth" "ImageWidth")
("ImageHeight" "ImageHeight")
("TextHeight" "TextHeight")
("ToleranceUpperLimit" "ToleranceUpperLimit")
("ToleranceLowerLimit" "ToleranceLowerLimit")
("TextRotation" "TextRotation")
("ArrowheadType" "ArrowheadType")
("EffectiveName" "*EffectiveName")
("Diameter" "*Diameter")
("Radius" "*Radius")
("AssociativeHatch" "*AssociativeHatch")
("Color" "Color")
("Layer" "Layer")
("LineType" "LineType")
("LinetypeScale" "LinetypeScale")
("Lineweight" "Lineweight")
("ConstantWidth" "ConstantWidth")
("EntityTransparency" "EntityTransparency")
("Material" "Material")
("Rotation" "Rotation")
("TextString" "TextString")
("StyleName" "StyleName")
("Width" "Width")
("Height" "Height")
("ScaleFactor" "ScaleFactor")
("AttachmentPoint" "AttachmentPoint")
("BackgroundFill" "BackgroundFill")
("LineSpacingFactor" "LineSpacingFactor")
("LineSpacingStyle" "LineSpacingStyle")
("XEffectiveScaleFactor" "XEffectiveScaleFactor")
("XScaleFactor" "XScaleFactor")
("YEffectiveScaleFactor" "YEffectiveScaleFactor")
("YScaleFactor" "YScaleFactor")
("ZEffectiveScaleFactor" "ZEffectiveScaleFactor")
("ZScaleFactor" "ZScaleFactor")
;切换关联器 - 将切换值(0 或 1)与符号值(nil 或 T):
(defun tgassoc (keyorval) (cadr (assoc keyorval '((nil "0") (T "1") ("0" nil) ("1" T)))))
;切换开关 - 切换切换的值
(defun tgswitch (key) (set_tile key (cadr (assoc (get_tile key) '(("0" "1") ("1" "0"))))))
(defun dokeysys (ss l / i o nam tp d)
(repeat (setq i (sslength ss))
(setq o (en2obj (setq nam (ssname ss (setq i (1- i))))))
(lambda (x)
(setq tp (car x) d (cadr x))
((= tp "Color")
(slchcol (ssadd nam) d)
(= tp "TextString")
(/= (vlax-property-available-p o "TextString") nil)
(chzi-enam nam d)
(= tp "Height")
(/= (vlax-property-available-p o "Height") nil)
(ss-ch-z-hi (ssadd nam) d (cadr (grread 5)))
((and (= tp "ConstantWidth") (> d 0)) ;线宽
(gx (ssadd nam) d)
((= tp "EffectiveName") ;块作拷贝
(vla-move (vla-copy obj) (vlax-3D-point (e-mid nam1)) (vlax-3D-point (e-mid nam)))
(entdel nam)
((= tp "AssociativeHatch") ;填充
(if (vl-catch-all-error-p (vl-catch-all-apply '(lambda () (command "_MATCHPROP" nam1 nam ""))))
(entmod (emod (emod (emod (emod (emod nam 2 (dxf1 nam1 2)) 52 (angle-sharp (dxf1 nam1 52))) 41 (dxf1 nam1 41)) 62 (dxf1 nam1 62)) 8 (dxf1 nam1 8)))
(t (vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-put (list o tp d)))
(defun *error* (ms)
(and (< 0 dch) (unload_dialog dch))
(and (eq 'FILE (type des)) (close des))
(and (eq 'STR (type dcl)) (findfile dcl) (vl-file-delete dcl))
(and ms (or (wcmatch (strcase ms) "*BREAK,*CANCEL*,*EXIT*") (princ (strcat "\n Error:" ms))))
(setvar 'errno 0)
(while (/= 52 (getvar 'errno))
(setq nam1 (car (entsel (slmsg "\n 选择源对象:" "\n 腢埭?砓:" "\n Select Source Object:"))))
((= 7 (getvar 'errno)) (princ (slmsg "\n 错误,重试!" "\n 岿粇,刚!" "\n Error, retry!")) (setvar 'errno 0))
(nam1 (setq obj (en2obj nam1)) (setvar 'errno 52))
(setq l
(apply 'append
(lambda (x)
(vlax-property-available-p obj x)
(not (member x '("Color" "ConstantWidth" "TextString")))
(list (list x (vlax-get obj x))) ;(vlax-get (en2obj (car(entsel))) "ScaleFactor")
((= x "TextString")
(list (list x (getstr nam1)))
((= x "Color")
(list (list x (sl-getcolor nam1)))
((= x "ConstantWidth") ;线宽
(list (list x (linwind nam1)))
'("Color" "Layer" "LineType" "LinetypeScale" "Lineweight" "ConstantWidth" "EffectiveName" "Diameter" "Radius" "AssociativeHatch"
"EntityTransparency" "Material" "Rotation" "TextString" "StyleName" "Width" "Height" "ScaleFactor"
"AttachmentPoint" "BackgroundFill" "LineSpacingDistance" "LineSpacingFactor" "LineSpacingStyle"
"XEffectiveScaleFactor" "XScaleFactor" "YEffectiveScaleFactor" "YScaleFactor" "ZEffectiveScaleFactor" "ZScaleFactor"
"TextColor" "TextStyle" "TEXT" "DrawingLabel" "ScaleText" "ImageWidth" "ImageHeight" "TextHeight" "ToleranceUpperLimit" "ToleranceLowerLimit"
"TextRotation" "ArrowheadType"
fi (strcat sl-path0 "\\support\\" "txpp.ini")
;取得样本obj VLA特性表 如下ConstantWidth
;(("Color" 256) ("Layer" "510") ("LineType" "ByLayer") ("LinetypeScale" 1.0) ("Lineweight" -1) ("EntityTransparency" "ByLayer")
;("Material" "ByLayer") ("Rotation" 0.0) ("TextString"; "圆管300X7") ("StyleName" "Standard") ("Height" 2.5))
((progn (and (setq ss (cadr (ssgetfirst))) (sssetfirst nil nil)) nil))
(while (not (member dcf '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12)))
(*error* nil)
(if l
(setq lis (xl-div l (fix (* 0.4 (length l)))) lisf '()) ;分组
(while lis
(setq lisf
":tile {}"
(apply 'strcat
(lambda (x)
(strcat ":toggle{label=\"" (cadr (assoc (car x) l2)) "\"; key=\"" (car x) "\";value=" (if (readkey fi (car x)) "1" "0") ";}")
(car lis)
(setq lis (cdr lis))
((not ;连续重写并重新加载对话框
(and (setq dcl (vl-filename-mktemp nil nil ".dcl")) (setq des (open dcl "w"))
(vl-every (function (lambda (x) (write-line x des)))
"{label=\"三领设计 V3.0 匹配特性\";"
"{label=\"烩砞璸 V3.0 で皌疭┦\";"
"{label=\"Sldesign V3.0 Matching characteristics\";"
(slmsg "label=\"单项匹配\";" "label=\"虫兜で皌\";" "label=\"Single item matching\";")
(strcat ":button {label=\"" (slmsg "文字内容" "ゅず甧" "Text Content") "\"; key=\"txtstr\";}")
(strcat ":button {label=\"" (slmsg "文字高度" "ゅ蔼" "Text Height") "\"; key=\"txth\";}")
(strcat ":button {label=\"" (slmsg "文字角度" "ゅà" "Text Ang") "\"; key=\"txta\";}")
(strcat ":button {label=\"" (slmsg "字体样式" "砰妓Α" "Text Style") "\"; key=\"txtsty\";}")
(strcat ":button {label=\"" (slmsg "宽 高 比" "糴 蔼 ゑ" "ScaleFactor") "\"; key=\"txt41\";}")
(strcat ":button {label=\"" (slmsg "颜色" "肅︹" "Colour") "\"; key=\"kcol\";}")
(strcat ":button {label=\"" (slmsg "图层" "瓜糷" "Layer") "\"; key=\"klay\";}")
(strcat ":button {label=\"" (slmsg "线宽" "絬糴" "linwidth") "\"; key=\"klw\";}")
(strcat ":button {label=\"" (slmsg "线型" "絬" "Linetype") "\"; key=\"klt\";}")
(strcat ":button {label=\"" (slmsg "线比" "絬ゑ" "LinetypeScale") "\"; key=\"klsc\";}")
(slmsg "label=\"组合匹配\";" "label=\"舱で皌\";" "label=\"Combination matching\";")
(strcat ":button {label=\"" (slmsg "->执行" "磅︽匡" "Execute to Selec.") "\";key=\"accept\";is_default=true;}")
(strcat ":button {label=\"" (slmsg "->快选" "->е匡" "->Choose quickly") "\"; key=\"ksuan\";}")
":button {label=\"Switch\"; key=\"Switch\";mnemonic=\"t\";}"
":tile {}:tile {}:tile {}"
":tile {}:tile {}:tile {}"
(not (setq des (close des))) (< 0 (setq dch (load_dialog dcl)))
(princ (slmsg "\n 无法写入或加载DCL文件." "\n 礚猭糶┪更DCLゅン." "\n Unable to write or load DCL file.")) (setq dcf 0)
((not (new_dialog "MyMatchProps" dch)) (princ (slmsg "\n 无法显示对话框" "\n 礚猭陪ボ癸杠" "\n Unable to display dialog box")) (setq dcf 0))
(if tmpl (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (set_tile (car x) (cdr x)))) tmpl))
(action_tile "Switch"
(mapcar (function (lambda (x) (tgswitch x))) (mapcar 'car l))
(setq tmpl (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (cons x (get_tile x)))) (mapcar 'car l)))
(if l
(lambda (x)
(action_tile (car x)
((assoc $key tmpl) (setq tmpl (subst (cons $key $value) (assoc $key tmpl) tmpl)))
((setq tmpl (cons (cons $key $value) tmpl)))
(action_tile "accept"
((not l) (set_tile "error" (slmsg "检查上面的消息!" "浪琩!" "Check the message above!")))
((setq l (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (append x (list (get_tile (car x)))))) l))
(done_dialog 1)
(action_tile "kcol" "(done_dialog 2)")
(action_tile "klay" "(done_dialog 3)")
(action_tile "klw" "(done_dialog 4)")
(action_tile "klt" "(done_dialog 5)")
(action_tile "klsc" "(done_dialog 6)")
(action_tile "txtstr" "(done_dialog 7)")
(action_tile "txth" "(done_dialog 8)")
(action_tile "txta" "(done_dialog 9)")
(action_tile "txtsty" "(done_dialog 10)")
(action_tile "txt41" "(done_dialog 11)")
(action_tile "ksuan"
((not l) (set_tile "error" (slmsg "检查上面的消息!" "浪琩!" "Check the message above!")))
((setq l (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (append x (list (get_tile (car x)))))) l))
(done_dialog 12)
(setq dcf (start_dialog))
) ;while
(/= 1 dcf)
(princ (slmsg "\n 用户取消了对话框." "\n ノめ癸杠." "\n The user cancelled the dialog box."))
((= dcf 1)
(setq l (vl-remove-if (function (lambda (x) (not (tgassoc (caddr x))))) l))
((= dcf 2)
(setq l (list (list "Color" (sl-getcolor nam1))))
((= dcf 3)
(setq l (list (list "Layer" (dxf1 nam1 8))))
((= dcf 4)
(setq l (list (list "ConstantWidth" (linwind nam1))))
((= dcf 5)
(setq l (list (list "LineType" (sl-linetype nam1))))
((= dcf 6)
(setq l (list (list "LinetypeScale" (vla-get-LinetypeScale obj))))
((= dcf 7)
(setq l (list (list "TextString" (getstr nam1))))
((= dcf 8)
(setq l (list (list "Height" (e-higt nam1))))
((= dcf 9)
(setq l (list (list "Rotation" (e-ang nam1 nil))))
((= dcf 10)
(setq l (list (list "StyleName" (dxf1 nam1 7))))
((= dcf 11)
(setq l (list (list "ScaleFactor" (dxf1 nam1 41))))
((= dcf 12)
(setq ss (sl-fs-ss-1 nam1))
(if (and l ss)
(dokeysys ss l)
(princ (setq str (slmsg "\n 选择目标对象:" "\n 匡拒ヘ夹癸禜:" "\n Select Target Object:")))
(while (setq ss (ssget ":S"))
(dokeysys ss l)
(princ str)
(sl:del-fil fi)
(if l (mapcar '(lambda (x) (rwritekey fi (car x) "1")) l)) ;(("LinetypeScale" 1.0 "1") ("Lineweight" -1 "1") ("ConstantWidth" 0.25 "1") ("TextString" "12" "1"))
(*error* nil) (princ)
大佬文字是语音输入的吗? 怎么这么多乱码 再进一步探索,你就会发现索引了 这个好,很实用。