选择集操作直线问题2,惭愧 谢谢
我已经用选择集选择了直线 然后用数组保存了所有的坐标可是下面的问题更晕了。
可以用集合做,不用数组 可是我想用数组啊
但不管那种方法,能具体说说吗?谢谢 Dim a As New Collection
dim b() as acadentity
for each i in ss
if i.startpoint(0)=i.endpoint(0) then a.add i
next i
redim b( a.count-1) as acadentity
for j=0 to a.count-1
set b(j)=a(j+1)
next j
ss1.additems b 这下我服了:))))
这是我原来错的那个 哈
Public Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim vlinecount As Integer<BR>For i = 0 To myss.count - 1 `myss 为所有直线的那个选择集<BR> If lineco(i, 0) = lineco(i, 2) Then<BR> vlinecount = vlinecount + 1<BR> End If<BR>Next<BR>Dim ssetObj As AcadSelectionSet<BR>Set ssetObj = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("123")<BR>ReDim ssobjs(0 To vlinecount -1) As AcadLine<BR>i = 0<BR>For Each llll In myss<BR> If lineco(i, 0) = lineco(i, 2) Then<BR> Set ssobjs(i) = llll `这里有问题 <BR> End If<BR> i = i + 1<BR>Next<BR>ssetObj.AddItems ssobjs<BR>ssetObj.Delete<BR>myss.Delete<BR>End Sub