搞来玩的,望各位大侠指点一二。'by gzy<BR><A href="mailto:'gzy@mjtd.com" target="_blank" >'gzy@mjtd.com</A>
Dim Nums As Integer
Sub Numbers()<BR>Nums = 1<BR>Dim keyWord As String<BR> ThisDrawing.Utility.InitializeUserInput 0, "y n"<BR> keyWord = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetKeyword(vbCrLf & "编号是否带圈[否(N)/是(Y)]: ")<BR> <BR> If keyWord = "" Then<BR> keyWord = "N"<BR> Call Ncircle<BR> Else<BR> Call Cir<BR> End If<BR> <BR> If keyWord = "N" Then Call Ncircle<BR>End Sub
Sub Ncircle()<BR>RETRY:<BR> Dim PPck1 As Variant, PPck2 As Variant<BR> Dim textobject(0) As AcadObject: Dim line1 As AcadLine: Dim line2 As AcadLine<BR> Dim ppt(0 To 2) As Double: Dim Numbers1 As String: Dim Inserpt(0 To 2) As Double<BR> <BR> On Error Resume Next<BR> PPck1 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "请指定零件:")<BR> If Err <> 0 Then<BR> Err.Clear<BR> ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt " 没有指定零件,退出"<BR> Exit Sub<BR> End If<BR> PPck2 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "请指定编号位置:")<BR> If Err <> 0 Then<BR> Err.Clear<BR> ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt " 没有指定编号位置,退出"<BR> Exit Sub<BR> End If<BR> Set line1 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(PPck1, PPck2)<BR> TextHeight = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("dimtxt") '沿用系统文字高度<BR> <BR> If pd(PPck1, PPck2) = True Then<BR> ppt(0) = PPck2(0) - 2 * TextHeight: ppt(1) = PPck2(1): ppt(2) = PPck2(2)<BR> Else<BR> ppt(0) = PPck2(0) + 2 * TextHeight: ppt(1) = PPck2(1): ppt(2) = PPck2(2)<BR> End If<BR> <BR> Set line2 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(PPck2, ppt)<BR> line2.Lineweight = acLnWt030<BR> ThisDrawing.SendCommand "_LWDISPLAY" & vbCr & "on" & vbCr '显示线宽<BR> <BR> Numbers1 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetString(0, vbCrLf & "请输入编号数字(上一编号为" & Nums - 1 & ")" & "[" & Nums & "]:")<BR> If Numbers1 = "" Then Numbers1 = Nums<BR> If pd(PPck1, PPck2) = True Then<BR> Inserpt(0) = ppt(0) + 0.5 * TextHeight: Inserpt(1) = ppt(1) + 0.2 * TextHeight: Inserpt(2) = ppt(2)<BR> Else<BR> Inserpt(0) = ppt(0) - 1.5 * TextHeight: Inserpt(1) = ppt(1) + 0.2 * TextHeight: Inserpt(2) = ppt(2)<BR> End If<BR> Set textobject(0) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(Numbers1, Inserpt, TextHeight)<BR> Nums = Numbers1 '使提示与上一编号关联<BR> Nums = Nums + 1<BR>GoTo RETRY<BR>End Sub
Sub Cir()<BR>RETRY:<BR> Dim PPck1 As Variant, PPck2 As Variant<BR> Dim textobject(0) As AcadObject: Dim line1 As AcadLine: Dim Cirobj As AcadCircle<BR> Dim ppt(0 To 2) As Double: Dim Numbers1 As String: Dim Inserpt(0 To 2) As Double<BR> <BR> On Error Resume Next<BR> PPck1 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "请指定零件:")<BR> If Err <> 0 Then<BR> Err.Clear<BR> ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt " 没有指定零件,退出"<BR> Exit Sub<BR> End If<BR> PPck2 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "请指定编号位置:")<BR> If Err <> 0 Then<BR> Err.Clear<BR> ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt " 没有指定编号位置,退出"<BR> Exit Sub<BR> End If<BR> Set line1 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(PPck1, PPck2)<BR> TextHeight = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("dimtxt") '沿用系统文字高度<BR> ppt(0) = PPck2(0) + 0.7 * TextHeight: ppt(1) = PPck2(1) - 0.5 * TextHeight: ppt(2) = PPck2(2)<BR> Set Cirobj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(PPck2, TextHeight)<BR> PPck2 = Cirobj.IntersectWith(line1, acExtendNone) '求交点<BR> line1.EndPoint = PPck2 '剪切引线<BR> <BR> Numbers1 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetString(0, vbCrLf & "请输入编号数字(上一编号为" & Nums - 1 & ")" & "[" & Nums & "]:")<BR> If Numbers1 = "" Then Numbers1 = Nums<BR> If Len(Numbers1) = 2 Then<BR> Inserpt(0) = ppt(0) - 1.4 * TextHeight: Inserpt(1) = ppt(1) + 0.01 * TextHeight: Inserpt(2) = ppt(2)<BR> End If<BR> If Len(Numbers1) = 1 Then<BR> Inserpt(0) = ppt(0) - TextHeight: Inserpt(1) = ppt(1) + 0.01 * TextHeight: Inserpt(2) = ppt(2)<BR> End If<BR> <BR> Set textobject(0) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(Numbers1, Inserpt, TextHeight)<BR> <BR> Nums = Numbers1 '使提示与上一编号关联<BR> Nums = Nums + 1<BR>GoTo RETRY<BR>End Sub<BR>Function pd(p1 As Variant, p2 As Variant) As Boolean '判断斜率,以便确定文字位置<BR> If p1(0) > p2(0) And p1(0) > p2(0) Then<BR> pd = True<BR> Else<BR> pd = False<BR> End If<BR>End Function<BR> 希望楼主经常没事,多多写写这种好程序 这是用的VBA不是LISP,只能大体看懂 PPck2 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "请指定编号位置:")这里改成PPck2 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(PPck1, "请指定编号位置:")要好些吧 精神可嘉!我虽然用不着,相信对用得上的人是很实用的。 楼上说的有道理,支持 最好能把画好的内容编成组合,这样方便选择。 各位的意见已收到!改进后再贴上来! 加了一点对文字定位的内容,群组了编号内容。'by gzy
'scutaDim Nums As Integer
Sub Numbers()
Nums = 1
Dim keyWord As String
ThisDrawing.Utility.InitializeUserInput 0, "y n"
keyWord = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetKeyword(vbCrLf & "编号是否带圈[否(N)/是(Y)]: ")
If keyWord = "" Then
keyWord = "N"
Call Ncircle
Call Cir
End If
If keyWord = "N" Then Call Ncircle
End SubSub Ncircle()
Dim PPck1 As Variant, PPck2 As Variant
Dim textobject(0) As AcadObject: Dim line1 As AcadLine: Dim line2 As AcadLine
Dim ppt(0 To 2) As Double: Dim Numbers1 As String: Dim Inserpt(0 To 2) As Double
On Error Resume Next
' ThisDrawing.GetVariable ("osnap")
PPck1 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "请指定零件:")
If Err <> 0 Then
ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt " 没有指定零件,退出"
Exit Sub
End If
PPck2 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "请指定编号位置:")
If Err <> 0 Then
ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt " 没有指定编号位置,退出"
Exit Sub
End If
Set line1 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(PPck1, PPck2)
TextHeight = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("dimtxt") '沿用系统文字高度
If pd(PPck1, PPck2) = True Then
ppt(0) = PPck2(0) - 2 * TextHeight: ppt(1) = PPck2(1): ppt(2) = PPck2(2)
ppt(0) = PPck2(0) + 2 * TextHeight: ppt(1) = PPck2(1): ppt(2) = PPck2(2)
End If
Set line2 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(PPck2, ppt)
line2.Lineweight = acLnWt030
ThisDrawing.SendCommand "_LWDISPLAY" & vbCr & "on" & vbCr '显示线宽
Numbers1 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetString(0, vbCrLf & "请输入编号数字(上一编号为" & Nums - 1 & ")" & "[" & Nums & "]:")
If Numbers1 = "" Then Numbers1 = Nums
If pd(PPck1, PPck2) = True Then
If Len(Numbers1) = 1 Then
Inserpt(0) = ppt(0) + 0.6 * TextHeight: Inserpt(1) = ppt(1) + 0.2 * TextHeight: Inserpt(2) = ppt(2)
Inserpt(0) = ppt(0) + 0.1 * TextHeight: Inserpt(1) = ppt(1) + 0.2 * TextHeight: Inserpt(2) = ppt(2)
End If
If Len(Numbers1) = 1 Then
Inserpt(0) = ppt(0) - 1.2 * TextHeight: Inserpt(1) = ppt(1) + 0.2 * TextHeight: Inserpt(2) = ppt(2)
Inserpt(0) = ppt(0) - 1.8 * TextHeight: Inserpt(1) = ppt(1) + 0.2 * TextHeight: Inserpt(2) = ppt(2)
End If
End If
Set textobject(0) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(Numbers1, Inserpt, TextHeight)
Nums = Numbers1 '使提示与上一编号关联
Nums = Nums + 1
Dim Group1 As AcadGroup
Dim objgroup(0 To 2) As AcadEntity
Set objgroup(0) = line1
Set objgroup(1) = line2
Set objgroup(2) = textobject(0)
Set Group1 = ThisDrawing.Groups.Add("*")
Group1.AppendItems objgroupGoTo RETRY
End SubSub Cir()
Dim PPck1 As Variant, PPck2 As Variant
Dim textobject(0) As AcadObject: Dim line1 As AcadLine: Dim Cirobj As AcadCircle
Dim ppt(0 To 2) As Double: Dim Numbers1 As String: Dim Inserpt(0 To 2) As Double
On Error Resume Next
PPck1 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "请指定零件:")
If Err <> 0 Then
ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt " 没有指定零件,退出"
Exit Sub
End If
PPck2 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "请指定编号位置:")
If Err <> 0 Then
ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt " 没有指定编号位置,退出"
Exit Sub
End If
Set line1 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(PPck1, PPck2)
TextHeight = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("dimtxt") '沿用系统文字高度
ppt(0) = PPck2(0) + 0.7 * TextHeight: ppt(1) = PPck2(1) - 0.5 * TextHeight: ppt(2) = PPck2(2)
Set Cirobj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(PPck2, 1.2 * TextHeight)
PPck2 = Cirobj.IntersectWith(line1, acExtendNone) '求交点
line1.EndPoint = PPck2 '剪切引线
Numbers1 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetString(0, vbCrLf & "限于输入二位数字" & vbCrLf & "请输入编号数字(上一编号为" & Nums - 1 & ")" & "[" & Nums & "]:")
If Numbers1 = "" Then Numbers1 = Nums
If Len(Numbers1) = 2 Then
Inserpt(0) = ppt(0) - 1.5 * TextHeight: Inserpt(1) = ppt(1) + 0.01 * TextHeight: Inserpt(2) = ppt(2)
End If
If Len(Numbers1) = 1 Then
Inserpt(0) = ppt(0) - TextHeight: Inserpt(1) = ppt(1) + 0.01 * TextHeight: Inserpt(2) = ppt(2)
End If
Set textobject(0) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(Numbers1, Inserpt, TextHeight)
Nums = Numbers1 '使提示与上一编号关联
Nums = Nums + 1
Dim Group2 As AcadGroup
Dim objgroup(0 To 2) As AcadEntity
Set objgroup(0) = line1
Set objgroup(1) = Cirobj
Set objgroup(2) = textobject(0)
Set Group1 = ThisDrawing.Groups.Add("*")
Group1.AppendItems objgroupGoTo RETRY
End Sub
Function pd(p1 As Variant, p2 As Variant) As Boolean '判断斜率,以便确定文字位置
If p1(0) > p2(0) Then
pd = True
pd = False
End If
End Function 不错,挺实用的! 我用的编号:
下带横线的,可加前后缀--如给水立管JL-1B JL-2B ...;横线不加粗
多数不要引线但可加前后缀--如井号JL-1a JL-2a ... 我觉得你的发明很好,我画图时用的上,但是我是一个菜鸟,能否将你的发明发一个给我,并告诉我,最笨的安装方法!谢谢了!我的E :woshiyu1217@126.com