夏经凯 发表于 2004-6-11 22:43:00


本帖最后由 作者 于 2004-6-12 8:44:43 编辑

1 线的类型:实线和虚线

2 标注样式的中:直线和箭头中 尺寸界限的起点偏移量 箭头的大小

        文字中 文字高度

麻烦哪位大哥给下代码 多谢多谢

夏经凯 发表于 2004-6-12 08:42:00


雪山飞狐_lzh 发表于 2004-6-12 14:03:00



<P class=body>The active dimension style determines the appearance of new dimensions that are created in the drawing. To change the style of an existing dimension, use the <A href="mk:@MSITStore:D:\Program%20Files\AutoCAD%202005\help\acadauto.chm::/idh_stylename.htm" target="_blank" >StyleName</A> property found on the dimension.
<P class=body>To control the settings of the current document overrides, use the dimensioning system variables. See
<OBJECT id=alink_system_variables type=application/x-oleobject classid=clsid:adb880a6-d8ff-11cf-9377-00aa003b7a11><PARAM NAME="Width" VALUE="0"><PARAM NAME="Height" VALUE="0"><PARAM NAME="Command" VALUE="ALink"><PARAM NAME="Item1" VALUE="acad_acr.chm"><PARAM NAME="Item2" VALUE="system_variables"></OBJECT>System Variables in the AutoCAD Command Reference for a list of dimensioning system variables.
<P class=body>When you change a dimensioning system variable, you are actually setting a document override for the active dimension style; you are not changing the active dimension style itself. This means that all newly created dimensions will still be created with the active dimension style only and will not reflect the overrides from the system variables. The overrides from the system variables will not be recognized on new dimensions until the active dimension style is updated. To change the settings of any dimension style, use the <A href="mk:@MSITStore:D:\Program%20Files\AutoCAD%202005\help\acadauto.chm::/idh_copyfrom.htm" target="_blank" >CopyFrom</A> method. This method copies a dimension style configuration, including overrides, from a document, dimension, or other dimension style.
<P class=body>Dimensions created via the AutoCAD user interface are created with the active dimension style plus all document overrides. Dimensions created via ActiveX are created with the active dimension style only. To have the dimensions created via ActiveX take on the document overrides, use the CopyFrom method to copy the dimension style from the document to the active dimension style. This process will copy all existing overrides into the active dimension style.
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查看完整版本: [求教]如何在VB中设定AutoCAD的标注和线类型