Sub RevPline()<BR> Dim ent As AcadEntity<BR> Dim pnt As Variant<BR> Dim NewCoord() As Double<BR> Dim i As Integer<BR> On Error Resume Next<BR> Do<BR> ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity ent, pnt, "选择多段线:"<BR> If Err Then Exit Sub<BR> If TypeName(ent) Like "IAcad*Polyline" Then Exit Do<BR> Loop<BR> Dim Coord As Variant<BR> Dim CoordCount As Integer<BR> Dim Bulge() As Double '凸度<BR> If TypeName(ent) = "IAcadLWPolyline" Then<BR> Coord = ent.Coordinates '获取顶点坐标数组<BR> CoordCount = (UBound(Coord) + 1) / 2 '顶点数<BR> '定义新的顶点坐标数组<BR> ReDim NewCoord(UBound(Coord)) As Double<BR> For i = 0 To UBound(Coord) - 1 Step 2<BR> NewCoord(UBound(Coord) - i - 1) = Coord(i)<BR> NewCoord(UBound(Coord) - i) = Coord(i + 1)<BR> Next<BR> ReDim Bulge(CoordCount - 1) As Double<BR> For i = 0 To CoordCount - 1<BR> Bulge(i) = ent.GetBulge(i)<BR> Next<BR> ent.Coordinates = NewCoord<BR> For i = 0 To CoordCount - 2<BR> ent.SetBulge i, -Bulge(CoordCount - 2 - i)<BR> Next<BR> ThisDrawing.Regen acActiveViewport<BR> ElseIf TypeName(ent) = "IAcadPolyline" Then<BR> Coord = ent.Coordinates<BR> CoordCount = (UBound(Coord) + 1) / 3<BR> ReDim NewCoord(UBound(Coord)) As Double<BR> For i = 0 To UBound(Coord) - 1 Step 3<BR> NewCoord(UBound(Coord) - i - 2) = Coord(i)<BR> NewCoord(UBound(Coord) - i - 1) = Coord(i + 1)<BR> NewCoord(UBound(Coord) - i) = Coord(i + 2)<BR> Next<BR> If ent.Type = acSimplePoly Then<BR> ReDim Bulge(CoordCount - 1) As Double<BR> For i = 0 To CoordCount - 1<BR> Bulge(i) = ent.GetBulge(i)<BR> Next<BR> End If<BR> ent.Coordinates = NewCoord<BR> If ent.Type = acSimplePoly Then<BR> For i = 0 To CoordCount - 2<BR> ent.SetBulge i, -Bulge(CoordCount - 2 - i)<BR> Next<BR> End If<BR> ThisDrawing.Regen acActiveViewport<BR> End If<BR> <BR>End Sub<BR> 这东些最好把多段线的点位坐标转成坐标结构数组(可以三、二维),算法简单 二维多段线、轻便多段线每个顶点的高程(Z值)相同,若要每个顶点的高程不一样,则要用三维多段线(这才是真三维的) 谢谢版主