请问各位兄弟:VB中可用APP.PATH得到应用程序的路径。那么,VBA中DVB文件的路径怎么得到呢?谢谢各位!!! 看看VBE的对象模型,在VBA的帮助里 版主,没有呀,我没找到,能说清楚点吗?谢谢你了!!! <P class=Heading-2>语法
<P class=syntax>object.VBE
<P class=element>object
<P class=element-desc><A href="http://www.mjtd.com/object/acad2004/idh_application_object.htm" target="_blank" >Application</A><BR>使用该属性的方法。
<P class=element>VBE
<P class=element-desc>Microsoft VBE 对象; 只读<BR>VBAIDE 扩展对象。
<P class=Heading-2>说明
<P class=body>该属性使你能通过AutoCAD 的对象模型访问 VBA IDE 对象。如果VBAIDE不可用,该属性将出现异常。例如,当acvba.arx 应用程序未加载时,VBAIDE 不可用。
<P class=body>以下的代码行将返回当前的VBA 工程名:
<PRE class=code>ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.Description </PRE>
<P class=body>
<PRE class=Code>Sub Example_VBE()
' This example uses the VBA IDE extensibility model to dynamically
' create a VBA subroutine. After running this example, see the first line of code
' in the VBA IDE code window to see a new subroutine. Then
' remove the new subroutine before continuing.
Dim VBEModel As Object
Dim newRoutine As String
Set VBEModel = VBE' Get the VBE object
' Define new subroutine to be added. This could be created dynamically from user feedback.
newRoutine = "Sub Dynamic_Procedure()" & vbCrLf
newRoutine = newRoutine & vbTab & "MsgBox ""New subroutine.""" & vbCrLf
newRoutine = newRoutine & "End Sub" & vbCrLf
' Insert new subroutine
VBEModel.CodePanes(1).CodeModule.InsertLines 1, newRoutine
MsgBox "A new subroutine was added called Dynamic_Procedure."
End Sub</PRE>