扩展数据是什么啊?可以给我举个例子吗?谢了! Sub setxRecord()Dim linext(0 To 4) As Integer<BR>Dim linexd(0 To 4) As Variant<BR>Dim sPoint(0 To 2) As Double<BR>Dim ePoint(0 To 2) As Double<BR>sPoint(0) = 10<BR>sPoint(1) = 10<BR>sPoint(2) = 0<BR>ePoint(0) = 30<BR>ePoint(1) = 30<BR>ePoint(2) = 0<BR>Dim lineObj As AcadLine<BR>Set lineObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.addline(sPoint, ePoint)<BR>lineObj.Color = 1
linext(0) = 1001: linexd(0) = "LineInfo"<BR>linext(1) = 1000: linexd(1) = "a"<BR>linext(2) = 1000: linexd(2) = "b"<BR>linext(3) = 1000: linexd(3) = "c"<BR>linext(4) = 1000: linexd(4) = "d"
ThisDrawing.RegisteredApplications.Add "LineInfo"<BR>lineObj.SetXData linext, linexd<BR>lineObj.Update
End Sub
Sub getxRecord()<BR>Dim a As Variant<BR>Dim b As Variant<BR>Dim sset As AcadSelectionSet<BR>Set sset = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("ss")<BR>Dim point As Variant<BR>point = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint()<BR>sset.SelectAtPoint point<BR>Dim entry As AcadEntity<BR>Dim xdataOut As Variant<BR>Dim xtypeOut As Variant<BR> <BR>For Each entry In sset<BR> If StrComp(entry.ObjectName, "AcDbLine", 1) = 0 Then<BR> entry.GetXData "", xtypeOut, xdataOut<BR> MsgBox xdataOut(1) & "," & xdataout(2) & "," & xdataout(3) & "," & xdataout(4)<BR> End If<BR>Next<BR>ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Item("ss").Delete<BR>End Sub XDATA,就是在图形上附加自己的数据,可以看看帮助中的示例。