本帖最后由 作者 于 2004-12-23 12:21:38 编辑 <br /><br /> Public Sub test2()<BR> ' Begin the selection<BR> Dim returnObj As AcadObject<BR> Dim basePnt As Variant<BR> <BR> ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity returnObj, basePnt, "Select an object"<BR> Dim myarr As Variant<BR> <BR> myarr = bufferPointsArray(returnObj, 3, True) '返回一个多义线Buffer点变体数组<BR> <BR> MsgBox UBound(myarr)<BR>End SubPrivate Function bufferPointsArray(ByVal ent As AcadEntity, ByVal offsetDistance As Double, ByVal added As Boolean) As Variant<BR>' On Error GoTo Errhandler<BR> <BR> If offsetDistance = 0 Then<BR> MsgBox "偏移距离必须不为0!"<BR> Exit Function<BR> End If<BR> <BR> Dim pts, pts1, pts2 As Variant<BR> Dim offsetObj As Variant<BR> Dim i As Integer<BR> <BR> If ent.ObjectName = "AcDb2dPolyline" Then<BR> Dim plObj As AcadPolyline<BR> Set plObj = ent<BR> Dim pl1 As AcadPolyline<BR> Dim pl2 As AcadPolyline<BR> offsetObj = plObj.Offset(offsetDistance)<BR> Set pl1 = offsetObj(0)<BR> pts1 = pl1.Coordinates<BR> pl1.Delete<BR> offsetObj = plObj.Offset(-1 * offsetDistance)<BR> Set pl2 = offsetObj(0)<BR> pts2 = pl2.Coordinates<BR> pl2.Delete<BR> '---<BR> pts = pts1<BR> For i = LBound(pts2) To UBound(pts2) Step 3<BR> ReDim Preserve pts(UBound(pts) + 3)<BR> pts(UBound(pts) - 2) = pts2(UBound(pts2) - (i + 2))<BR> pts(UBound(pts) - 1) = pts2(UBound(pts2) - (i + 1))<BR> pts(UBound(pts) - 0) = pts2(UBound(pts2) - i)<BR> Next<BR> ElseIf ent.ObjectName = "AcDbPolyline" Then<BR> Dim lwpObj As AcadLWPolyline<BR> Set lwpObj = ent<BR> Dim lwp1 As AcadLWPolyline<BR> Dim lwp2 As AcadLWPolyline<BR> offsetObj = lwpObj.Offset(offsetDistance)<BR> Set lwp1 = offsetObj(0)<BR> pts1 = lwp1.Coordinates<BR> lwp1.Delete<BR> offsetObj = lwpObj.Offset(-1 * offsetDistance)<BR> Set lwp2 = offsetObj(0)<BR> pts2 = lwp2.Coordinates<BR> lwp2.Delete<BR> '---<BR> ReDim pts(0)<BR> For i = LBound(pts1) To UBound(pts1) Step 2<BR> If i = 0 Then<BR> ReDim Preserve pts(UBound(pts) + 2)<BR> Else<BR> ReDim Preserve pts(UBound(pts) + 3)<BR> End If<BR> pts(UBound(pts) - 2) = pts1(i)<BR> pts(UBound(pts) - 1) = pts1(i + 1)<BR> pts(UBound(pts)) = 0<BR> Next<BR> For i = LBound(pts2) To UBound(pts2) Step 2<BR> ReDim Preserve pts(UBound(pts) + 3)<BR> pts(UBound(pts) - 2) = pts2(UBound(pts2) - (i + 1))<BR> pts(UBound(pts) - 1) = pts2(UBound(pts2) - i)<BR> pts(UBound(pts)) = 0<BR> Next<BR> End If
ReDim ptsDbl(UBound(pts)) As Double<BR> For i = 0 To UBound(pts)<BR> ptsDbl(i) = pts(i)<BR> Next<BR> If added = True Then<BR> Dim newPline As AcadPolyline<BR> Set newPline = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddPolyline(ptsDbl)<BR> newPline.Closed = True<BR> End If<BR> <BR> bufferPointsArray = ptsDbl<BR> <BR> Exit Function<BR>Errhandler:<BR> MsgBox "Function - bufferPointsArray occures error: " + Err.Description<BR>End Function
Function retVar() As Variant<BR> Dim a(0 To 1) As Double<BR> a(0) = 1: a(1) = 2<BR> retVar = a<BR>End Function
<FONT color=#0033ff><b>当Offset不能创建实体时没有考虑.</b></FONT> 楼主没有多义线的圆弧部分,欠缺!!!