如何用vba 读取excel中数据 mikefeng发表于2005-2-1 17:31:00static/image/common/back.gif回复:(mikefeng)读取数据如何用vba 读取excel中数据<BR>Sub dsj()<BR> Dim Dlg As New CommonDialog<BR> Set hExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")<BR> hExcel.Visible = False<BR> Dim dyg As String,dmh(100) as String, i as integer,n As integer<BR> If sheet = "" Then<BR> Dlg.Filter = "Excel工作簿文件*.XLS|*.XLS|所有文件*.*|*.*"<BR> Dlg.ShowOpen<BR> sheet = Dlg.filename<BR> End If<BR> hExcel.Workbooks.Open (sheet), False<BR> n=100<BR> for i=1 to n<BR> dyg = "A" & Cstr(i)<BR> dmh = hExcel.Range(dyg).Text<BR> next i<BR> hExcel.Quit<BR>End Sub 非常感谢 网上有CAD与EXCEL通信源码 该程序在运行中好象有点问题 For bEach blkElem In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
For Each blkElem In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
<BR> 各位高人 在指点迷津时能否更详细一点 请不要悯惜笔墨 <b><FONT color=#0000ff size=5>利用VBA 建立AutoCad2000与Excel通信</FONT></b>
<FONT size=3>Sub BlkAttr_Extract()<BR> Dim Excel As Excel.Application<BR> Dim ExcelSheet As Object<BR> Dim ExcelWorkbook As Object<BR> '创建Excel应用程序实例<BR> On Error Resume Next<BR> Set Excel = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")<BR> If Err <> 0 Then<BR> Set Excel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")<BR> End If<BR> '创建一个新工作簿<BR> Set ExcelWorkbook = Excel.Workbooks.Add<BR> '确保Sheet1工作表为当前工作表<BR> Set ExcelSheet = Excel.ActiveSheet<BR> '将新创建的工作簿保存为Excel文件<BR> ExcelWorkbook.SaveAs "属性表.xls"<BR> '令Excel应用程序可见<BR> Dim RowNum As Integer<BR> Dim Header As Boolean<BR> Dim blkElem As AcadEntity<BR> Dim Array1 As Variant<BR> Dim Count As Integer<BR> RowNum = 1<BR> Header = False<BR> '遍历模型空间,查找明细表的每个块引用表行<BR> For bEach blkElem In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace<BR> With blkElem<BR> '当一个块引用表行被找到后,检查它是否有属性<BR> If StrComp(.EntityName, "AcDbBlockReference", 1) = 0 Then<BR> '如果有属性<BR> If . HasAttributes Then<BR> '提取块引用中的属性<BR> Array1 = .GetAttributes<BR> '这一轮循环用来查找标题,如果有填在第1行<BR> For Count = LBound(Array1) To UBound(Array1)<BR> '如果还没有标题<BR> If Header = False Then<BR> '作为标题的明细行其块属性常设为Constant类型<BR> If Array1(Count).Constant Then<BR> ExcelSheet.Cells(RowNum, Count + 1).Value _<BR> = Array1(Count).TextString<BR> End If<BR> End If<BR> Next Count<BR> '从第2行开始,填写其它的明细表行内容<BR> RowNum = RowNum + 1<BR> For Count = LBound(Array1) To UBound(Array1)<BR> ExcelSheet.Cells(RowNum, Count + 1).Value _<BR> = Array1(Count).TextString<BR> Next Count<BR> Header = True<BR> End If<BR> End If<BR> End With<BR> Next blkElem<BR> '对填入当前表单的内容,按第1列进行排序,<BR> '范围是从A1单元格开始的整个工作表<BR> Excel.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Sort _<BR> key1:=Excel.Worksheets("Sheet1").Columns("A"), _<BR> Header:=xlGuess<BR> '显示Excel工作表中的结果<BR> Excel.Visible = True<BR> '该语句用来等待查看显示结果<BR> MsgBox "按‘确定’键将关闭Excel的运行!"<BR> '保存传过来的数据<BR> ExcelWorkbook.Save<BR> '关闭Excel应用程序<BR> Excel.Application.Quit<BR> '删除Excel应用程序实例<BR> Set Excel = Nothing<BR>End Sub</FONT> 近日比较冷清 是不是忙着过年了 我是忙着加班啊!55555,春节加班啊!55555!还要画图啊!55555!幸亏我有了自己定制的cad,呵呵!画图简单了!哈哈哈!