怎样防止线型的重复加载?对我来说很难,谢谢指教! Sub Example_Load()<BR> ' This example attempts to load the linetype "CENTER" from<BR> ' the acad.lin file. If the linetype already exists, then<BR> ' a message is displayed.<BR> <BR> Dim linetypeName As String<BR> linetypeName = "CENTER"<BR> <BR> ' Load "CENTER" line type from acad.lin file<BR> On Error Resume Next ' trap any load errors<BR> ThisDrawing.Linetypes.Load linetypeName, "acad.lin"<BR> <BR> ' If the name already exists, then notify user<BR> If Err.Description = "Duplicate record name" Then<BR> MsgBox "A line type named '" & linetypeName & "' already exists.", , "Load Example"<BR> End If<BR> <BR>End Sub 可以加上说明吗? '符号后面的不是说明?老大,你编程吗? 2楼的,那个帮助文件中的程序例子你试过没有,运行结果与所给说明好象不一致,而且程序没有完善的出错处理。 Sub Example_Load()' 该示例尝试从acad.lin文件中加载 "CENTER" 线型。如果该线型已经存在,则显示提示。
Dim linetypeName As String
linetypeName = "center"
' 从acad.lin文件中加载 "CENTER"线型
On Error Resume Next ' 捕获任何出错信息
ThisDrawing.Linetypes.Load linetypeName, "acad.lin"
' 如果该名称已经存在,则提醒用户
If Err.Number = -2145386405 Then
MsgBox "名称为“" & linetypeName & "”的线型已经存在。", , "明经通道VBA线型加载示例"
End If
End Sub 2楼的,你的程序行不通,麻烦你再和mccad老师的对比一下,同样谢谢你! 感谢郑老师 ''''各位老兄,看看下面的是否合适,以dashed线型为利
<BR> Dim i As Integer<BR> Dim dashedlineexist As Boolean '''''判断是否存在的标志,如果存在,就激活为当前的线型,否则就添加该线型<BR> <BR> dashedlineexist = False ''''先设定其不存在,如果存在就把它设成true<BR> <BR> <BR> For i = 0 To ThisDrawing.Linetypes.Count - 1<BR> If ThisDrawing.Linetypes.Item(i).Name = "DASHED" Then<BR> ThisDrawing.ActiveLinetype = ThisDrawing.Linetypes.Item(i)<BR> MsgBox "DASHED线型已经存在"<BR> dashedlineexist = True<BR> End If<BR> Next i<BR> <BR> <BR> If dashedlineexist = False Then ''''如果不存在就添加<BR> <BR> Dim dashedline As AcadLineType<BR> ThisDrawing.Linetypes.Load "DASHED", "acad.lin"<BR> Set dashedline = ThisDrawing.Linetypes.Item(ThisDrawing.Linetypes.Count - 1) ''''找最后一个<BR> <BR> ThisDrawing.ActiveLinetype = dashedline
End If<BR> <BR> <BR> 好帖,在判断图层和线性的装载时,用error比要比用循环实用。