<U><FONT color=#800080>请问 在vba</FONT></U><U><FONT color=#800080>进行二次开发时如何获得一条直线的起点和终点</FONT></U><BR> <PRE class=Code>Sub Example_StartPoint()' This example creates an elliptical arc and then
' finds the coordinates of its start point and endpoint.
Dim ellObj As AcadEllipse
Dim majAxis(0 To 2) As Double
Dim center(0 To 2) As Double
Dim radRatio As Double
Dim startPoint As Variant
Dim endPoint As Variant
' Create an ellipse in model space
center(0) = 5#: center(1) = 5#: center(2) = 0#
majAxis(0) = 10: majAxis(1) = 20#: majAxis(2) = 0#
radRatio = 0.3
Set ellObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddEllipse(center, majAxis, radRatio)
' Enter a start angle of 45 degrees, and an end angle of 270 degrees
ellObj.startAngle = 45 * (3.14 / 180)
ellObj.endAngle = 270 * (3.14 / 180)
' Find the start and endpoints for the ellipse
startPoint = ellObj.startPoint
endPoint = ellObj.endPoint
MsgBox "This ellipse has a start point of " & startPoint(0) & ", " & startPoint(1) & ", " & startPoint(2) & " and an endpoint of " & endPoint(0) & ", " & endPoint(1) & ", " & endPoint(2), vbInformation, "StartPoint Example"
End Sub</PRE> 上面的程序好像不对 我说的是这条直线已存在 要获得起点坐标(x,y)的值 startPoint = ellObj.startPoint<BR>endPoint = ellObj.endPoint