本帖最后由 作者 于 2005-12-11 20:01:10 编辑 <br /><br /> <P>谁有vba的返回多义线所点击子段的端点坐标程序 </P><P>斑竹的是vlisp的,</P>
<P>谁有vba的返回多义线所点击子段的端点坐标程序 ,共享学习以下,谢谢了</P>
<P>多义线的Coordinates属性直接可以得到啊!</P><P>帮助中的例子-</P><PRE class=Code>Sub Example_Coordinates()
' This example creates a polyline. It then uses the Coordinates
' property to return all the coordinatesin the polyline. It then
' resets one of the vertices using the Coordinates property.
Dim plineObj As AcadPolyline
' Create Polyline
Dim points(5) As Double
points(0) = 3: points(1) = 7: points(2) = 0
points(3) = 9: points(4) = 2: points(5) = 0
Set plineObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddPolyline(points)
ThisDrawing.Regen True
' Return all the coordinates of the polyline
Dim retCoord As Variant
retCoord = plineObj.Coordinates
' Display current coordinates for the first vertex
MsgBox "The current coordinates of the second vertex are: " & points(3) & ", " & points(4) & ", " & points(5), vbInformation, "Coordinates Example"
' Modify the coordinate of the second vertex to (5,5,0). Note that in
' case of a lightweight Polyline, indices will be different because the points are 2D only.
points(3) = 5
points(4) = 5
points(5) = 0
plineObj.Coordinates = points
' Update display
ThisDrawing.Regen True
MsgBox "The new coordinates have been set to " & points(3) & ", " & points(4) & ", " & points(5), vbInformation, "Coordinates Example"
End Sub</PRE> <P>谢谢斑竹,我的意思是多段线的有多个"子段",使用鼠标点击其中的一个"子段",使用vba编程显示此"子段"的两对坐标</P> <P>关键是如何获得选中的子段,我是这样处理的:</P>
<P> </P> <P>你可以用对象捕捉的方式捕捉到实体上的点,看它在哪两个点之间。在同一直线上的三个点必然有两个点距离之和等与另两个点的距离,要是不在一直线上呢,就是距离不等了啊</P>
<P>就这就可以判断出在哪两点之间。要再不懂的话我给你发段源代码</P> <P>谢谢了,楼上的</P>
<P> </P>