<PRE class=Code>Sub Example_IsQuiescent()' This example gets the acadState object and checks to see if
' AutoCAD is in a quiescent state.
Dim State As AcadState
Set State = GetAcadState
If State.IsQuiescent Then
MsgBox "AutoCAD is quiescent."
MsgBox "AutoCAD is not quiescent."
End If
End Sub</PRE><PRE class=Code>以上代码在VBA中可以,但是在VB中确不行</PRE><PRE class=Code>Set AcadApp = GetObject(, "autocad.application")<BR><BR>If Not AcadApp.GetAcadState.IsQuiescent Then MsgBox "g"</PRE><PRE class=Code>如果Acad有命令正在运行,程序会停在AcadApp.GetAcadState.IsQuiescent 处。</PRE><PRE class=Code>那位高手调试过这个程序!!!</PRE><PRE class=Code> </PRE>