Topstar78 发表于 2006-3-11 13:46:00


coldmoonfl 发表于 2006-3-11 14:05:00


sunday 发表于 2006-3-11 15:51:00


zkun007 发表于 2006-3-12 14:03:00

liuf2004发表于2006-3-11 9:25:00static/image/common/back.gif以下是引用gghw在2006-3-5 2:01:38的发言:



eyoo 发表于 2006-3-13 15:16:00


黄昏先生 发表于 2006-3-14 05:40:00


ok_bridge 发表于 2006-3-17 12:37:00

<P>AutoCAD2007 系统要求只是用于2D画图:<BR>Intel&reg; Pentium&reg; IV recommended<BR>Microsoft&reg; Windows&reg; XP Home &amp; Professional SP1 or SP2, Windows XP for Tablet PC<BR>SP2, or Windows&reg; 2000 SP3 or SP4<BR>512 MB RAM<BR>750 MB free disk space for installation<BR>1024x768 VGA with True Color<BR>Microsoft&reg; Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 or higher<BR><BR>使用AutoCAD2007新增的全部功能:<BR>Intel&reg; 3.0 GHz or greater<BR>Windows&reg; XP SP2<BR>2 GB RAM or greater<BR>2 GB available not including installation<BR>1280 x 1024 32-bit color video display adapter (True Color)<BR>128 MB or greater, OpenGL-capable workstation class graphics card. Refer to the<BR>Supported Video Cards list for details on different brands that have been tested and<BR>certified.<BR></P>

gaoencaiya 发表于 2006-3-17 19:21:00


xhai_008 发表于 2006-3-18 08:06:00


zhouyang1 发表于 2006-3-18 20:32:00

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查看完整版本: AutoCAD2007 将于3.23日正式发布,.net开发方面有重大增强!!