UTDer 发表于 2007-3-22 11:27:00


大家好<br/><br/>我是一个项目经理兼程序员,现在美国工作. 我想找有3年以上经验的VBA VB.net程序员合作开发一个行业软件. <br/><br/>我知道大家的时间都很宝贵, 所以请大家注意,<br/>1. 我目前无法支付报酬. 而且也没有找投资的打算.<br/>2. 我认为是有市场的,如赢利肯定支付报酬,但我不能承诺.<br/>3. 希望您能长期合作,考虑到我们都是兼职,可能需要半年到一年.<br/>3. 希望您觉得做个有用的软件本身is rewarding,而不完全为了报酬.最不希望看到因为无报酬而发生不愉快. I do this for fun, to make friends, even better if we can make money together, NOT to make even a single enemy.<br/><br/>If you are still interested and you are serious, please email me at jz0409@gmail.com. Please introduce yourself a bit such as your experience, your location and how much time you can put in each week. <br/>
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