我爱你++ 发表于 2007-9-3 10:29:00


<pre class="Code">Sub Example_<font color="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #316ac5;">AddMenuItem</font>()
    ' This example creates a new menu called TestMenu and inserts a menu item
    ' into it. The menu is then displayed on the menu bar.
    ' To remove the menu after execution of this macro, use the Customize Menu
    ' option from the Tools menu.
    Dim currMenuGroup As acadMenuGroup
    Set currMenuGroup = ThisDrawing.Application.MenuGroups.Item(0)
    ' Create the new menu
    Dim newMenu As AcadPopupMenu
    Set newMenu = currMenuGroup.Menus.Add("TestMenu")
    ' Add a menu item to the new menu
    Dim newMenuItem As AcadPopupMenuItem
    Dim openMacro As String
    ' Assign the macro string the VB equivalent of "ESC ESC _open "
    openMacro = Chr(3) &amp; Chr(3) &amp; Chr(95) &amp; "open" &amp; Chr(32)
    Set newMenuItem = newMenu.<font color="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #316ac5;">AddMenuItem</font>(newMenu.count + 1, "Open", openMacro)
    ' Display the menu on the menu bar
    newMenu.InsertInMenuBar (ThisDrawing.Application.MenuBar.count + 1)
End Sub</pre><pre class="Code"></pre><pre class="Code">用这个程序想调用自己的一个窗口,该怎么弄呢?</pre><pre class="Code">我觉得应该是openMacro这个东西,但又不知道这句话什么意思openMacro = Chr(3) &amp; Chr(3) &amp; Chr(95) &amp; "open" &amp; Chr(32)
</pre><pre class="Code">请帮忙一下啊</pre><pre class="Code">谢谢了</pre><pre class="Code"></pre>

天龙八部 发表于 2007-9-8 14:54:00

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