研究一下这个帖子,将三点划弧做成模板。http://www.cnblogs.com/raymond19840709/archive/2007/04/12/710393.htmlPrivate Function GetCenOf3Pt(pt1 As Variant, pt2 As Variant, pt3 As Variant, ByRef radius As Double) As Variant
Dim xysm, xyse, xy As Double
Dim ptCen(2) As Double
xy = pt1(0) ^ 2 + pt1(1) ^ 2
xyse = xy - pt3(0) ^ 2 - pt3(1) ^ 2
xysm = xy - pt2(0) ^ 2 - pt2(1) ^ 2
xy = (pt1(0) - pt2(0)) * (pt1(1) - pt3(1)) - (pt1(0) - pt3(0)) * (pt1(1) - pt2(1))
If Abs(xy) < 0.000001 Then
MsgBox "所输入的参数无法创建圆形!"
Exit Function
End If
ptCen(0) = (xysm * (pt1(1) - pt3(1)) - xyse * (pt1(1) - pt2(1))) / (2 * xy)
ptCen(1) = (xyse * (pt1(0) - pt2(0)) - xysm * (pt1(0) - pt3(0))) / (2 * xy)
ptCen(2) = 0
radius = Sqr((pt1(0) - ptCen(0)) * (pt1(0) - ptCen(0)) + (pt1(1) - ptCen(1)) * (pt1(1) - ptCen(1)))
If radius < 0.000001 Then
MsgBox "半径过小!"
Exit Function
End If
GetCenOf3Pt = ptCen
End Function
Public Function AddArc3Pt(ByVal ptSt As Variant, ByVal ptSc As Variant, ByVal ptEn As Variant) As AcadArc
Dim objArc As AcadArc
Dim ptCen As Variant
Dim radius As Double
ptCen = GetCenOf3Pt(ptSt, ptSc, ptEn, radius)
If isClockWise(ptCen, ptSt, ptSc, ptEn) Then
Set objArc = AddArcCSEP(ptCen, ptSt, ptEn)
Set objArc = AddArcCSEP(ptCen, ptEn, ptSt)
End If
Set AddArc3Pt = objArc
End Function
Private Function AddArcCSEP(ByVal ptCen As Variant, ByVal ptSt As Variant, ByVal ptEn As Variant) As AcadArc
Dim objArc As AcadArc
Dim radius As Double
Dim stAng, enAng As Double
radius = 100 'GetDistance(ptCen, ptSt)
stAng = ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleFromXAxis(ptCen, ptSt)
enAng = ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleFromXAxis(ptCen, ptEn)
Set objArc = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddArc(ptCen, radius, stAng, enAng)
Set AddArcCSEP = objArc
End Function
Function isClockWise(ptCen, ptSt, ptSc, ptEn) As Boolean
a1 = ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleFromXAxis(ptCen, ptSt)
a2 = ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleFromXAxis(ptCen, ptSc)
a3 = ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleFromXAxis(ptCen, ptEn)
isClockWise = (a1 < a2) Xor (a2 < a3) Xor (a1 < a3)
End Function
Sub ls()
Dim aa As AcadArc
Dim pp(0 To 2) As Double, ppp(0 To 2) As Double, pppp(0 To 2) As Double
pp(0) = 0: pp(1) = 10: pp(2) = 0
ppp(0) = 10: ppp(1) = 100: ppp(2) = 0
pppp(0) = -20: pppp(1) = -110: pppp(2) = 0
Set aa = AddArcCSEP(pp, ppp, pppp)
End Sub