<p>请教各位一个问题,我用到语句ThisDrawing.Import PathName, pt() ,1插入一个dxf文件,为什么插入后不显示图元呢,但是能选中,就是看不见,请高手指点,非常感谢!</p> 怎么没人回复啊,自己顶一下吧,请高手指点啊~ <pre class="Code">Sub Example_Import()' This example will create a new drawing. Be sure to save
' your work and start a new drawing before running this example.
' This example creates a circle. It then exports the drawing
' to a file called DXFExprt.DXF. It then opens a new drawing
' and imports the file.
' Create the circle for visual representation
Dim circleObj As AcadCircle
Dim centerPt(0 To 2) As Double
Dim radius As Double
centerPt(0) = 2: centerPt(1) = 2: centerPt(2) = 0
radius = 1
Set circleObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(centerPt, radius)
' Create an empty selection set
Dim sset As AcadSelectionSet
Set sset = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("TEST")
' Export the current drawing to the file specified above.
Dim exportFile As String
exportFile = "C:\my documents\DXFExprt" ' Adjust path for your system
ThisDrawing.Export exportFile, "DXF", sset
' Open a new drawing
Dim Acad As AcadApplication
Dim newdoc As AcadDocument
Set Acad = ThisDrawing.Application
Set newdoc = Acad.Documents.Add("acad.dwt")
' Define the import
Dim importFile As String
Dim InsertPoint(0 To 2) As Double
Dim scalefactor As Double
importFile = "C:\my documents\DXFExprt.dxf"' Adjust path for your system
InsertPoint(0) = 0#: InsertPoint(1) = 0#: InsertPoint(2) = 0#
scalefactor = 2#
' Import the file
ThisDrawing.Import importFile, InsertPoint, scalefactor
End Sub</pre><pre class="Code"></pre><pre class="Code">你的用法和他的例子不同。没事多看看帮助。</pre> <p>我的程序和例子相同啊,还是不显示!请教各位了?</p>