<p>我想是不行的,</p> 恢复上一步还可以,没有别的办法了。 <p>如果您有点 Lisp 的基础,可以试试:<br/><a href="http://www.cadtutor.mobi/forum/showthread.php?p=296088">http://www.cadtutor.mobi/forum/showthread.php?p=296088</a><br/>---> <font color="#669985">REDODIM</font></p><p>Here, will be some of my autolisp/vital lisp/visual lisp/dcl...</p><p>Hope that will still of some use, about lisp I lost the practice, and nowadays dont' write in lisp anymore.</p><p><font color="#669985">REDODIM<br/></font>Select an exploded dimension and it will be re-done, this was intended to learn on how to recreate an exploded dimension.<br/></p>