各位高手,请教vba或者.net能开发出向CAD内部命令一样使用的命令么?想学习一下cad二次开发,还没有想好学哪个,请大侠不吝赐教,谢谢。 <p>vba是不能直接实现的,必须借助Lisp</p><p>.NetApi没问题</p><p>如果有VB的基础,不如直接学VB.Net或C#</p> <p>谢谢飞狐兄,前段时间比较忙,一直没有来,我对vb还是比较熟悉,vba经常用,现在正准备抽取时间学习。net</p> 呵呵,我还提问说能不能利用VBA编写内部命令呢,看来不行啊,但是我想能否用VBA调用LISP的语句写一个命令,达到lisp的效果呢,请赐教 <p>选择用</p><p>Sends a command string from a VB or VBA application to the document for processing</p>
<p class="body">Use a space or the ASCII carriage return character (vbCr) at the end of the command string to end the command; this is equivalent to pressing ENTER on the keyboard.
<p class="body">This method processes any AutoCAD command-line function, including LISP expressions.
<p class="body">If the drawing specified is not active, it will be made active.
<p class="body">This method is generally synchronous. However, if the command sent with this method requires any user interaction (such as picking a point on the screen) then this method will continue as soon as the user input begins. The command will then continue to be processed asynchronously.
<p class="body">When this method is called from an event handler it is processed asynchronously.
<p class="body">You should never use this method to issue a command for which there is an ActiveX method available. For example, do not use SendCommand "VBALOAD ". Instead, use the LoadDVB method. </p>