roycecim 发表于 2009-10-15 15:03:00


已知2个Point3d类型的点 p1,p2, 请问下怎么样以这2点为顶点画二维多段线Polyline2d

雪山飞狐_lzh 发表于 2009-10-15 16:56:00

<p>Polyline2d.AppendVertex Method</p><p>public ObjectId AppendVertex(<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Vertex2d vertexToAppend<br/>);</p><p>This function appends the Vertex2d object to the vertex list of the polyline, establishes the polyline as the vertex's owner, and adds the vertex the Database that contains the polyline (the polyline must be database-resident for this function to succeed). It returns the object ID of the appended vertex. </p><p>The appended vertex must be explicitly closed by the calling application after the AppendVertex() call returns.</p>
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查看完整版本: [求助]如何用已知的Point3d类型的点画Polyline2d的多段线?