高手们,谁有没有获取一个多边形包围的内部所有图块数量,并列表的程序 呵呵 取得多边形顶点列表plist,ssget就搞定(ssget "wp" plist '((0 . "insert"))) 现在有这么一个程序 呵呵 这个是要框选的能不能求版主大人帮助改一下改成我要的那种 哈哈。。。
(defun listFormatInputList (listInput / listComponentAlias listFormatedInput listMemberOfInput
boolIsAlias intDefinedAliasNumber k strInputComponentName strAlias
;;;定义组件别名表,形式为( (组件别名 组件原名) )
(setq listComponentAlias '(("bt" "button")
("edit" "edit_box")
("edit12" "edit12_box")
("edit32" "edit32_box")
("listbox" "list_box")
("ComboBox" "popup_list")
("btRadio" "radio_button")
("tg" "toggle")
("btOK" "ok_only")
("btCancel" "cancel_button")
("btErrer" "errtile")
("btHelp" "help_button")
("btInfo" "info_button")
("btOC" "ok_cancel")
("btOCH" "ok_cancel_help")
("btOCHE" "ok_cancel_help_errtile")
("btOCHI" "ok_cancel_help_info")
("color17" "color_palette_1_7")
("color19" "color_palette_1_9")
("color09" "color_palette_0_9")
("color250255" "color_palette_250_255")
("stdColor" "std_rq_color")
(setq listFormatedInput nil)
(foreach listMemberOfInput listInput
(setq k 0
boolIsAlias "No"
(setq strInputComponentName (strcase (car listMemberOfInput) T))
(setq intDefinedAliasNumber (length listComponentAlias))
(while (and (< k intDefinedAliasNumber) (= boolIsAlias "No"))
(setq strAlias (strcase (car (nth k listComponentAlias)) T))
(if (= strInputComponentName strAlias)
(progn (setq boolIsAlias "Yes")
(setq listFormatedInput (append listFormatedInput
(list (cons (cadr (nth k listComponentAlias))
(cdr listMemberOfInput)
(setq k (1+ k))
(if (= boolIsAlias "No")
(setq listFormatedInput (append listFormatedInput
(list (cons (strcase (car listMemberOfInput) T)
(cdr listMemberOfInput)
(defun listInputToString (listInput/listMemberOfInput listCdrMemberOfInput
listMemberOfComponentParameters listComponentParameterslistCadrMemberOfComponentParameters
listResult k j boolDefinementFound strTmptest1 test2)
;;;组件定义参数表,形式为 ( ( 组件名列表) ( 对应参数名列表) )
;;; 无属性控件,生成dcl文件时,在组件名后添加" ; “即可;如为“end”,在dcl文件里加上"}"字符即可
;;; 容器控件及带属性控件,需要在名前添加” : ",名后加 "{"
(setq listComponentParameters '((("容器控件" "dialog")
("label" "key" "value" "initial_focus"
"height" "width" "children_alignment""children_fixed_height"
(("容器控件" "boxed_column" "boxed_row" "boxed_radio_column"
"boxed_radio_row" "column" "row" "radio_row" "radio_column"
"concatenation" "paragraph"
("label" "key" "is_enabled" "alignment"
"height" "width" "fixed_height" "fixed_width"
"children_alignment""children_fixed_height" "children_fixed_width"
(("带属性控件" "button")
("label" "key" "action" "alignment" "height" "width" "horizontal_margin"
"vertical_margin" "fixed_height""fixed_width" "is_cancel" "is_default" "is_enabled" "is_tab_stop"
(("带属性控件" "edit_box" "edit12_box" "edit32_box" "fcf_ebox" "fcf_ebox1")
("label" "key" "value" "action" "alignment" "height"
"width" "fixed_height" "fixed_width" "allow_accept" "edit_limit" "edit_width"
"is_enabled" "is_tab_stop" "mnemonic" "password_char"
(("带属性控件" "image" "image_block" "icon_image")
("key" "value" "action" "alignment" "height" "width"
"fixed_height""fixed_width" "is_enabled" "is_tab_stop" "mnemonic" "aspect_ratio"
(("带属性控件" "image_button" "swatch" "fcf_ibut" "fcf_ibut1")
("key" "action" "alignment" "height" "width" "fixed_height"
"fixed_width" "is_enabled" "is_tab_stop" "mnemonic" "allow_accept" "aspect_ratio"
(("带属性控件" "list_box")
("label" "key" "value" "action" "alignment" "height"
"width" "fixed_height" "fixed_width" "allow_accept" "fixed_width_font"
"is_enabled" "is_tab_stop" "list" "mnemonic" "multiple_select"
"tabs" "tab_truncate"
(("带属性控件" "popup_list")
("label" "key" "value" "action" "alignment" "height"
"width" "fixed_height""fixed_width" "edit_width" "fixed_width_font"
"is_enabled" "is_tab_stop" "list" "mnemonic" "tabs" "tab_truncate"
(("带属性控件" "radio_button")
("label" "key" "value" "action" "is_enabled" "is_tab_stop"
"mnemonic" "alignment" "height" "width" "fixed_height""fixed_width"
(("带属性控件" "slider")
("label" "key" "value" "action" "alignment" "height"
"width" "fixed_height""fixed_width" "big_increment" "layout" "max_value"
"min_value" "mnemonic" "small_increment"
(("带属性控件" "spacer")
("value" "height" "width" "fixed_height" "fixed_width")
(("带属性控件" "text" "text_part" "text_25")
("label" "key" "value" "alignment" "height" "width" "fixed_height" "fixed_width" "is_bold")
(("带属性控件" "toggle")
("label" "key" "value" "action" "alignment" "height" "width" "fixed_height" "fixed_width" "is_enabled"
(("无属性控件" "cancel_button" "errtile" "help_button"
"info_button" "ok_cancel" "ok_cancel_help" "ok_cancel_help_errtile"
"ok_cancel_help_info""ok_only" "spacer" "spacer_0"
"spacer_1" "color_palette_1_7" "color_palette_1_9" "color_palette_0_9"
"color_palette_250_255" "std_rq_color"
(("无属性控件" "end")) ;以"end"作为单个组件定义的结束,生成dcl文件时,以“}“代替
(setq listResult nil)
(setvar "dimzin" 8)
(foreach listMemberOfInput listInput
(setq k 0
boolDefinementFound "NotYet"
(while (and (= boolDefinementFound "NotYet")
(< k (length listComponentParameters))
) ;未找到组件参数名列表且未搜索完组件预定义列表时循环
(setq listMemberOfComponentParameters (nth k listComponentParameters))
(if (and (member (car listMemberOfInput)
(car listMemberOfComponentParameters)
(if (= "spacer" (car listMemberOfInput))
(>= (length listMemberOfInput)
(length listMemberOfComponentParameters)
) ;因spacer既可为无属性控件也可为带属性控件,故特别处理
(progn (setq boolDefinementFound"Found"
listCdrMemberOfInput (cdr listMemberOfInput)
(cond ((or (= "容器控件" (car (car listMemberOfComponentParameters)))
(= "带属性控件" (car (car listMemberOfComponentParameters)))
listCdrMemberOfInput ;组件参数值有数据时
(setq listResult (append listResult
(list (strcat ":" (car listMemberOfInput) "{\n"))
(setq j 0
listCadrMemberOfComponentParameters (cadr listMemberOfComponentParameters)
(while (< j (length listCdrMemberOfInput))
(if (not (= "" (nth j listCdrMemberOfInput)))
(progn ;参数值非空时
(if (numberp (nth j listCdrMemberOfInput))
(setq strTMP (strcat (nth j listCadrMemberOfComponentParameters)
(rtos (nth j listCdrMemberOfInput) 2 3)
) ;参数为数值时
(setq strTMP (strcat (nth j listCadrMemberOfComponentParameters)
(nth j listCdrMemberOfInput)
) ;参数非数值时
(setq listResult (append listResult (list strTMP)))
(setq j (1+ j))
(if (= "带属性控件" (car (car listMemberOfComponentParameters)))
(setq listResult (append listResult (list "}\n")))
) ;带属性控件时,在字符串末尾加上组件结束标志 "}"
((= (car listMemberOfInput) "end")
(setq listResult (append listResult (list "}\n")))
(T ;(= "无属性控件" (car (car listMemberOfComponentParameters))) ,默认为无属性控件
(setq listResult (append listResult
(list (strcat (car listMemberOfInput) ";\n"))
(setq k (1+ k))
;;;调用形式 ( listGenerateDCLDCL文件名(无路径及后缀)
;;; 表( ( ( "组件名或别名")( 参数值表 )) ...)
;;; 表( ("组件编号""组件初始值") ...) ;组件显示值初始化
;;; 表( ("组件编号""动作代码") ...) ;需设置动作的组件及对应的动作
;;; 表("组件编号"...) ) ;用户点“确定”键时,需获取输入值的组件名
;;;返回值为表,形式为 ( 关闭对话框的整数代码 指定组件返回值列表)
(defun listGenerateDCL (strDCLFileName listInputDefinements listKeysAndValues listKeysAndActions
listKeysToGetValue/ listFormatedInput intDialogCloseTypelistKeysValue
listResult fStream strFileFullName objectFile fileStream
templist i dclid
;;;按 ( ( “组件名”显示") ) 表,设置各组件的值
(defun SetDCLValues (listKeysAndValues / listEachKeyAndValue)
(foreach listEachKeyAndValue listKeysAndValues
(set_tile (car listEachKeyAndValue)
(cadr listEachKeyAndValue)
;;;按 ( ( “组件名”“动作") ) 表,把组件与动作关联
(defun SetDCLActions (listKeysAndActions / listEachKeyAndAction)
(foreach listEachKeyAndAction listKeysAndActions
(action_tile (car listEachKeyAndAction)
(cadr listEachKeyAndAction)
;;;按 ( “组件名” ) 表,查询各组件值并返回值表
(defun listGetDCLValues (listKeys / listEachKey listValues)
(setq listValues nil)
(foreach listEachKey listKeys
(setq listValues (append listValues (list (get_tile listEachKey))))
(setq strFileFullName (vl-filename-mktemp (strcat strDCLFileName ".dcl")))
(setq objectFile (open strFileFullName "w"))
(setq listFormatedInput (listFormatInputList listInputDefinements))
(setq fileStream (append (list strDCLFileName)
(listInputToString listFormatedInput)
(foreach fStream fileStream (princ fStream objectFile))
(close objectFile)
(setq listResult nil)
(setq dclid (load_dialog strFileFullName))
(if (not (new_dialog strDCLFileName dclid ""))
(progn (alert "对话框加载失败!") (exit))
(if listKeysAndValues
(SetDCLValues listKeysAndValues)
(if listKeysAndActions
(SetDCLActions listKeysAndActions)
(if listKeysToGetValue
(action_tile "accept""(setq listKeysValue (listGetDCLValues listKeysToGetValue)) (done_dialog 1)" )
(setq intDialogCloseType (start_dialog))
(unload_dialog dclid)
(vl-file-delete strFileFullName)
(setq listResult (append (list intDialogCloseType) listKeysValue))
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;调用参数形式 (字符串 )
(defun strLength (str / sLength x1 x2 lst)
(setq lst (textbox (list (cons 1 str))))
(setq x1 (car (nth 0 lst))
x2 (car (nth 1 lst))
(setq sLength (abs (- x2 x1)))
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun initText (/ pt str eTextN)
(setq pt (list 0 0))
(setq str "初始化")
(command "text" pt #ZiGao# 0 str)
(setq eTextN (entlast))
(entdel eTextN)
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; 返回polyline的点表
;;;调用参数形式 (多义线图元名 )
(defun getplpts (pl / mark pts ver1 i ee pt)
(if (= "POLYLINE" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget pl))))
(progn; read points of ployline
(setq mark "VERTEX"
i 0
ver1 (entnext pl)
(while (= "VERTEX" mark)
(setq pts (append pts (list (cdr (assoc 10 (entget ver1))))))
(setq ver1 (entnext ver1)
i (1+ i)
(setq mark (cdr (assoc 0 (entget ver1))))
(progn; read points of lwployline
(setq ee (entget pl))
(foreach pt ee
(if (= 10 (car pt))
pts (append
(list (append (cdr pt) (list (cdr (assoc 38 ee)))))
;;;调用形式 (AddLineone 起点坐标终点坐标 ),如果成功,返回定义数据的图元表,否则返回 nil。
(defun AddLineone (listStartPoint listEndPoint)
(setq clay (getvar "clayer")) ; 原始图层状态赋值给oldlay
(if (null (tblsearch "LAYER" "001")) ; 如果还没有001图层
(command "._layer" "m" "001" "c" "240" "" "lt" "continuous" "" "LW"
"0.13" "" ""
(setvar "clayer" "001") ; 否则直接转换到001图层
(entmake (list '(0 . "LINE")
(cons 10 listStartPoint)
(cons 11 listEndPoint)
(while (/= 0 (getvar "cmdactive")) ; 没有它回不到原来图层
(command pause)
;;;调用形式 (AddText_AlignmentMiddle插入点坐标 显示 文本旋转角度(rad)文本内容宽高比例 字体样式名),如果成功,返回定义数据的图元表,否则返回 nil。
(defun AddText_AlignmentMiddle(listInsertPoint floatTextHigh floatRotateAngle strText floatScaleFactorstrStyleName)
(setq clay (getvar "clayer")) ; 原始图层状态赋值给oldlay
(if (null (tblsearch "LAYER" "003")) ; 如果还没有003图层
(command "._layer" "m" "003" "c" "100" "" "lt" "continuous" "" "LW"
"0.13" "" ""
(setvar "clayer" "003") ; 否则直接转换到003图层
(entmake (list '(0 . "TEXT")
'(10 0 0 0)
(cons 11 listInsertPoint)
(cons 40 floatTextHigh)
(cons 1 strText)
(cons 50 floatRotateAngle)
(cons 41 floatScaleFactor)
(cons 7 strStyleName)
'(72 . 1)
'(100 . "AcDbText")
(while (/= 0 (getvar "cmdactive")) ; 没有它回不到原来图层
(command pause)
(defun AddText_AlignmentMiddleone(listInsertPointone floatTextHighone floatRotateAngleone strTextone floatScaleFactoronestrStyleNameone)
(setq clay (getvar "clayer")) ; 原始图层状态赋值给oldlay
(if (null (tblsearch "LAYER" "0")) ; 如果还没有0图层
(command "._layer" "m" "0" "c" "255" "" "lt" "continuous" "" "LW"
"0.13" "" ""
(setvar "clayer" "0") ; 否则直接转换到0图层
(entmake (list '(0 . "TEXT")
'(10 0 0 0)
(cons 11 listInsertPointone)
(cons 40 floatTextHighone)
(cons 1 strTextone)
(cons 50 floatRotateAngleone)
(cons 41 floatScaleFactorone)
(cons 7 strStyleNameone)
'(72 . 1)
'(100 . "AcDbText")
(while (/= 0 (getvar "cmdactive")) ; 没有它回不到原来图层
(command pause)
(defun AddText_AlignmentMiddletwo(listInsertPointtwo floatTextHightwo floatRotateAngletwo strTexttwo floatScaleFactortwostrStyleNametwo)
(setq clay (getvar "clayer")) ; 原始图层状态赋值给oldlay
(if (null (tblsearch "LAYER" "004")) ; 如果还没有004图层
(command "._layer" "m" "004" "c" "210" "" "lt" "continuous" "" "LW"
"0.13" "" ""
(setvar "clayer" "004") ; 否则直接转换到004图层
(entmake (list '(0 . "TEXT")
'(10 0 0 0)
(cons 11 listInsertPointtwo)
(cons 40 floatTextHightwo)
(cons 1 strTexttwo)
(cons 50 floatRotateAngletwo)
(cons 41 floatScaleFactortwo)
(cons 7 strStyleNametwo)
'(72 . 1)
'(100 . "AcDbText")
(while (/= 0 (getvar "cmdactive")) ; 没有它回不到原来图层
(command pause)
(defun AddText_AlignmentMiddlethree(listInsertPointthree floatTextHighthree floatRotateAnglethree strTextthree floatScaleFactorthreestrStyleNamethree)
(setq clay (getvar "clayer")) ; 原始图层状态赋值给oldlay
(if (null (tblsearch "LAYER" "005")) ; 如果还没有005图层
(command "._layer" "m" "005" "c" "41" "" "lt" "continuous" "" "LW"
"0.13" "" ""
(setvar "clayer" "005") ; 否则直接转换到005图层
(entmake (list '(0 . "TEXT")
'(10 0 0 0)
(cons 11 listInsertPointthree)
(cons 40 floatTextHighthree)
(cons 1 strTextthree)
(cons 50 floatRotateAnglethree)
(cons 41 floatScaleFactorthree)
(cons 7 strStyleNamethree)
'(72 . 1)
'(100 . "AcDbText")
(while (/= 0 (getvar "cmdactive")) ; 没有它回不到原来图层
(command pause)
;;;调用形式 (AddText_AlignmentLeft插入点坐标 显示 文本旋转角度(rad)文本内容宽高比例 字体样式名),如果成功,返回定义数据的图元表,否则返回 nil。
(defun AddText_AlignmentLeft(listInsertPoint floatTextHigh floatRotateAngle strText floatScaleFactorstrStyleName)
(entmake (list '(0 . "TEXT")
(cons 10 listInsertPoint)
(cons 40 floatTextHigh)
(cons 1 strText)
(cons 50 floatRotateAngle)
(cons 41 floatScaleFactor)
(cons 7 strStyleName)
'(100 . "AcDbText")
;;;调用形式 ( InsertBlock显示插入点旋转角度 )
(defun InsertBlock ( strBlockName listInsertPoint floatRotateAngle )
(entmake (list '(0 . "INSERT")
'(100 . "AcDbEntity")
'(100 . "AcDbBlockReference")
(cons 2 strBlockName)
(cons 10 listInsertPoint)
(cons 50 floatRotateAngle)))
(defun BeginUndoGroup()
(command "undo" "be")
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun EndUndoGroup()
(command "undo" "e")
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun intCountSingleBlock (ssOriginal strTargetBlockName /
strEntityName listEntityDXF strBlockName intSingleBlockCount k)
(setq intSingleBlockCount 0
k -1 )
(repeat (sslength ssOriginal) ; 循环与所选择的对象数量相等的次数
(setq strEntityName (ssname ssOriginal (setq k (1+ k)))) ; strEntityName,取得第k个对象名
(setq listEntityDXF (entget strEntityName))
(setq strBlockName (cdr (assoc 2 listEntityDXF)))
(if (= strBlockName strTargetBlockName)
(setq intSingleBlockCount (1+ intSingleBlockCount))
(defun ssDelEntitysFromBlockSelectionSet (ssOriginal strTargetBlockName
/ strEntityName listEntityDXF strBlockName ssResult k)
(setq ssResult (ssadd)
k -1 )
(repeat (sslength ssOriginal) ; 循环与所选择的对象数量相等的次数
(setq strEntityName (ssname ssOriginal (setq k (1+ k)))) ; strEntityName,取得第k个对象名
(setq listEntityDXF (entget strEntityName))
(setq strBlockName (cdr (assoc 2 listEntityDXF)))
(if (/= strBlockName strTargetBlockName)
(setq ssResult (ssadd strEntityName ssResult))
(defun PrintBlockMiniature (floatBasicPointX floatBasicPointY strBlockName
/ floatMaxBlockWidth floatMaxBlockHigh
floatBlockOriginalWidth floatBlockOriginalHigh floatBlockWidthScale
floatBlockHighScale floatBlockBoundingBoxTargetMinPointX
floatBlockBoundingBoxTargetMinPointY floatBlockBoundingBoxTargetMaxPointX
floatBlockBoundingBoxTargetMaxPointY listTargetBlockCenterPoint
listBlockBoundingBoxMinPoint listBlockBoundingBoxMaxPoint objectBlockEntity
strEntityName listInsertPoint floatBlockScale
listBlockEntityDXF listBlockCenterPoint
;; floatBasicPointX floatBasicPointY 缩略图所在表格单元左下角点坐标
(setq floatMaxBlockWidth 21
floatMaxBlockHigh 8
(setq floatBlockBoundingBoxTargetMinPointX (+ floatBasicPointX 2)
floatBlockBoundingBoxTargetMinPointY (+ floatBasicPointY 1)
floatBlockBoundingBoxTargetMaxPointX (+ floatBasicPointX floatMaxBlockWidth 2)
floatBlockBoundingBoxTargetMaxPointY (+ floatBasicPointY floatMaxBlockHigh 1)
(setq listTargetBlockCenterPoint (list (/ (+ floatBlockBoundingBoxTargetMinPointXfloatBlockBoundingBoxTargetMaxPointX ) 2)
(/ (+ floatBlockBoundingBoxTargetMinPointY floatBlockBoundingBoxTargetMaxPointY )2 )
(setq listInsertPoint (list floatBlockBoundingBoxTargetMinPointXfloatBlockBoundingBoxTargetMinPointY) )
(InsertBlock strBlockName listInsertPoint 0)
(setq strEntityName (entlast))
(setq objectBlockEntity (vlax-ename->vla-object strEntityName))
(if(vl-catch-all-error-p (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-GetBoundingBox
(list objectBlockEntity'listBlockBoundingBoxMinPoint 'listBlockBoundingBoxMaxPoint ))
) ;判断块是否存在边框,若块含无限长直线等时,则不存在边框
(AddText_AlignmentMiddle listBlockCenterPoint 3 0 "本块无缩略图" 0.8 "standard")
(setq listBlockBoundingBoxMinPoint (vlax-safearray->list listBlockBoundingBoxMinPoint) )
(setq listBlockBoundingBoxMaxPoint (vlax-safearray->list listBlockBoundingBoxMaxPoint) )
(if (> (car listBlockBoundingBoxMaxPoint)(car listBlockBoundingBoxMinPoint) )
(setq floatBlockWidthScale (/ floatMaxBlockWidth
(- (car listBlockBoundingBoxMaxPoint) (car listBlockBoundingBoxMinPoint) )
(setqfloatBlockWidthScale 0)
(if (> (cadr listBlockBoundingBoxMaxPoint) (cadr listBlockBoundingBoxMinPoint))
(setq floatBlockHighScale(/ floatMaxBlockHigh
(- (cadr listBlockBoundingBoxMaxPoint) (cadr listBlockBoundingBoxMinPoint) )
(setq floatBlockHighScale 0)
((= (+ floatBlockWidthScale floatBlockHighScale) 0)(setq floatBlockScale 1)) ;块为单点时,缩放比例取为1
((=floatBlockWidthScale 0)(setq floatBlockScale floatBlockHighScale) ) ;块为竖直短线时
((=floatBlockHighScale 0)(setq floatBlockScale floatBlockWidthScale) ) ;块为水平短线时
((> floatBlockWidthScale floatBlockHighScale )(setq floatBlockScale floatBlockHighScale) ) ;数值较小者为块的控制缩放比例
(T(setq floatBlockScale floatBlockWidthScale) )
(setq listBlockEntityDXF (entget strEntityName))
(entmod (subst (cons 41 floatBlockScale) (assoc 41 listBlockEntityDXF) listBlockEntityDXF ) )
(entupd strEntityName)
(setq listBlockEntityDXF (entget strEntityName))
(entmod (subst (cons 42 floatBlockScale) (assoc 42 listBlockEntityDXF) listBlockEntityDXF ) )
(entupd strEntityName)
(setq listBlockEntityDXF (entget strEntityName))
(entmod (subst (cons 43 floatBlockScale) (assoc 43 listBlockEntityDXF) listBlockEntityDXF ) )
(entupd strEntityName)
(vla-GetBoundingBox objectBlockEntity 'listBlockBoundingBoxMinPoint 'listBlockBoundingBoxMaxPoint)
(setq listBlockBoundingBoxMinPoint (vlax-safearray->list listBlockBoundingBoxMinPoint) )
(setq listBlockBoundingBoxMaxPoint (vlax-safearray->list listBlockBoundingBoxMaxPoint) )
(setq listBlockCenterPoint (list (* 0.5 (+ (car listBlockBoundingBoxMaxPoint) (car listBlockBoundingBoxMinPoint) ) )
(* 0.5 (+ (cadr listBlockBoundingBoxMaxPoint) (cadr listBlockBoundingBoxMinPoint) ) )
(vla-move objectBlockEntity (vlax-3d-point listBlockCenterPoint) (vlax-3d-point listTargetBlockCenterPoint))
(defun PrintCountResultList (listResult/iListLength strBlockName
intNumberOfSSSingleBlockName strNumberOfSSSingleBlockNamept pt1 pt2pt3 pt4 pt5 pt6 pt7xyx1y1 y2
x2x3floatTextHigh floatTextHighoneblocknumber blocknumbersum)
(setq pt (getpoint "\n点取要标注块统计结果信息的位置:"))
(setq x (car pt)
y (cadr pt)
i 1
floatTextHigh 4
floatTextHighone 7
floatTextHightwo 4.5
(setq ListLength (length listResult))
(setq y1 (- y (* (1+ (+ 1 ListLength)) 10))) ;行高取10
(while (<= i 2)
(setq x1 (+ x (* i 25))) ;列宽取25
(setq pt1 (list x1 y 0)
pt2 (list x1 y1 0)
(AddLineone pt1 pt2)
(setq i (1+ i))
(setq i 1)
(setq x1 (+ x (* 3 25)))
(while (<= i (1+ ListLength))
(setq y1 (- y (* i 10)))
(setq pt1 (list x y1 0)
pt2 (list x1 y1 0)
(AddLineone pt1 pt2)
(setq i (1+ i))
(setq clay (getvar "clayer")) ; 原始图层状态赋值给oldlay
(if (null (tblsearch "LAYER" "002")) ; 如果还没有002图层
(command "._layer" "m" "002" "c" "41" "" "lt" "continuous" "" "LW"
"0.5" "" ""
(setvar "clayer" "002") ; 否则直接转换到002图层
(setq x1 (+ x (* 3 25))
y1 (- y (* 10 (+ 2 ListLength))))
(setq pt1 (list x y 0)
pt2 (list x1 y1 0)
pt3 (list x y1 0)
pt4 (list x1 y 0)
(command "pline" pt1 pt4 pt2 pt3 "c")
(while (/= 0 (getvar "cmdactive")) ; 没有它回不到原来图层
(command pause)
(setq x1 (+ x (* 0.5 25))
x2 (+ x (* 1.5 25))
x3 (+ x (* 2.5 25))
y1 (- y 7)
y2 (+ y 5)
(setq pt1 (list x1 y1 0)
pt2 (list x2 y1 0)
pt3 (list x3 y1 0)
pt8 (list x2 y2 0)
(AddText_AlignmentMiddlethree pt1 floatTextHigh 0 "块缩略图" 0.8 "standard")
(AddText_AlignmentMiddlethree pt2 floatTextHigh 0 "块名称" 0.8 "standard")
(AddText_AlignmentMiddlethree pt3 floatTextHigh 0 "块数量" 0.8 "standard")
(AddText_AlignmentMiddlethree pt8 floatTextHighone 0 "图块数量统计" 0.8 "standard")
(setq i 0
floatTextHigh 3
blocknumber 0 )
(while (< i ListLength)
(setq y1 (+ y (* -10 (+ i 2))))
(setq ;pt1 (list x1 y1 0)
pt2 (list x2 (+ y1 3) 0)
pt3 (list x3 (+ y1 3) 0)
(setq strBlockName (car (nth i listResult))
intNumberOfSSSingleBlockName (cadr (nth i listResult))
(setq blocknumber (+ blocknumber intNumberOfSSSingleBlockName))
(setq strNumberOfSSSingleBlockName (itoa intNumberOfSSSingleBlockName))
(AddText_AlignmentMiddle pt2 floatTextHigh 0 strBlockName 0.8 "standard")
(AddText_AlignmentMiddle pt3 floatTextHigh 0 strNumberOfSSSingleBlockName 1.0 "standard")
(if (vl-catch-all-error-p (vl-catch-all-apply 'PrintBlockMiniature (list x y1 strBlockName)))
(AddText_AlignmentLeft (list (+ x 1) (+ y1 2)) 3 0 "生成块缩略图时出错" 0.8 "standard")
(setq i (1+ i))
(setq i 0
blocknumbersum 0 )
(while (< i ListLength)
(setq blocknumbersum (+ blocknumbersum intNumberOfSSSingleBlockName))
(setq i (1+ i))
(setq intNumberOfSSSingleBlockName (itoa blocknumbersum))
(setq strNumberOfSSSingleBlockName (itoa blocknumber))
(setq y1 (- (- y (* 10 (+ 1 ListLength))) 7 )
(setq pt5 (list x1 y1 0)
pt6 (list x2 y1 0)
pt7 (list x3 y1 0)
(AddText_AlignmentMiddletwo pt5 floatTextHightwo 0 intNumberOfSSSingleBlockName0.8 "standard")
(AddText_AlignmentMiddle pt5 floatTextHightwo 0 "共 种"0.8 "standard")
(AddText_AlignmentMiddlethree pt6 floatTextHightwo 0 "汇总" 0.8 "standard")
(AddText_AlignmentMiddletwo pt7 floatTextHightwo 0 strNumberOfSSSingleBlockName 0.8 "standard")
(AddText_AlignmentMiddle pt7 floatTextHightwo 0 "共 个"0.8 "standard")
(defun GetBlocksSelectionRange (/ strDCLFileName listInputDefinements listKeysAndValues listKeysAndActions listKeysToGetValue
listDCLReturn intButtonClick strSelectRange)
(setq strSelectRange"UserSelection" )
(setq strDCLFileName "BlocksSelectionRange")
(setq listInputDefinements '(("dialog" "指定统计范围" "")
("radio_column" "进行块统计的范围:")
("btRadio" "手工选择" "brUserSelection")
("btRadio" "整个图形" "brDrawingFile")
("text" "注:不统计含无限长直线的块!")
(setq listKeysAndValues '(("brUserSelection" "1")))
(setq listKeysAndActions '(("brUserSelection" "(setq strSelectRange \"UserSelection\")")
("brDrawingFile" "(setq strSelectRange \"DrawingFile\")")) )
(setq listKeysToGetValue nil)
(setq listDCLReturn (listGenerateDCL strDCLFileName listInputDefinements listKeysAndValues listKeysAndActions listKeysToGetValue) )
(setq intButtonClick (car listDCLReturn ))
(defun tktj (/ ssObjectsstrEntityNamelistEntityDXFstrBlockName
listResultintSingleBlockCountlistMinPoint listInsertPointfloatBlockRotateAngle
;;listResult 用于记录统计结果,形式为((显示块数量同名块中一个实体的对象名 )...)
; (initget "D S _DrawingFile UserSelection")
; (setq strSelectRange (getkword "\n统计块的范围[显示(D)/显示(S)]<S>:"))
(setq strSelectRange (GetBlocksSelectionRange))
(if (= strSelectRange "DrawingFile")
(setq ssObjects(ssget "X" '((0 . "insert")(100 . "AcDbBlockReference")))) ; 创建选择集 ssObjects
(princ "\n请选择需要统计的块:\n")
(setq ssObjects (ssget '((0 . "INSERT")(100 . "AcDbBlockReference")))) ; 创建选择集 ssObjects
(if ssObjects
(setq listResult nil)
(while (> (sslength ssObjects) 0)
(setq strEntityName (ssname ssObjects 0)) ; strEntityName,取得第1个对象名
(setq listEntityDXF (entget strEntityName))
(setq strBlockName (cdr (assoc 2 listEntityDXF)))
(setq intSingleBlockCount (intCountSingleBlock ssObjects strBlockName ) )
(setq ssObjects (ssDelEntitysFromBlockSelectionSet ssObjects strBlockName))
(setq listResult (append listResult
(list (list strBlockName intSingleBlockCount))
(setvar "dimzin" 8)
(setvar "osmode" 0)
(if(tblsearch "style" "standard")
(setvar "textstyle" "standard")
(command "_style" "standard" "sceie.shx,sceic.shx" 0 0.8 0 "N" "N" "N")
(PrintCountResultList listResult)
(setvar "osmode" 16383)
(defun c:tjk()(tktj))
不过虽然长的长了点,但是还是很实用的! 328302216 发表于 2011-12-7 15:51 static/image/common/back.gif
edsion24 能否说说怎么把图块的缩略图插入到表中吗?思路是什么?用的是什么函数啊! 统计块的这个程序非常强大 这个问题我也想请教 我想实现,特定图层框或者多点指定框内的块个数,哪位上面的程序能否帮忙修改一下 这个帖子里的问题,有没有高手能解决一下,小弟在这里等了好多天了 edsion24 发表于 2011-4-1 10:37 static/image/common/back.gif
现在有这么一个程序 呵呵 这个是要框选的能不能求版主大人帮助改一下改成我要的那种 哈哈。。。