set c1=new class 'class 为你存的类模快名
Option Explicit
' Visual Basic MD5 Implementation
' Robert Hubley and David Midkiff (
' modify by simonyan, Support chinese
' Standard MD5 implementation optimised for the Visual Basic environment.
' Conforms to all standards and can be used in digital signature or password
' protection related schemes.
Private Const OFFSET_4 = 4294967296#
Private Const MAXINT_4 = 2147483647
Private State(4) As Long
Private ByteCounter As Long
Private ByteBuffer(63) As Byte
Private Const S11 = 7
Private Const S12 = 12
Private Const S13 = 17
Private Const S14 = 22
Private Const S21 = 5
Private Const S22 = 9
Private Const S23 = 14
Private Const S24 = 20
Private Const S31 = 4
Private Const S32 = 11
Private Const S33 = 16
Private Const S34 = 23
Private Const S41 = 6
Private Const S42 = 10
Private Const S43 = 15
Private Const S44 = 21
Property Get RegisterA() As String
RegisterA = State(1)
End Property
Property Get RegisterB() As String
RegisterB = State(2)
End Property
Property Get RegisterC() As String
RegisterC = State(3)
End Property
Property Get RegisterD() As String
RegisterD = State(4)
End Property
Public Function Md5_String_Calc(SourceString As String) As String
MD5Update LenB(StrConv(SourceString, vbFromUnicode)), StringToArray(SourceString)
Md5_String_Calc = GetValues
End Function
Public Function Md5_File_Calc(InFile As String) As String
On Error GoTo errorhandler
GoSub begin
DigestFileToHexStr = ""
Exit Function
Dim FileO As Integer
FileO = FreeFile
Call FileLen(InFile)
Open InFile For Binary Access Read As #FileO
Do While Not EOF(FileO)
Get #FileO, , ByteBuffer
If Loc(FileO) < LOF(FileO) Then
ByteCounter = ByteCounter + 64
MD5Transform ByteBuffer
End If
ByteCounter = ByteCounter + (LOF(FileO) Mod 64)
Close #FileO
Md5_File_Calc = GetValues
End Function
Private Function StringToArray(InString As String) As Byte()
Dim I As Integer, bytBuffer() As Byte
ReDim bytBuffer(LenB(StrConv(InString, vbFromUnicode)))
bytBuffer = StrConv(InString, vbFromUnicode)
StringToArray = bytBuffer
End Function
Public Function GetValues() As String
GetValues = LongToString(State(1)) & LongToString(State(2)) & LongToString(State(3)) & LongToString(State(4))
End Function
Private Function LongToString(Num As Long) As String
Dim A As Byte, B As Byte, C As Byte, D As Byte
A = Num And &HFF&
If A < 16 Then LongToString = "0" & Hex(A) Else LongToString = Hex(A)
B = (Num And &HFF00&) \ 256
If B < 16 Then LongToString = LongToString & "0" & Hex(B) Else LongToString = LongToString & Hex(B)
C = (Num And &HFF0000) \ 65536
If C < 16 Then LongToString = LongToString & "0" & Hex(C) Else LongToString = LongToString & Hex(C)
If Num < 0 Then D = ((Num And &H7F000000) \ 16777216) Or &H80& Else D = (Num And &HFF000000) \ 16777216
If D < 16 Then LongToString = LongToString & "0" & Hex(D) Else LongToString = LongToString & Hex(D)
End Function
Public Sub MD5Init()
ByteCounter = 0
State(1) = UnsignedToLong(1732584193#)
State(2) = UnsignedToLong(4023233417#)
State(3) = UnsignedToLong(2562383102#)
State(4) = UnsignedToLong(271733878#)
End Sub
Public Sub MD5Final()
Dim dblBits As Double, padding(72) As Byte, lngBytesBuffered As Long
padding(0) = &H80
dblBits = ByteCounter * 8
lngBytesBuffered = ByteCounter Mod 64
If lngBytesBuffered <= 56 Then MD5Update 56 - lngBytesBuffered, padding Else MD5Update 120 - ByteCounter, padding
padding(0) = UnsignedToLong(dblBits) And &HFF&
padding(1) = UnsignedToLong(dblBits) \ 256 And &HFF&
padding(2) = UnsignedToLong(dblBits) \ 65536 And &HFF&
padding(3) = UnsignedToLong(dblBits) \ 16777216 And &HFF&
padding(4) = 0
padding(5) = 0
padding(6) = 0
padding(7) = 0
MD5Update 8, padding
End Sub
Public Sub MD5Update(InputLen As Long, InputBuffer() As Byte)
Dim II As Integer, I As Integer, J As Integer, K As Integer, lngBufferedBytes As Long, lngBufferRemaining As Long, lngRem As Long
lngBufferedBytes = ByteCounter Mod 64
lngBufferRemaining = 64 - lngBufferedBytes
ByteCounter = ByteCounter + InputLen
If InputLen >= lngBufferRemaining Then
For II = 0 To lngBufferRemaining - 1
ByteBuffer(lngBufferedBytes + II) = InputBuffer(II)
Next II
MD5Transform ByteBuffer
lngRem = (InputLen) Mod 64
For I = lngBufferRemaining To InputLen - II - lngRem Step 64
For J = 0 To 63
ByteBuffer(J) = InputBuffer(I + J)
Next J
MD5Transform ByteBuffer
Next I
lngBufferedBytes = 0
I = 0
End If
For K = 0 To InputLen - I - 1
ByteBuffer(lngBufferedBytes + K) = InputBuffer(I + K)
Next K
End Sub
Private Sub MD5Transform(Buffer() As Byte)
Dim X(16) As Long, A As Long, B As Long, C As Long, D As Long
A = State(1)
B = State(2)
C = State(3)
D = State(4)
Decode 64, X, Buffer
FF A, B, C, D, X(0), S11, -680876936
FF D, A, B, C, X(1), S12, -389564586
FF C, D, A, B, X(2), S13, 606105819
FF B, C, D, A, X(3), S14, -1044525330
FF A, B, C, D, X(4), S11, -176418897
FF D, A, B, C, X(5), S12, 1200080426
FF C, D, A, B, X(6), S13, -1473231341
FF B, C, D, A, X(7), S14, -45705983
FF A, B, C, D, X(8), S11, 1770035416
FF D, A, B, C, X(9), S12, -1958414417
FF C, D, A, B, X(10), S13, -42063
FF B, C, D, A, X(11), S14, -1990404162
FF A, B, C, D, X(12), S11, 1804603682
FF D, A, B, C, X(13), S12, -40341101
FF C, D, A, B, X(14), S13, -1502002290
FF B, C, D, A, X(15), S14, 1236535329
GG A, B, C, D, X(1), S21, -165796510
GG D, A, B, C, X(6), S22, -1069501632
GG C, D, A, B, X(11), S23, 643717713
GG B, C, D, A, X(0), S24, -373897302
GG A, B, C, D, X(5), S21, -701558691
GG D, A, B, C, X(10), S22, 38016083
GG C, D, A, B, X(15), S23, -660478335
GG B, C, D, A, X(4), S24, -405537848
GG A, B, C, D, X(9), S21, 568446438
GG D, A, B, C, X(14), S22, -1019803690
GG C, D, A, B, X(3), S23, -187363961
GG B, C, D, A, X(8), S24, 1163531501
GG A, B, C, D, X(13), S21, -1444681467
GG D, A, B, C, X(2), S22, -51403784
GG C, D, A, B, X(7), S23, 1735328473
GG B, C, D, A, X(12), S24, -1926607734
HH A, B, C, D, X(5), S31, -378558
HH D, A, B, C, X(8), S32, -2022574463
HH C, D, A, B, X(11), S33, 1839030562
HH B, C, D, A, X(14), S34, -35309556
HH A, B, C, D, X(1), S31, -1530992060
HH D, A, B, C, X(4), S32, 1272893353
HH C, D, A, B, X(7), S33, -155497632
HH B, C, D, A, X(10), S34, -1094730640
HH A, B, C, D, X(13), S31, 681279174
HH D, A, B, C, X(0), S32, -358537222
HH C, D, A, B, X(3), S33, -722521979
HH B, C, D, A, X(6), S34, 76029189
HH A, B, C, D, X(9), S31, -640364487
HH D, A, B, C, X(12), S32, -421815835
HH C, D, A, B, X(15), S33, 530742520
HH B, C, D, A, X(2), S34, -995338651
II A, B, C, D, X(0), S41, -198630844
II D, A, B, C, X(7), S42, 1126891415
II C, D, A, B, X(14), S43, -1416354905
II B, C, D, A, X(5), S44, -57434055
II A, B, C, D, X(12), S41, 1700485571
II D, A, B, C, X(3), S42, -1894986606
II C, D, A, B, X(10), S43, -1051523
II B, C, D, A, X(1), S44, -2054922799
II A, B, C, D, X(8), S41, 1873313359
II D, A, B, C, X(15), S42, -30611744
II C, D, A, B, X(6), S43, -1560198380
II B, C, D, A, X(13), S44, 1309151649
II A, B, C, D, X(4), S41, -145523070
II D, A, B, C, X(11), S42, -1120210379
II C, D, A, B, X(2), S43, 718787259
II B, C, D, A, X(9), S44, -343485551
State(1) = LongOverflowAdd(State(1), A)
State(2) = LongOverflowAdd(State(2), B)
State(3) = LongOverflowAdd(State(3), C)
State(4) = LongOverflowAdd(State(4), D)
End Sub
Private Sub Decode(Length As Integer, OutputBuffer() As Long, InputBuffer() As Byte)
Dim intDblIndex As Integer, intByteIndex As Integer, dblSum As Double
For intByteIndex = 0 To Length - 1 Step 4
dblSum = InputBuffer(intByteIndex) + InputBuffer(intByteIndex + 1) * 256# + InputBuffer(intByteIndex + 2) * 65536# + InputBuffer(intByteIndex + 3) * 16777216#
OutputBuffer(intDblIndex) = UnsignedToLong(dblSum)
intDblIndex = intDblIndex + 1
Next intByteIndex
End Sub
Private Function FF(A As Long, B As Long, C As Long, D As Long, X As Long, S As Long, ac As Long) As Long
A = LongOverflowAdd4(A, (B And C) Or (Not (B) And D), X, ac)
A = LongLeftRotate(A, S)
A = LongOverflowAdd(A, B)
End Function
Private Function GG(A As Long, B As Long, C As Long, D As Long, X As Long, S As Long, ac As Long) As Long
A = LongOverflowAdd4(A, (B And D) Or (C And Not (D)), X, ac)
A = LongLeftRotate(A, S)
A = LongOverflowAdd(A, B)
End Function
Private Function HH(A As Long, B As Long, C As Long, D As Long, X As Long, S As Long, ac As Long) As Long
A = LongOverflowAdd4(A, B Xor C Xor D, X, ac)
A = LongLeftRotate(A, S)
A = LongOverflowAdd(A, B)
End Function
Private Function II(A As Long, B As Long, C As Long, D As Long, X As Long, S As Long, ac As Long) As Long
A = LongOverflowAdd4(A, C Xor (B Or Not (D)), X, ac)
A = LongLeftRotate(A, S)
A = LongOverflowAdd(A, B)
End Function
Function LongLeftRotate(value As Long, Bits As Long) As Long
Dim lngSign As Long, lngI As Long
Bits = Bits Mod 32
If Bits = 0 Then LongLeftRotate = value: Exit Function
For lngI = 1 To Bits
lngSign = value And &HC0000000
value = (value And &H3FFFFFFF) * 2
value = value Or ((lngSign < 0) And 1) Or (CBool(lngSign And &H40000000) And &H80000000)
LongLeftRotate = value
End Function
Private Function LongOverflowAdd(Val1 As Long, Val2 As Long) As Long
Dim lngHighWord As Long, lngLowWord As Long, lngOverflow As Long
lngLowWord = (Val1 And &HFFFF&) + (Val2 And &HFFFF&)
lngOverflow = lngLowWord \ 65536
lngHighWord = (((Val1 And &HFFFF0000) \ 65536) + ((Val2 And &HFFFF0000) \ 65536) + lngOverflow) And &HFFFF&
LongOverflowAdd = UnsignedToLong((lngHighWord * 65536#) + (lngLowWord And &HFFFF&))
End Function
Private Function LongOverflowAdd4(Val1 As Long, Val2 As Long, val3 As Long, val4 As Long) As Long
Dim lngHighWord As Long, lngLowWord As Long, lngOverflow As Long
lngLowWord = (Val1 And &HFFFF&) + (Val2 And &HFFFF&) + (val3 And &HFFFF&) + (val4 And &HFFFF&)
lngOverflow = lngLowWord \ 65536
lngHighWord = (((Val1 And &HFFFF0000) \ 65536) + ((Val2 And &HFFFF0000) \ 65536) + ((val3 And &HFFFF0000) \ 65536) + ((val4 And &HFFFF0000) \ 65536) + lngOverflow) And &HFFFF&
LongOverflowAdd4 = UnsignedToLong((lngHighWord * 65536#) + (lngLowWord And &HFFFF&))
End Function
Private Function UnsignedToLong(value As Double) As Long
If value < 0 Or value >= OFFSET_4 Then Error 6
If value <= MAXINT_4 Then UnsignedToLong = value Else UnsignedToLong = value - OFFSET_4
End Function
Private Function LongToUnsigned(value As Long) As Double
If value < 0 Then LongToUnsigned = value + OFFSET_4 Else LongToUnsigned = value
End Function 该贴已经同步到 cumtjh的微博 本帖最后由 cumtjh 于 2011-6-16 16:20 编辑
; 2006.11by emrys
(defun register()
(GRTEXT -2 "请输入授权码......")
(setq Pass_File "C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Autodesk Shared\\lisp.ry")
(setq fn(findfile Pass_File))
(if (= fn nil);创建文件
(setq fn Pass_File)
(setq fh(open fn "w"))
(setq str1 "Don't remove these data!!\n")
(princ str1 fh)
(princ mcode fh)
(princ "\n" fh)
(princ sncode fh)
(close fh)
(read_data fn)
(read_data fn)
(if (or(= dt3 nil)(/= dt2 dt3))
(setq passflage 1)
(princ"程序运行条件成熟 ,执行程序......")
);end progn
);end if
(princ )
) ;end defun
(defun pwd ()
(setq dcl_id(load_dialog "dcl\\pwd.dcl"))
(if (null (new_dialog "pwd" dcl_id))
(setq fn Pass_File)
;(read_data fn)
(set_tile "mcode" dt1)
(if (or(= dt3 nil)(/= dt2 dt3))
(setq dt3 "你还没有注册!请输入授权号")
(setq passflage 0)
(set_tile "password" dt3)
(action_tile "password" "(GETDATApwd)(done_dialog 3) ")
(action_tile "accpet" "(done_dialog 3)")
(action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog 0)")
;(setq mc(get_tile "mcode"))
;(princ" mc=")
; (princ mc)
;(setq psd(get_tile "password" ))
;(princ" psd=")
; (princpsd)
(setq what_next(start_dialog))
((= what_next 3)(SAVEOK))
;((= what_next 1) (princ "\n dfg "))
((= what_next 0) (princ "取消运行程序 ")) )
(unload_dialog dcl_id)
(defun getdatapwd()
(setq mc(get_tile "mcode"))
(setq psd(get_tile "password" ))
(defun saveok()
;(setq psd(get_tile "password" ))
(if (= dt2 psd)
(setq fn Pass_File)
(setq fh(open fn "a"))
(princ "\n" fh)
(princ psd fh)
(alert "注册成功!")
(close fh)
(setq passflage 1)
(princ "注册成功!")
(alert "授权号不正确!请重新输入")
(setq passflage 0)
(defun getcode()
(setq sum(rnd 1 11))
(princ sum)
(setq STRPWD " dfgg hewa wwhu ijut kops gper jfgr pznd vwek murj" )
(SETQ k(/(+ sdt1 1)5))
;(princ sdt1)
;(princ STRPWD)
(setq mcode(substr strpwd (+(* sum 5)1) 19))
(setq sncode(substr strpwd (-(*(- k sum) 5)19) 19))
(defun read_data(filename)
(if (setq fp(openfilename "r"))
(setq dt0(read-line fp))
(setq dt1(read-line fp))
(setq dt2(read-line fp))
(setq dt3(read-line fp))
(close fp)
; (setq listmcode dt1)
);end progn
(princ(strcat"\n failed Open file:"filename "!!!\n "))
) ;end if
(defun rnd(n1 n2)
(setq ra 66791 rb 17 nn 30)
(setq imin(expt 2 31) imax(1- imin))
(if (> n1 n2)
(setq n3 n1 n1 n2 n2 n3)
(setq rn(atoi(substr(rtos(getvar "cdate")2 7)14)))
(repeat nn
(setq rn(+(* rn ra)rb))
(if (minusp rn)(setq rn(- rn imin)))
;(setq pwdstr"")
(setq rn(rem rn imax))
(setq rn(/ rn imax 1.0))
(setq rn(+(fix(* rn(1+ (- n2 n1))))n1))
(defunpsaveoldsysarg () ;保存系统变量
(setq oldcmde (getvar "cmdecho")
oldblip (getvar "blipmode")
oldosmo (getvar "osmode")
oldclay (getvar "clayer")
oldcolo (getvar "cecolor")
oldltyp (getvar "celtype")
oldchec (getvar "limcheck")
oldrege (getvar "regenmode")
oldstyl (getvar "textstyle")
oldtxte (getvar "texteval")
(setq pxl_osmode (getvar "osmode"))
;;(if (tblsearch "ucs" "olducs")
;; (command "._ucs" "s" "olducs" "y")
;; (command "._ucs" "s" "olducs")
;; )
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setvar "blipmode" 0)
(setvar "osmode" 0)
(setvar "limcheck" 0)
(setvar "regenmode" 1)
(setvar "texteval" 1)
;;(command "handles" "on")
(setq *error* pmterror)
(defun prestoreoldsysarg () ;恢复系统变量
(if (= (type oldcmde) 'int) (setvar "cmdecho" oldcmde))
(if (= (type oldblip) 'int) (setvar "blipmode" oldblip))
(if (= (type oldosmo) 'int) (setvar "osmode" oldosmo))
(if (= (type oldchec) 'int) (setvar "limcheck" oldchec))
(if (= (type oldrege) 'int) (setvar "regenmode" oldrege))
(if (= (type oldtxte) 'int) (setvar "texteval" oldtxte))
(if (= (type oldcolo) 'str) (setvar "cecolor" oldcolo))
(if (= (type oldclay) 'str) (setvar "clayer" oldclay))
(if (= (type oldltyp) 'str) (setvar "celtype" oldltyp))
(if (= (type oldstyl) 'str) (setvar "textstyle" oldstyl))
;; (if (tblsearch "ucs" "olducs") (command "._ucs" "r" "olducs"))
(setq *error* olderr)
(defun pmterror(s)
(princ"\n程序运行条件不足, 程序自动退出.")
;; (princ"\n错误是:") (princ s)
(command ^c)
(command "._u")
(setq *error* olderr)
;DCL 文件
pwd: dialog{
// password_char="*";
///::::: ddtoggle.dcl
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