;;;the transformation matrix of UCS to WCS and WCS to UCS.
(defun UCS2WCS (/ xdir ydir zdir UcsOrg WcsOrg matlst revlst matrix)
(defun AppendMatrix (lst org)
(mapcar 'append lst (mapcar 'list org))
'((0. 0. 0. 1.))
(if (zerop (getvar "WORLDUCS")) ;如果不同于WCS
(setq xdir (getvar "UCSXDIR") ;X方向
ydir (getvar "UCSYDIR") ;Y方向
zdir (G:CrossProductor xdir ydir) ;Z方向等于X方向叉乘Y方向
UcsOrg (getvar "UCSORG") ;UCS原点
WcsOrg (trans '(0 0 0) 0 1) ;WCS原点相对于UCS的坐标
matLst (list xdir ydir zdir) ;UCS的旋转矩阵
RevLst (trp matLst) ;UCS的旋转矩阵的逆
matrix (list
(AppendMatrix matlst WcsOrg) ;UCS到WCS的变换矩阵
(AppendMatrix RevLst UcsOrg) ;WCS到UCS的变换矩阵
'((1. 0. 0. 0.) (0. 1. 0. 0.) (0. 0. 1. 0.) (0. 0. 0. 1.));世界坐标系下是单位矩阵
'((1. 0. 0. 0.) (0. 1. 0. 0.) (0. 0. 1. 0.) (0. 0. 0. 1.));世界坐标系下是单位矩阵
;;; 矢量的点积
;;; VXV Returns the dot product of 2 vectors
(defun vxv (v1 v2)
(apply '+ (mapcar '* v1 v2))
;;; 矢量转置
;;; TRP Transpose a matrix -Doug Wilson-
(defun trp (m)
(apply 'mapcar (cons 'list m))
;;; 矢量的矩阵变换
;;; MXV Apply a transformation matrix to a vector -Vladimir Nesterovsky-
(defun mxv (m v)
(mapcar (function (lambda (r) (vxv r v))) m)
;;; 矩阵相乘
;;; MXM Multiply two matrices -Vladimir Nesterovsky-
(defun mxm (m q)
(mapcar (function (lambda (r) (mxv (trp q) r))) m)
;;; CrossProductor --vec1 * vec2
(defun G:CrossProductor (vec1 vec2 / a b c d e f)
(setq a (car vec1))
(setq b (cadrvec1))
(setq c (caddr vec1))
(setq d (car vec2))
(setq e (cadrvec2))
(setq f (caddr vec2))
(- (* b f) (* c e))
(- (* c d) (* a f))
(- (* a e) (* b d))
(defun c:test(/ ent obj mat)
(if (setq ent (car (entsel)))
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object ent))
(setq mat (ucs2wcs))
(vla-TransformBy obj (vlax-tmatrix (carmat))) ;UCS->WCS
(command ".select" ent pause)
(vla-TransformBy obj (vlax-tmatrix (cadr mat))) ;WCS->UCS
该贴已经同步到 highflybird的微博
狂刀lxx 发表于 2011-6-25 11:36
真乃神人再世也,就想不明白,你们这些大佬怎么如此厉害 此帖乃神仙打架 凡人不懂 Lee Mac 的,更简洁
(defun LM:UCS2WCS nil
(mapcar 'append
(lambda ( v ) (trans v 1 0 t))
'((1. 0. 0.) (0. 1. 0.) (0. 0. 1.))
(mapcar 'list (trans '(0. 0. 0.) 0 1))
'((0. 0. 0. 1.))
(defun LM:WCS2UCS nil
(mapcar 'append
(lambda ( v ) (trans v 0 1 t))
'((1. 0. 0.) (0. 1. 0.) (0. 0. 1.))
(mapcar 'list (trans '(0. 0. 0.) 1 0))
'((0. 0. 0. 1.))
本帖最后由 狂刀lxx 于 2011-6-25 11:39 编辑
不错,我再帮简化一下 ;|ucs-wcs转换矩阵 by LEE MAC简化by dreamsky 2011.6|;
(defun tranx (x y)
(mapcar 'append
(mapcar (function(lambda(v)(trans v x y t)))
'((1. 0. 0.) (0. 1. 0.) (0. 0. 1.))
(mapcar 'list (trans '(0. 0. 0.) y x))
'((0. 0. 0. 1.))
(defun u2w ()(tranx 1 0)) ;;ucs转wcs矩阵
(defun w2u ()(tranx 0 1));;wcs转ucs矩阵 高 实在高 其实可以更简单的。
(vlax-get-acad-object))) i)) ;;;i --->第i个ucs
本帖最后由 highflybir 于 2011-6-26 08:58 编辑
回复 狂刀lxx 的帖子
;;;Hence the code would only be able to create a transformation matrix to transfrom from WCS to
;;;a coordinate system with origin, normal and rotation as supplied.
(defun LM:UCSMatrix ( org norm ang )
(mapcar 'append
(lambda ( v ) (trans v 0 norm t))
'((1. 0. 0.) (0. 1. 0.) (0. 0. 1.))
(list (cos ang) (- (sin ang)) 0.)
(list (sin ang) (cos ang)0.)
(list 0. 0. 1.)
(mapcar 'list (trans org norm 0))
'((0. 0. 0. 1.))
;; Matrix x Vector~Vladimir Nesterovsky
(defun mxv ( mat vec )
(mapcar '(lambda ( row ) (apply '+ (mapcar '* row vec))) mat)
;; Matrix x Matrix~Vladimir Nesterovsky
(defun mxm ( m q )
(mapcar (function (lambda ( r ) (mxv (trp q) r))) m)
;; Matrix Transpose~Doug Wilson
(defun trp ( m )
(apply 'mapcar (cons 'list m))
高手好多,发帖做记号 本帖最后由 highflybird 于 2011-6-26 16:07 编辑
如果一个坐标系统是定义成(UCSorg UCSXDir UCSYDir) -->CAD中UCS定义的方法
(defun UCSMatrix (Org xAxis yAxis / d1 d2 xNrm yNrm zNrm RotMat InvMat
WcsOrg UCS->WCS WCS->UCS matrix)
(setq d1 (distance '(0 0 0) xAxis))
(setq d2 (distance '(0 0 0) yAxis))
(if (or (zerop d1) (zerop d2))
'((1. 0. 0. 0.) (0. 1. 0. 0.) (0. 0. 1. 0.) (0. 0. 0. 1.))
(setq xNrm (mapcar '/ xAxis (list d1 d1 d1)) ;X Axis
yNrm (mapcar '/ yAxis (list d2 d2 d2)) ;Y Axis
zNrm (G:CrossProductor xNrm yNrm) ;Z Axis
RotMat (list xNrm yNrm zNrm) ;Rotation matrix
InvMat (trp RotMat) ;Inverse Rotation matrix
WcsOrg (mxv RotMat (mapcar '- Org)) ;The coordinate of WCS origin relate to UCS
UCS->WCS (append (mapcar 'append RotMat (mapcar 'list WcsOrg))'((0. 0. 0. 1.)))
WCS->UCS (append (mapcar 'append InvMat (mapcar 'list Org)) '((0. 0. 0. 1.)))
matrix (list UCS->WCS WCS->UCS) ;return two matrices
(defun c:test()
(if (setq Ent (car (entsel)))
(setq Org (getvar "ucsorg"))
(setq XDr (getvar "ucsxdir"))
(setq ydr (getvar "ucsydir"))
(setq Obj (vlax-ename->vla-object Ent))
(setq Mat (UCSMatrix Org xdr ydr))
(vla-TransformBy Obj (vlax-tmatrix (carMat))) ;UCS->WCS
(command ".select" ent pause)
(vla-TransformBy Obj (vlax-tmatrix (cadr Mat))) ;WCS->UCS
回复 highflybird 的帖子
;;;Ang ---旋转角度
;;;Nrm ---旋转轴(矢量)(WCS下的)
;;;Org ---旋转基点 (WCS下的)
(defun RotationMatrix (Ang Nrm Org / A B C dist M N PT WX WY WZ)
(setq dist (distance '(0 0 0) Nrm))
(if (> dist 1e-8)
(setq N(mapcar '/ nrm (list dist dist dist))
wx (car N)
wy (cadr N)
wz (caddr N)
A(cos Ang)
B(sin Ang)
C(- 1 A)
M(list (list (+ A (* wx wx C))
(- (* wx wy C) (* wz B))
(+ (* wy B) (* wx wz C))
(list (+ (* wz B) (* wx wy C))
(+ A (* wy wy C))
(- (* wy wz C) (* wx B))
(list (- (* wx wz C) (* wy B))
(+ (* wx B) (* wy wz C))
(+ A (* wz wz C))
pt (mapcar '- org (mxv M org))
M(append (mapcar 'append M (mapcar 'list pt))
'((0. 0. 0. 1.))
'((1. 0. 0. 0.) (0. 1. 0. 0.) (0. 0. 1. 0.) (0. 0. 0. 1.))
(defun c:ttt (/ Ent Obj Mat Org Vec Ang Nrm)
(setq app (vlax-get-acad-object))
(setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument app))
(setq ucs (vla-get-UserCoordinateSystems doc))
(setq i 0)
(repeat (vla-get-Count ucs)
(setq u (vla-item ucs i))
(vlax-dump-object uT)
(setq i (1+ i))
(if (and (setq Ent (car (entsel)))
(setq Org (getpoint "\nInput origin point of rotation:"))
(setq Vec (getpoint Org "\nInput the Axis vector of rotation:"))
(setq Ang (getangle "\nInput the angle of rotation:"))
(setq Org (trans Org 1 0))
(setq Vec (trans Vec 1 0))
(setq Nrm (mapcar '- Vec Org))
(setq Obj (vlax-ename->vla-object Ent))
(setq Mat (RotationMatrix Ang Nrm Org))
(vla-TransformBy Obj (vlax-tmatrix Mat)) ;旋转矩阵
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