本帖最后由 先进者 于 2012-4-21 13:33 编辑因为工作中排料带的时候经常用到,所以请帮忙加个记忆,就在当前环境加记忆就好了,我对编程是个小白 ;角度阵列程序;(2005.8.5胡晓航(Angle array routine),比AutoCAD的阵列容易得多。
(defun C:AAR ( / ss ang bp cnt dist d)
(PRINC "\n 角度阵列 ")
((setq ss (ssget))
(initget 1)
(setq bp (getpoint "\n基点: "))
(initget 1)
(setq ang
(getangle bp "\n阵列方向: "))
(initget 7)
(setq dist
(getdist "\n对象间距: "))
(initget 7)
(setq cnt (getint "\n对象个数: "))
(setq d 0.0)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(command "_.undo" "_g"
"_.copy" ss "" "_m" bp)
(repeat (1- cnt)
(polar bp ang (setq d (+ d dist)))))
(command "" "_.undo" "_e")
;* UANGLE User interface angle function
;* BIT (1 for no null, 0 for none) and KWD key word ("" for none) are same as
;* for INITGET. MSG is the prompt string, to which a default real in rads is
;* added as <DEF> (nil for none), and a : is added. BPT is base point (nil for none).
(defun uangle (bit kwd msg def bpt / inp)
(if def
(setq msg (strcat "\n >> " msg " < " (angtos def) " >: ")
bit (* 2 (fix (/ bit 2)))
(if (= " " (substr msg (strlen msg) 1)) ;no def, if last char is space
(setq msg (strcat "\n >> " (substr msg 1 (1- (strlen msg))) " : ")) ;then strip space
(setq msg (strcat "\n >> " msg " : ")) ;else msg OK
) );if,if
(initget bit kwd)
(setq inp
(if bpt
(getangle msg bpt)
(getangle msg)
) )
(if inp inp def)
;* UINT User interface integer function
;* BIT (0 for none) and KWD key word ("" for none) are same as for INITGET.
;* MSG is the prompt string, to which a default integer is added as <DEF> (nil
;* for none), and a : is added.
(defun uint (bit kwd msg def / inp)
(if def ;test for a default
(setq msg (strcat "\n >> " msg " < " (itoa def) " >: ") ;string'em with default
bit (* 2 (fix (/ bit 2)));a default and no null bit code conflict so
) ;this reduces bit by 1 if odd, to allow null
(if (= " " (substr msg (strlen msg) 1)) ;no def, if last char is space
(setq msg (strcat "\n >> " (substr msg 1 (1- (strlen msg))) " : ")) ;then strip space
(setq msg (strcat "\n >> " msg " : ")) ;else msg OK
) );if,if
(initget bit kwd)
(setq inp (getint msg)) ;use the GETINT function
(if inp inp def) ;compare the results, return appropriate value
;* UDIST User interface distance function
;* BIT (0 for none) and KWD key word ("" for none) are same as for INITGET.
;* MSG is the prompt string, to which a default real is added as <DEF> (nil
;* for none), and a : is added. BPT is base point (nil for none).
(defun udist (bit kwd msg def bpt / inp)
(if def ;test for a default
(setq msg (strcat "\n >> " msg " < " (rtos def) " >: ") ;string'emwith default
bit (* 2 (fix (/ bit 2))) ;a default and no null bit code conflict so
);setq ;this reduces bit by 1 if odd, to allow null
(if (= " " (substr msg (strlen msg) 1)) ;no def, if last char is space
(setq msg (strcat "\n >> " (substr msg 1 (1- (strlen msg))) " : ")) ;then strip space
(setq msg (strcat "\n >> " msg " : ")) ;else msg OK
) );if,if
(initget bit kwd)
(setq inp
(if bpt ;check for a base point
(getdist msg bpt) ;and use it in the GET vl-cmdfs
(getdist msg)
) );setq&if
(if inp inp def) ;compare the results, return appropriate value
(defun C:AAR (/ ss ang bp cnt dist d)
(PRINC "\n 角度阵列 ")
((setq ss (ssget))
(initget 1)
(setq bp (getpoint "\n基点: ")
ang (uangle 1 "" "阵列方向" *Ang* bp)
dist (udist 7 "" "对像间距" *Dist* bp)
cnt (uint 7 "" "对像个数" *Cnt*)
*Ang* ang
*Dist* dist
*Cnt* cnt
d 0.0
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(command "_.undo" "_g" "_.copy" ss "" "_m" bp)
(repeat (1- cnt)
(polar bp ang (setq d (+ d dist)))
(command "" "_.undo" "_e")
记忆什么?说清楚 本帖最后由 先进者 于 2012-4-24 15:13 编辑
Andyhon 发表于 2012-4-21 13:16 http://bbs.mjtd.com/static/image/common/back.gif
查是否設有UCS且在使用中 我基本上可以确定没有动过UCS
若还不行请上传样本文件(*.Dwg)以利查验 非常好用,谢谢 这个问题别浪费您的时间了 I don't understand .