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'by 沙漠骆驼
'for whlkx
Dim zigao As Single '字体高度
Dim yscale As Double '设置垂直比例
Dim maxgc As Double '设置最大高程
Dim mingc As Double '设置最小高程
Dim dy As Integer '设置间隔距离,单位为m
Dim currentlayername As String
Dim currentcolor As String
Dim currenttextstyle As String
Dim currentlineweight As String
Dim biaochiganlayer As AcadLayer
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
On Error Resume Next
quxiao '调用取消命令
If TextBox1.Text * 1# <= TextBox2.Text * 1# Or Trim(TextBox1.Text) = "" Or Trim(TextBox2.Text) = "" Then
MsgBox "请输入重新输入最大高程或最小高程", vbCritical, "警告--by沙漠骆驼"
Exit Sub
End If
zigao = ComboBox1.Text
yscale = ComboBox2.Text
maxgc = TextBox1.Text
mingc = TextBox2.Text
dy = Left(ComboBox3.Text, 2)
currentlayername = ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer.name
currentcolor = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("cecolor")
currenttextstyle = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("textstyle")
currentlineweight = ThisDrawing.Preferences.Lineweight
Set currentlinetype = ThisDrawing.ActiveLinetype
ThisDrawing.ActiveLinetype = ThisDrawing.Linetypes.Item(1) '设置线形为bylayer
Set biaochiganlayer = ThisDrawing.Layers.Add("标尺杆")
ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer = biaochiganlayer
ThisDrawing.SetVariable "cecolor", "256"
ThisDrawing.SetVariable "textstyle", "wh_lkx"
ThisDrawing.Preferences.Lineweight = acLnWtByLayer '设置默认线宽
Dim base As Variant
base = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "请选取插入点:")
huabiaochigan base, mingc, maxgc, yscale, zigao, dy
ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer = ThisDrawing.Layers.Item(currentlayername) '恢复图层
ThisDrawing.SetVariable "cecolor", currentcolor '恢复绘图颜色
ThisDrawing.SetVariable "textstyle", currenttextstyle
ThisDrawing.ActiveLinetype = currentlinetype '恢复线型
ThisDrawing.Preferences.Lineweight = currentlineweight
End Sub
Private Sub huabiaochigan(point As Variant, mingc As Double, maxgc As Double, yscale As Double, zigao As Single, dy As Integer)
Dim max As Double
Dim min As Double
If maxgc = Int(maxgc) Then max = Int(maxgc) Else max = Int(maxgc) + 1
min = Int(mingc)
Dim h As Double
h = max - min
If dy = 2 Then If h Mod 2 <> 0 Then h = h + 1
If dy = 5 Then If h Mod 5 <> 0 Then h = h - h Mod 5 + 5
If dy = 10 Then If h Mod 10 <> 0 Then h = h - h Mod 10 + 10
If dy = 20 Then If h Mod 20 <> 0 Then h = h - h Mod 20 + 20
If dy = 25 Then If h Mod 25 <> 0 Then h = h - h Mod 25 + 25
If dy = 40 Then If h Mod 40 <> 0 Then h = h - h Mod 40 + 40
If dy = 50 Then If h Mod 50 <> 0 Then h = h - h Mod 50 + 50
Dim pline1 As AcadLWPolyline
Dim p1(0 To 9) As Double
p1(0) = point(0): p1(1) = point(1)
p1(2) = p1(0): p1(3) = p1(1) + h * 1000 / yscale
p1(4) = p1(0) - 1.5: p1(5) = p1(3)
p1(6) = p1(0) - 1.5: p1(7) = p1(1)
p1(8) = p1(0): p1(9) = p1(1)
Set pline1 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLightWeightPolyline(p1)
Dim i As Double
Dim pt(0 To 3) As Double '多段线起点终点坐标
Dim pline2 As AcadLWPolyline '多段线填充,宽度为1.5
Dim textobj As AcadText
Dim textpoint(0 To 2) As Double '高程文字插入点
textpoint(0) = p1(0) - 2.75: textpoint(1) = p1(1) '最下边的高程
Set textobj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(min, textpoint, zigao)
With textobj
.Alignment = acAlignmentBottomRight
.TextAlignmentPoint = textpoint
End With
For i = 1 To h \ dy \ 2
pt(0) = p1(0) - 0.75: pt(1) = p1(1) + (2 * i - 1) * dy * 1000 / yscale '多段线起点坐标
pt(2) = pt(0): pt(3) = p1(1) + 2 * i * dy * 1000 / yscale
Set pline2 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLightWeightPolyline(pt)
pline2.SetWidth 0, 1.5, 1.5
textpoint(0) = pt(0) - 2: textpoint(1) = pt(1)
Set textobj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(min + (2 * i - 1) * dy, textpoint, zigao)
With textobj
.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleRight
.TextAlignmentPoint = textpoint
End With
If i = h / dy / 2 Then Exit For '取消标尺杆最上边的高程数据
textpoint(0) = pt(2) - 2: textpoint(1) = pt(3)
Set textobj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(min + 2 * i * dy, textpoint, zigao)
With textobj
.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleRight
.TextAlignmentPoint = textpoint
End With
textpoint(0) = p1(0) - 2.75: textpoint(1) = p1(3) '最上边的高程文字:高程(m)
Set textobj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText("高程(m)", textpoint, zigao)
With textobj
.Alignment = acAlignmentTopRight
.TextAlignmentPoint = textpoint
End With
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal x As Single, ByVal y As Single)
Me.show vbModal
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox2_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal x As Single, ByVal y As Single)
Me.show vbModal
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 19 '设置字体高度
ComboBox1.AddItem Format(i / 2 + 0.5, "0.0")
ComboBox2.AddItem 1 '设置垂直比例1-50000
ComboBox2.AddItem 2
ComboBox2.AddItem 5
ComboBox2.AddItem 10
ComboBox2.AddItem 20
ComboBox2.AddItem 25
ComboBox2.AddItem 50
For i = 3 To 6
ComboBox2.AddItem 10 * ComboBox2.List(i)
For i = 3 To 6
ComboBox2.AddItem 100 * ComboBox2.List(i)
For i = 3 To 6
ComboBox2.AddItem 1000 * ComboBox2.List(i)
ComboBox3.AddItem "01m" '设置高程间隔
ComboBox3.AddItem "02m"
ComboBox3.AddItem "05m"
ComboBox3.AddItem "10m"
ComboBox3.AddItem "20m"
ComboBox3.AddItem "25m"
ComboBox3.AddItem "40m"
ComboBox3.AddItem "50m"
newtextstyle2 '调用新建字体样式程序
End Sub
'Private Sub newtextstyle() '创建新的字体样式
' Dim typeFace As String
' Dim SavetypeFace As String
' Dim Bold As Boolean
' Dim Italic As Boolean
' Dim charSet As Long
' Dim PitchandFamily As Long
' Dim lkxtextstyle As AcadTextStyle
' Dim currenttextstyle As AcadTextStyle
' Set currenttextstyle = ThisDrawing.ActiveTextStyle
' '获取当前字体样式的参数
' currenttextstyle.GetFont typeFace, Bold, Italic, charSet, PitchandFamily
' Set lkxtextstyle = ThisDrawing.TextStyles.Add("wh_lkx")
' With lkxtextstyle
' .SetFont "宋体", False, False, charSet, PitchandFamily
' .width = 0.8 '设置宽度比例
' End With
'End Sub
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