- 积分
- 3124
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- 注册时间
- 2005-7-18
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Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer
Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Private Const VK_ESCAPE = &H1B
Private Const acSelectionSetLast = 4
Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" (ByVal HWnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
Dim Acadapp As Object
Dim acaddoc As Object
Sub zbtc() '主程序
Dim ESC As Long
GetAsyncKeyState VK_ESCAPE
On Error GoTo Err_Control
Dim entry As Object
Dim a As Long
Dim b As Long
Dim Pt1, Pt2 As Variant
Dim ibpt As Variant
Dim ibpt1(0 To 2) As Double
Dim ibpt2(0 To 2) As Double
Dim i, n As Integer
Dim ib As Object
Dim ib1 As Object '定义插入图块
Dim ib_st As String '定义插入图块的路径
Dim x, y As Integer '定义纵向横向循环
Dim blc As Integer '定义比例尺
Dim varCancel As Variant
Dim StartT As Long '获取运算开始时间
Dim SpendT As Long '获取运算结束时间
StartT = GetTickCount
blc = 10
Set Acadapp = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.application")
Set acaddoc = Acadapp.ActiveDocument
Acadapp.ActiveDocument.Utility.GetEntity entry, "选择一个多边形:" '提示用户选择一个图形
entry.GetBoundingBox Pt1, Pt2 '计算最大与最小坐标值
ibpt = Rectang(Pt1, Pt2) '将最大外边坐标值保存在内存中
x = Int((ibpt(8) - ibpt(2)) / blc + 1) '计算纵向循环次数
y = Int((ibpt(3) - ibpt(1)) / blc + 1) '计算横向循环次数
ib_st = "C:\123.dwg" '取得插入块的路径
ibpt1(0) = ibpt(1): ibpt1(1) = ibpt(2) '获取第一个插入点的坐标
ibpt2(0) = ibpt(1) + (blc / 2): ibpt2(1) = ibpt(2) + (blc / 2) '获取第二个插入点的坐标
For i = 1 To x
For n = 1 To y
a = InOutside(entry, ibpt1)
If a < 0 And n > 1 Then
Set ib = acaddoc.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(ibpt1, ib_st, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1) '第一行数据
End If
b = InOutside(entry, ibpt2)
If b < 0 Then
Set ib1 = acaddoc.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(ibpt2, ib_st, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1) '第二行数据
End If
ibpt1(0) = ibpt1(0) + blc
ibpt2(0) = ibpt2(0) + blc
Next n
ibpt1(1) = ibpt1(1) + blc
ibpt2(1) = ibpt2(1) + blc
ibpt1(0) = Pt1(0)
ibpt2(0) = Pt1(0) + (blc / 2)
Next i
SpendT = GetTickCount - StartT
acaddoc.Utility.Prompt ("本次操作耗时:" & Format(SpendT / 1000, "0.00") & "秒")
Exit Sub
varCancel = acaddoc.GetVariable("LASTPROMPT")
ESC = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE)
Select Case Err.Number '按了取消键或其它透明命令
Case -2147352567 '如果命令行提示中没有“取消”这样的文字出现 一般来说在2002中按了回车或空格都不会出现“取消” 则退出
If InStr(1, varCancel, "*Cancel*") <> 0 And InStr(1, varCancel, "*取消*") <> 0 Then
Resume Exit_Here
ElseIf ESC <> 0 Then '如果按了ESC键,则退出
Resume Exit_Here
Else '其它情况下,则恢复。如选择了透明命令,则会出现“取消” 字样,但不是按了“取消”键。
Resume Exit_Here
End If
Case -2147467259, -2145320928 '右键单击或回车或空格。在这里,-2147467259用于AutoCAD 2000 及2002,而-2145320928为2004专用
Resume Exit_Here
Case Else '其它情况,一律退出
Resume Exit_Here
End Select
End Sub
Dim Acadapp As Object
Dim acaddoc As Object
Public Enum InOut
Inside = -1
Outside = 1
End Enum
Function InOutside(pl As Object, P1 As Variant) As Long
Set Acadapp = GetObject(, "autocad.application")
Set acaddoc = Acadapp.ActiveDocument
Dim Ppl As Variant
Dim tmpPL As Object
Dim i As Integer
Set tmpPL = pl.Copy
tmpPL.Closed = True
tmpPL.Elevation = 0
Ppl = tmpPL.Coordinates
Dim dblYmax As Double 'Y坐标最大值
dblYmax = Ppl(1)
For i = 3 To UBound(Ppl) Step 2
If dblYmax < Ppl(i) Then dblYmax = Ppl(i)
Next i
Dim tmpP(2) As Double '临时点
tmpP(0) = P1(0)
tmpP(1) = dblYmax + 100
tmpP(2) = 0
Dim objL As Object
Set objL = acaddoc.ModelSpace.AddLine(P1, tmpP)
Dim dblPoints As Variant
dblPoints = objL.IntersectWith(tmpPL, acExtendNone)
objL.Delete '清理战场
'Debug.Print VarType(dblPoints) '即使没有交点,也是一个空的三维数组
If UBound(dblPoints) = -1 Then
InOutside = Outside
Exit Function
End If
If ((UBound(dblPoints) - LBound(dblPoints) + 1) / 3) Mod 2 Then '交点个数为奇数,就在内侧;为偶数,就在外侧
InOutside = Inside
InOutside = Outside
End If
'Debug.Print InOutside
End Function
Function Rectang(sp As Variant, ep As Variant) As Double()
On Error GoTo ESC
d = Sqr((sp(1) - ep(1)) ^ 2 + (sp(0) - ep(0)) ^ 2)
Dim p(1 To 8) As Double '用来放多段线点数组
p(1) = sp(0)
p(2) = sp(1) '第一点
p(3) = ep(0) - sp(0) + sp(0)
p(4) = sp(1) '第二点
p(5) = ep(0)
p(6) = ep(1) '第三点
p(7) = sp(0)
p(8) = ep(1) - sp(1) + sp(1) '第四点
Rectang = p
If Err Then MsgBoxErr.Description , vbOKOnly, "错误"
End Function