本帖最后由 尘缘一生 于 2024-5-13 09:30 编辑
- ;判断点是否在矩形两点对角区域内----(一级)-----
- ;p1 定义区域第一个角的 WCS 或 UCS 点
- ;p2 定义区域第二个角的 WCS 或 UCS 点
- ;pt 点转换为 UCS。
- ;pt 落在区域内,则为 T。
- (defun MD:PointInside (p1 p2 pt / xval yval)
- (and
- pt
- (setq pt (trans pt 0 1) xval (car pt) yval (cadr pt))
- (< (min (car p1) (car p2)) xval (max (car p1) (car p2)))
- (< (min (cadr p1) (cadr p2)) yval (max (cadr p1) (cadr p2)))
- )
- )
- ;;同比双图------
- (defun c:bl2dwg (/ e_lst p0 p1 p2 p3 p4 ss d1 d2 plst)
- (slalert (slmsg
- (strcat " 调整两张图纸同比例 " "\n\n 分别量取两张图标致位置距离 \n\n 全选一张图部分,则中心放缩,改变其比例同第二张")
- (strcat " 秸俱ㄢ眎瓜ゑㄒ " "\n\n だ秖ㄢ眎瓜夹璓竚禯瞒 \n\n 匡眎瓜场だ玥いみ罽э跑ㄤゑㄒ材眎")
- (strcat " Adjust two drawings to the same scale " "\n\n Measure the position distance of two icons respectively
- \n\n Select all the parts of the drawing, and the center will be zoomed in and out, and the scale will be the same as that of the second drawing")
- )
- 2 (slmsg "三领设计 V3.0" "烩砞璸 V3.0" "sldesign V3.0") 4096)
- (setq e_lst (sysvar '("OSMODE" "ORTHOMODE")))
- (setvar "ORTHOMODE" 1) ;;正交打开
- (setvar "OSMODE" 16383) ;;捕捉全部打开
- (setq p1 (getpoint (slmsg " \n 第一张图标志尺寸第一点" " \n 材眎瓜夹粁へ材翴" " \n The first point of the mark size in the first drawing")))
- (setq p2 (getpoint p1 (slmsg " \n 第一张图标志尺寸第二点" " \n 材眎瓜夹粁へ材翴" " \n The first point of the mark size in the second drawing")))
- (setq d1 (distance p1 p2))
- (setq p3 (getpoint (slmsg " \n 第二张图标志尺寸第一点" " \n 材眎瓜夹粁へ材翴" " \n The second point of the mark size in the first drawing")))
- (setq p4 (getpoint p3 (slmsg " \n 第二张图标志尺寸第二点" " \n 材眎瓜夹粁へ材翴" " \n The second point of the mark size in the second drawing")))
- (setq d2 (distance p3 p4))
- (princ (slmsg "\n 全部框选需同比的图纸部分" "\n 场匡惠ゑ瓜场だ" "\n Select all drawings to be compared with the same scale in the same box"))
- (setq ss (ssget))
- (setq plst (sl:getssucsbox ss) p3 (car plst) p4 (caddr plst) p0 (sl:mid p3 p4))
- (if (MD:PointInside p3 p4 (sl:mid p1 p2))
- (command "SCALE" ss "" p0 (/ d2 d1))
- (command "SCALE" ss "" p0 (/ d1 d2))
- )
- (mapcar 'eval e_lst)
- )