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- 2004-2-18
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(alert "\n不要在原图上运行该程序. \n请在原图的备份上运行." ) ;;;(alert ;;; "\nLockup2.lsp - By John D. Chapman - Ainley and Associates Ltd. ;;; \n with thanks to Brian Debelius, Adam Conrath, Rick McElvain, ;;; \n Stig Madsen, Celie Dailey, Pat Starkey, Jim Fisher ;;; \n and the Autodesk User Group International." ;;;)
(defun lockerror (msg) (if (/= msg "Function cancelled") (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg " [" (itoa (getvar "ERRNO")) "]") ) (princ) ) (command "UNDO" "End") (Abort "\n加密被取消,停止加密!") (setq *error* olderr) (princ) )
(defun Abort (msg) (setvar "filedia" fdia) (setvar "cmddia" cdia) (setvar "cmdecho" cmd) (alert msg) ) ;;Exit
(defun getlayers () (setq lyr (tblnext "layer" t)) (setq laylist "") (while lyr (if (or (and (= (cdr (assoc 62 lyr)) 8) (not (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 2 lyr)) "*|*")) ) (and (= (cdr (assoc 62 lyr)) 9) (not (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 2 lyr)) "*|*")) ) (and (= (cdr (assoc 62 lyr)) 251) (not (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 2 lyr)) "*|*")) ) (and (= (cdr (assoc 62 lyr)) 252) (not (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 2 lyr)) "*|*")) ) (and (= (cdr (assoc 62 lyr)) 253) (not (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 2 lyr)) "*|*")) ) (and (= (cdr (assoc 62 lyr)) 254) (not (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 2 lyr)) "*|*")) ) (and (= (cdr (assoc 62 lyr)) 255) (not (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 2 lyr)) "*|*")) ) ) (if (equal laylist "") (setq laylist (strcat laylist (cdr (assoc 2 lyr)))) (setq laylist (strcat laylist "," (cdr (assoc 2 lyr)))) ) ) (setq lyr (tblnext "layer")) ) laylist )
(defun backblk (layoutName Mins) (if layoutName (cond ((= layoutName "14MS") (setq blist (list '(-4 . "<NOT") '(-4 . "<OR") '(67 . 1) '(0 . "SOLID") '(2 . "SOLID") '(-4 . "OR>") '(-4 . "NOT>") '(-4 . "<OR") (cons 8 (getlayers)) '(62 . 8) '(62 . 9) '(62 . 251) '(62 . 252) '(62 . 253) '(62 . 254) '(62 . 255) '(-4 . "OR>") ) ) ) ((= layoutName "14PS") (setq blist (list '(67 . 1) '(-4 . "<NOT") '(-4 . "<OR") '(0 . "SOLID") '(2 . "SOLID") '(0 . "VIEWPORT") '(-4 . "OR>") '(-4 . "NOT>") '(-4 . "<OR") (cons 8 (getlayers)) '(62 . 8) '(62 . 9) '(62 . 251) '(62 . 252) '(62 . 253) '(62 . 254) '(62 . 255) '(-4 . "OR>") ) ) ) (T (setq blist (list (cons 410 layoutName) '(-4 . "<NOT") '(-4 . "<OR") '(0 . "SOLID") '(2 . "SOLID") '(0 . "VIEWPORT") '(-4 . "OR>") '(-4 . "NOT>") '(-4 . "<OR") (cons 8 (getlayers)) '(62 . 8) '(62 . 9) '(62 . 251) '(62 . 252) '(62 . 253) '(62 . 254) '(62 . 255) '(-4 . "OR>") ) ) ) ) (setq blist (list '(-4 . "<NOT") '(-4 . "<OR") '(0 . "SOLID") '(2 . "SOLID") '(0 . "VIEWPORT") '(-4 . "OR>") '(-4 . "NOT>") '(-4 . "<OR") (cons 8 (getlayers)) '(62 . 8) '(62 . 9) '(62 . 251) '(62 . 252) '(62 . 253) '(62 . 254) '(62 . 255) '(-4 . "OR>") ) ) ) (setq ssetb (ssget "X" blist)) (setq viewsset (ssget "X" '((0 . "VIEWPORT")))) (if viewsset (progn (setq n 0) (repeat (sslength viewsset) (if (setq clipent (assoc 340 (entget (ssname viewsset n)))) (ssdel (cdr clipent) ssetb) ) (setq n (1+ n)) ) ) ) (if ssetb (progn (setq pt (list 0.0 0.0)) (entmake ;;write block header (list '(0 . "BLOCK") '(2 . "*anon") '(70 . 1) (cons '10 pt) ) ) ;;add entities in selection set to block ;;repeat for every entity in the selection set (setq a 0) (repeat (sslength ssetb) (setq ent2 (entmake (entget (setq ent (ssname ssetb a))))) (if (null ent2) (princ (entget (setq ent (ssname ssetb a)))) ) ;;if polyline or block reference with attributes, ;;walk down sub-entities until seqend is found (if (assoc 66 (entget ent)) (progn ;;add sub-entities until seqend is found (setq subent (entnext ent)) (while (/= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget subent))) "SEQEND") (entmake (entget subent)) (setq subent (entnext subent)) )
;;add seqend sub-entity (setq ent3 (entmake (entget subent))) (if (null ent3) (princ (entget subent)) ) ) ) ;;delete original entity (entdel ent) (setq a (1+ a)) (c:spin "制作背景颜色图块..") ) (setq nameb (entmake '((0 . "endblk")))) ;;write block end sub-entity (princ "\n 插入...\n")
;; Insert block reference at insertion point ;; Note: Check the argument Mins for the method to insert the block ;; Note: Mins=T means minsert the block, and Mins=nil means insert it. (if Mins ;;Minsert block reference at insertion point (entmake (list '(0 . "INSERT") (CONS '100 "AcDbMInsertBlock") (CONS '70 2) (CONS '71 2) (cons '2 nameb) (cons '10 pt) ) ) (entmake (list '(0 . "INSERT") (cons '2 nameb) (cons '10 pt) ) ) ;;Insert block reference at insertion point ) (setq bc (entlast)) (setq bac "back") (command "_.draworder" bc "" (strcat "_" bac)) (setq ssetb nil) (setq viewsset nil) ) ) (princ) )
(defun solidblk (layoutName Mins) (if layoutName (cond ((= layoutName "14MS") (setq slist (list '(-4 . "<NOT") '(67 . 1) '(-4 . "NOT>") '(-4 . "<OR") '(0 . "SOLID") '(2 . "SOLID") '(-4 . "OR>") ) ) ) ((= layoutName "14PS") (setq slist (list '(67 . 1) '(-4 . "<OR") '(0 . "SOLID") '(2 . "SOLID") '(-4 . "OR>")) ) ) (T (setq slist (list (cons 410 layoutName) '(-4 . "<OR") '(0 . "SOLID") '(2 . "SOLID") '(-4 . "OR>") ) ) ) ) (setq slist (list '(-4 . "<OR") '(0 . "SOLID") '(2 . "SOLID") '(-4 . "OR>") ) ) ) (setq ssets (ssget "X" slist)) (if ssets (progn (setq pt (list 0.0 0.0)) (entmake ;;write block header (list '(0 . "BLOCK") '(2 . "*anon") '(70 . 1) (cons '10 pt) ) ) ;;add entities in selection set to block ;;repeat for every entity in the selection set (setq a 0) (repeat (sslength ssets) (setq ent2 (entmake (entget (setq ent (ssname ssets a))))) (if (null ent2) (princ (entget (setq ent (ssname ssets a)))) ) ;;if polyline or block reference with attributes, ;;walk down sub-entities until seqend is found (if (assoc 66 (entget ent)) (progn ;;add sub-entities until seqend is found (setq subent (entnext ent)) (while (/= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget subent))) "SEQEND") (entmake (entget subent)) (setq subent (entnext subent)) )
;;add seqend sub-entity (setq ent3 (entmake (entget subent))) (if (null ent3) (princ (entget subent)) ) ) ) ;;delete original entity (entdel ent) (setq a (1+ a)) (c:spin "制作对象图块..") ) (setq names (entmake '((0 . "endblk")))) ;;write block end sub-entity (princ "\n 插入...\n")
;; Insert block reference at insertion point ;; Note: Check the argument Mins for the method to insert the block ;; Note: Mins=T means minsert the block, and Mins=nil means insert it. (if Mins ;;Minsert block reference at insertion point (entmake (list '(0 . "INSERT") (CONS '100 "AcDbMInsertBlock") (CONS '70 2) (CONS '71 2) (cons '2 names) (cons '10 pt) ) ) (entmake (list '(0 . "INSERT") (cons '2 names) (cons '10 pt) ) ) ;;Insert block reference at insertion point ) (setq so (entlast)) (setq ba "back") (command "_.draworder" so "" (strcat "_" ba)) (setq ssets nil) ) ) (princ) )
(defun anonBlock (layoutName Mins) (if layoutName (cond ((= layoutName "14MS") (setq alist (list '(-4 . "<NOT") '(-4 . "<OR") '(67 . 1) '(0 . "ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY") '(0 . "AEC_*") '(0 . "AECS_*") '(0 . "RTEXT") '(0 . "WIPEOUT") ;;'(8 . "LAYCFG") ' (0 . "SOLID") '(2 . "SOLID") (cons 8 (getlayers)) '(62 . 8) '(62 . 9) '(62 . 251) '(62 . 252) '(62 . 253) '(62 . 254) '(62 . 255) '(-4 . "OR>") '(-4 . "NOT>") ) ) ) ((= layoutName "14PS") (setq alist (list '(67 . 1) '(-4 . "<NOT") '(-4 . "<OR") '(0 . "VIEWPORT") '(0 . "ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY") '(0 . "AEC_*") '(0 . "AECS_*") '(0 . "RTEXT") '(0 . "WIPEOUT") ;;'(8 . "LAYCFG") ' (0 . "SOLID") '(2 . "SOLID") (cons 8 (getlayers)) '(62 . 8) '(62 . 9) '(62 . 251) '(62 . 252) '(62 . 253) '(62 . 254) '(62 . 255) '(-4 . "OR>") '(-4 . "NOT>") ) ) ) (T (setq alist (list (cons 410 layoutName) '(-4 . "<NOT") '(-4 . "<OR") ;;'(8 . "LAYCFG") ' (0 . "VIEWPORT") '(0 . "ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY") '(0 . "AECC_*") '(0 . "AEC_*") '(0 . "AECS_*") '(0 . "RTEXT") '(0 . "WIPEOUT") '(0 . "SOLID") '(2 . "SOLID") (cons 8 (getlayers)) '(62 . 8) '(62 . 9) '(62 . 251) '(62 . 252) '(62 . 253) '(62 . 254) '(62 . 255) '(-4 . "OR>") '(-4 . "NOT>") ) ) ) ) (setq alist (list '(-4 . "<NOT") '(-4 . "<OR") ;;'(8 . "LAYCFG") ' (0 . "VIEWPORT") '(0 . "ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY") '(0 . "AECC_*") '(0 . "AEC_*") '(0 . "AECS_*") '(0 . "RTEXT") '(0 . "WIPEOUT") '(0 . "SOLID") '(2 . "SOLID") (cons 8 (getlayers)) '(62 . 8) '(62 . 9) '(62 . 251) '(62 . 252) '(62 . 253) '(62 . 254) '(62 . 255) '(-4 . "OR>") '(-4 . "NOT>") ) ) ) (setq sset (ssget "X" alist)) (setq viewsset (ssget "X" '((0 . "VIEWPORT")))) (if viewsset (progn (setq n 0) (repeat (sslength viewsset) (if (setq clipent (assoc 340 (entget (ssname viewsset n)))) (ssdel (cdr clipent) sset) ) (setq n (1+ n)) ) ) ) (if sset (progn (setq pt (list 0.0 0.0)) (entmake ;;write block header (list '(0 . "BLOCK") '(2 . "*anon") '(70 . 1) (cons '10 pt) ) ) ;;add entities in selection set to block ;;repeat for every entity in the selection set (setq a 0) (repeat (sslength sset) (setq ent2 (entmake (entget (setq ent (ssname sset a))))) (if (null ent2) (princ (entget (setq ent (ssname sset a)))) ) ;;if polyline or block reference with attributes, ;;walk down sub-entities until seqend is found (if (assoc 66 (entget ent)) (progn ;;add sub-entities until seqend is found (setq subent (entnext ent)) (while (/= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget subent))) "SEQEND") (entmake (entget subent)) (setq subent (entnext subent)) )
;;add seqend sub-entity (setq ent3 (entmake (entget subent))) (if (null ent3) (princ (entget subent)) ) ) ) ;;delete original entity (entdel ent) (setq a (1+ a)) (c:spin "制作图块..") ) (setq name (entmake '((0 . "endblk")))) ;;write block end sub-entity (princ "\n 插入图块..\n")
;; Insert block reference at insertion point ;; Note: Check the argument Mins for the method to insert the block ;; Note: Mins=T means minsert the block, and Mins=nil means insert it. (if Mins ;;Minsert block reference at insertion point (entmake (list '(0 . "INSERT") (CONS '100 "AcDbMInsertBlock") (CONS '70 2) (CONS '71 2) (cons '2 name) (cons '10 pt) ) ) (entmake (list '(0 . "INSERT") (cons '2 name) (cons '10 pt) ) ) ;;Insert block reference at insertion point ) (setq sset nil) (setq viewsset nil) ) ;; Note: This statement is just a debug string and can be deleted (if layoutName (princ (strcat "\n没有实体被锁 " layoutName)) ) ) (princ) )
(defun Finish (vers) (setvar "clayer" cla) (setvar "tilemode" space) (if (= vers 2) (command "-layer" "state" "restore" "lockup" "" "") ) (command "-layer" "lock" "*" "") (setvar "proxyshow" 1) (command "regen") (cond ((= cont "Yes") (alert "\nPaper space only has been locked. \nTo lock model space, run Lockup \nagain and do NOT skip to paper space." ) ) ((= answer2 "Model") (alert "\nAll selected entities have been locked.") ) ((= answer2 nil) (alert "\nAll selected entities have been locked.") ) ) (setq cont nil answer2 nil ) (princ "\nLockup has completed. ") (princ) )
;;; Note: ;;; Separate routine still for r14, because paper space is a whole different ;;; ballgame in later versions. It supplies the keyword "14PS" to be recognized ;;; by anonBlock in order to select all entities that have group code 67 = 1 (defun goLock14PS () (setvar "tilemode" 0) (proxy) (anonBlock "14PS" nil) ; make anon insert - on paper space (backblk "14PS" nil) ; make anon insert - on paper space (solidBlk "14PS" nil) ; make anon insert - on paper space (anonBlock "14PS" T) ; make anon minsert - on paper space (command "zoom" "extents") (prompt "\n Paper Space has been locked.") (Finish 0) )
(defun goLockPS (vers) (if (= vers 0) (goLock14PS) (progn (princ "\nType in Layout Name to make current: ") (command "layout" "set" pause) ;type in whatever layout to set current (while (> (getvar "cmdactive") 0) (command pause)) (proxy) (anonBlock (getvar "CTAB") nil) ; make anon insert in named layout (backblk (getvar "CTAB") nil) ; make anon insert in named layout (solidblk (getvar "CTAB") nil) ; make anon insert in named layout (anonBlock (getvar "CTAB") T) ; make anon minsert in named layout (command "zoom" "extents") (initget "Yes No") (prompt (strcat "\n Layout " (getvar "ctab") " has been locked.") ) (setq answer (getkword "\nAre there more layouts to lock? Y/<N>: ") ) (cond ((or (null answer) (= answer "No")) (Finish vers) ) ((= answer "Yes") (goLockPS vers) ) (T nil) ) ) ) )
(defun goLock (vers) (setvar "tilemode" 1) (if (= vers 2) (command "-layer" "state" "save" "lockup" "" "" "") ) (command "-layer" "thaw" "*" "on" "*" "unlock" "*" "") (command "zoom" "extents") (proxy) (if (/= vers 0) (progn (anonBlock "Model" nil) ; make anon insert in model space (backblk "Model" nil) ; make anon insert in model space (solidblk "Model" nil) ; make anon insert in model space (anonBlock "Model" T) ; make anon minsert in model space ) (progn (anonBlock "14MS" nil) (backblk "14MS" nil) (solidblk "14MS" nil) (anonBlock "14MS" T) ) ) (prompt "\n Model Space has been locked.") (initget "Yes No") (setq answer (getkword "\nDo you want to lock Paper Space? Y/<N>: ") ) (cond ((or (null answer) (= answer "No")) (Finish vers)) ((= answer "Yes") (goLockPS vers)) (T nil) ) )
(defun states () (if (= vers 2) (command "-layer" "state" "save" "lockup" "" "" "") ) (command "-layer" "thaw" "*" "on" "*" "unlock" "*" "") (command "graphscr") (command "zoom" "extents") (goLockps vers) )
(defun continue () (initget "Yes No") (setq cont (getkword "\n模型空间不能加密,继续? Y/<N>: " ) ) (cond ((= cont "Yes") (states)) ((= cont "No") (skip)) ((= cont nil) (skip)) ) )
(defun skip () (initget "Skip Model") (setq answer2 (getkword "\n从模型空间还是跳转图纸空间开始? Skip/<Model>:" ) ) (cond ((= answer2 "Skip") (continue)) ((= answer2 "Model") (goLock vers)) ((= answer2 nil) (goLock vers)) ) )
(defun 14or2k (/ answer) (initget "14 2000 2000i") (setq answer (getkword "\n输入你的cad版本号 14/2000<2000i>: " ) ) (cond ((= answer "14") (setq vers 0)) ((= answer "2000") (setq vers 1)) ((= answer "2000i") (setq vers 2)) ((= answer nil) (setq vers 2)) ) (skip) )
(defun goexp () (progn (repeat (sslength sset) (command "_explode" (ssname sset CNT)) (setq CNT (1+ CNT)) (c:spin "Exploding..") ) (alert (strcat "\n " (itoa CNT) " Entities Exploded.")) ) (setq sset nil) (princ) )
(defun xpproxy (/ xpl) (alert "\n Proxy Entities have been found. If they are not exploded, they will be omitted from the lockup process." ) (initget "Yes No") (setq xpl (getkword "\nExplode Proxy Entities? Y/<N>: ")) (if (or (= xpl "No") (= xpl nil)) (princ) ) (if (= xpl "Yes") (goexp) ) (princ) )
(defun goerase () (progn (repeat (sslength wsset) (entdel (ssname wsset WCNT)) (setq WCNT (1+ WCNT)) (c:spin "Erasing..") ) (alert (strcat "\n " (itoa WCNT) " Wipeouts Erased.")) ) (setq wsset nil) (princ) )
(defun goaskerase (/ del) (alert "\n Wipeouts have been found." ) (initget "Yes No") (setq del (getkword "\nErase Wipeouts? Y/<N>: ")) (if (or (= del "No") (= del nil)) (princ) ) (if (= del "Yes") (goerase) ) (princ) )
(defun gowipeout (/ where wlist) (setq where (getvar "tilemode")) (setq cs 67) (if (= where 0) (setq sp 1) ) (if (= where 1) (setq sp 0) ) (setq wlist (list (cons cs sp) '(0 . "wipeout") ) ) (setq WCNT 0) (setq wsset (ssget "x" wlist)) (if (= wsset nil) (princ) ) (if (not (= wsset nil)) (goaskerase) ) (princ) )
(defun proxy (/ where plist) (setq where (getvar "tilemode")) (if (= where 0) (setq plist '((-4 . "<NOT") (67 . 0) (-4 . "NOT>") (-4 . "<OR") (0 . "ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY") (0 . "AECC_*") (0 . "AEC_*") (0 . "AECS_*") (0 . "RTEXT") (-4 . "OR>") ) ) ) (if (= where 1) (setq plist '((-4 . "<NOT") (67 . 1) (-4 . "NOT>") (-4 . "<OR") (0 . "ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY") (0 . "AECC_*") (0 . "AEC_*") (0 . "AECS_*") (0 . "RTEXT") (-4 . "OR>") ) ) ) (setq CNT 0) (setq sset (ssget "x" plist)) (if (= sset nil) (princ) ) (if (not (= sset nil)) (xpproxy) ) (gowipeout) (princ) )
(defun c:undolock () ;;Undo and Reset variables (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (princ "\n请等待解密.") (command "undo" "end") (command "undo" "back") (setvar "cmdecho" 1) (setvar "filedia" 1) (setvar "cmddia" 1) (setvar "clayer" "2") (princ "\n加密已经被取消.") (princ) )
(defun c:look (/ alist CNT sset) (setq alist '((-4 . "<OR") (0 . "ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY") (0 . "AECC_*") (0 . "AEC_*") (0 . "AECS_*") (0 . "RTEXT") (0 . "WIPEOUT") (-4 . "OR>") ) ) (setq CNT 0) (if alist (progn (setq sset (ssget "X" alist)) (if sset (repeat (sslength sset) (setq CNT (1+ CNT)) ) ) (if (= CNT 1) (alert (strcat "\n " (itoa CNT) " Entity found.")) ) (if (> CNT 1) (alert (strcat "\n " (itoa CNT) " Entities found.")) ) ) ) (if (= sset nil) (alert "\nNo Entities were found.") ) (princ) )
(defun c:spin (wh) (prompt (strcat "\r " wh (cond ((= sp "|") (setq sp "/")) ((= sp "/") (setq sp "-")) ((= sp "-") (setq sp "\\")) (T (setq sp "|")) ) ) ) (princ) )
(defun C ockup (/ start answer) (setq fdia (getvar "filedia") cdia (getvar "cmddia") cmd (getvar "cmdecho") cla (getvar "clayer") space (getvar "tilemode") olderr *error* *error* lockerror cont nil answer2 nil ) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (command "UNDO" "Begin") (setvar "filedia" 0) (setvar "cmddia" 0) (command "undo" "mark") (command "-layer" "make" "LOCKUP" "") (command "color" "bylayer") (setvar "proxyshow" 0) (command "regen") (initget "Yes No") (setq answer (getkword "\n程序将要加密图纸。 Y/<N>: " ) ) (cond ((or (= answer "No") (null answer)) (Alert "加密失败!") ) ((= answer "Yes") (14or2k)) ) (command "UNDO" "End") (setq *error* olderr) (setvar "filedia" fdia) (setvar "cmddia" cdia) (setvar "cmdecho" cmd) (princ) ) (princ "\nLOCKUP 加载成功.") (princ "\n输入 LOCKUP 运行程序.") (princ)