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发表于 2002-12-3 10:19:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发表于 2002-12-7 22:46:00 | 显示全部楼层


     (  (and ai_dcl (listp ai_dcl)))          ; it's already loaded.

     (  (not (findfile "ai_utils.lsp"))                     ; find it
        (ai_abort "DDMODIFY"
                  (strcat "Can't locate file AI_UTILS.LSP."
                          "\n Check support directory.")))

     (  (eq "failed" (load "ai_utils" "failed"))            ; load it
        (ai_abort "DDMODIFY" "Can't load file AI_UTILS.LSP"))

(defun B_TOLERANCE_HILITE;重点显示选中图象项
  (if (/= B_tolerance_last_slide B_tolerance_tile)
        (mode_tile B_tolerance_tile 4)
        (if (/= B_tolerance_last_slide nil)
           (mode_tile B_tolerance_last_slide 4)
  (setq B_tolerance_last_slide B_tolerance_tile)

(defun B_TOLERANCE_READ_TXT;读出尺寸的大小
  (if (/= (cdr (assoc 0 B_dim_ent)) "DIMENSION")
      (prompt "\n这不是个尺寸标注")
      (setq B_dim_choose -1)
      (setq B_dim_or (cdr (assoc 1 B_dim_ent)));当是自动生成的尺寸文本时为空
      (setq B_dim_name (cdr (assoc 2 B_dim_ent)));读出同名的块名
      (setq B_dim_sset (cdr (assoc -2 (tblsearch "BLOCK" B_dim_name))));找块的实体名
        (while (/= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget B_dim_sset))) "MTEXT")
        (setq B_dim_sset (entnext B_dim_sset))
      (setq B_dim_txt (cdr (assoc 1 (entget B_dim_sset))));读出尺寸大小文本
      (setq B_dim_height (cdr (assoc 40 (entget B_dim_sset))))
      (setq B_dim_length (strlen B_dim_txt));读出尺寸大小文本的长度
      (if (= (substr B_dim_txt 4 1) ";")
          (setq B_dim_length (- B_dim_length 4))
          (setq B_dim_txt (substr B_dim_txt 5 B_dim_length))
        ((= (substr B_dim_txt 1 1) "r")
          (setq B_dim_length (- B_dim_length 1))
          (setq B_dim_txt (substr B_dim_txt 2 B_dim_length))
        ((= (substr B_dim_txt 1 1) "R")
          (setq B_dim_length (- B_dim_length 1))
          (setq B_dim_txt (substr B_dim_txt 2 B_dim_length))
        ((= (substr B_dim_txt 1 1) "m")
          (setq B_dim_length (- B_dim_length 1))
          (setq B_dim_txt (substr B_dim_txt 2 B_dim_length))
        ((= (substr B_dim_txt 1 1) "M")
          (setq B_dim_length (- B_dim_length 1))
          (setq B_dim_txt (substr B_dim_txt 2 B_dim_length))
        ((= (substr B_dim_txt 2 6) "U+2205")
          (setq B_dim_length (- B_dim_length 7))
          (setq B_dim_txt (substr B_dim_txt 8 B_dim_length))
      (setq B_dim_txt_str "")
      (setq B_dim_txt_no B_dim_length)
      (while (> B_dim_txt_no 0)
        (setq B_dim_txt_no (1- B_dim_txt_no))
        (setq B_dim_txt_chr (substr B_dim_txt (- B_dim_length B_dim_txt_no) 1))
        (if (/= B_dim_txt_chr ",")
          (setq B_dim_txt_str (strcat B_dim_txt_str B_dim_txt_chr))  
      (setq B_dim_txt B_dim_txt_str);去掉尺寸文本里的","
      (setq B_dim_size (atof B_dim_txt))
      (if (> B_dim_size 3150.0)
          (if (null B_ERROR) (load "B_ERROR"))
          (B_ERROR "超出程序设计范围,本程序无法计算,请查标准公差手册标注")
          (setq B_dim_choose -2)

  (setq B_tolerance_code
           '("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f"
             "g" "h" "js" "j" "k" "m" "n" "p" "r" "s"
             "t" "u" "v" "x" "y" "z"
  (if (= (nth 2 B_deflection_es_list) 0.0)
      (setq B_tolerance_code (subst "o" "a" B_tolerance_code))
      (setq B_tolerance_code (subst "o" "b" B_tolerance_code))
      (setq B_tolerance_code (subst "o" "c" B_tolerance_code))
      (setq B_tolerance_code (subst "o" "j" B_tolerance_code))
      (setq B_tolerance_code (subst "o" "v" B_tolerance_code))
      (setq B_tolerance_code (subst "o" "x" B_tolerance_code))
      (setq B_tolerance_code (subst "o" "y" B_tolerance_code))
      (setq B_tolerance_code (subst "o" "z" B_tolerance_code))
  (if (= (nth 21 B_deflection_es_list) 0.0)
      (setq B_tolerance_code (subst "o" "t" B_tolerance_code))
  (if (= (nth 23 B_deflection_es_list) 0.0)
      (setq B_tolerance_code (subst "o" "v" B_tolerance_code))
  (if (= (nth 25 B_deflection_es_list) 0.0)
      (setq B_tolerance_code (subst "o" "y" B_tolerance_code))
  (setq B_tolerancd_code_temp '())
  (repeat (length B_tolerance_code)
    (if (/= (car B_tolerance_code) "o")
      (setq B_tolerancd_code_temp (cons (car B_tolerance_code) B_tolerancd_code_temp))
    (setq B_tolerance_code (cdr B_tolerance_code))
  (setq B_tolerance_code (reverse B_tolerancd_code_temp))

  (if (<= B_dim_size 500.0)
      ((or (= B_tolerance_deflection "A") (= B_tolerance_deflection "B"))
        (setq B_tolerance_rate '(9 10 11 12))
        (setq B_tolerance_criterion 11)
      ((or (= B_tolerance_deflection "a") (= B_tolerance_deflection "b"))
        (setq B_tolerance_rate '(9 10 11 12 13))
        (setq B_tolerance_criterion 11)
      ((or (= B_tolerance_deflection "C") (= B_tolerance_deflection "c"))
        (setq B_tolerance_rate '(8 9 10 11 12))
        (setq B_tolerance_criterion 11)
      ((or (= B_tolerance_deflection "D") (= B_tolerance_deflection "d"))
        (setq B_tolerance_rate '(7 8 9 10 11))
        (setq B_tolerance_criterion 9)
      ((= B_tolerance_deflection "E")
        (setq B_tolerance_rate '(7 8 9 10))
        (setq B_tolerance_criterion 9)
      ((= B_tolerance_deflection "e")
        (setq B_tolerance_rate '(6 7 8 9 10))
        (setq B_tolerance_criterion 9)
      ((= B_tolerance_deflection "F")
        (setq B_tolerance_rate '(6 7 8 9))
        (setq B_tolerance_criterion 8)
      ((or (= B_tolerance_deflection "f") (= B_tolerance_deflection "N") (= B_tolerance_deflection ""))
        (setq B_tolerance_rate '(5 6 7 8 9))
        (setq B_tolerance_criterion 7)
      ((or (= B_tolerance_deflection "G") (= B_tolerance_deflection "R") (= B_tolerance_deflection "S") (= B_tolerance_deflection "t") (= B_tolerance_deflection "u") (= B_tolerance_deflection "v") (= B_tolerance_deflection "x"))
        (setq B_tolerance_rate '(5 6 7 8))
        (setq B_tolerance_criterion 7)
      ((or (= B_tolerance_deflection "g") (= B_tolerance_deflection "K") (= B_tolerance_deflection "M") (= B_tolerance_deflection "k") (= B_tolerance_deflection "m") (= B_tolerance_deflection "n") (= B_tolerance_deflection "p") (= B_tolerance_deflection "r") (= B_tolerance_deflection "s"))
        (setq B_tolerance_rate '(4 5 6 7 8))
        (setq B_tolerance_criterion 6)
      ((or (= B_tolerance_deflection "H") (= B_tolerance_deflection "h")  (= B_tolerance_deflection "JS")  (= B_tolerance_deflection "js"))
        (setq B_tolerance_rate '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13))
        (setq B_tolerance_criterion 7)
      ((or (= B_tolerance_deflection "J") (= B_tolerance_deflection "T") (= B_tolerance_deflection "U") (= B_tolerance_deflection "V") (= B_tolerance_deflection "X") (= B_tolerance_deflection "Y") (= B_tolerance_deflection "Z") (= B_tolerance_deflection "y") (= B_tolerance_deflection "z"))
        (setq B_tolerance_rate '(6 7 8))
        (setq B_tolerance_criterion 7)
      ((= B_tolerance_deflection "j")
        (setq B_tolerance_rate '(5 6 7))
        (setq B_tolerance_criterion 6)
      ((or (= B_tolerance_deflection "D") (= B_tolerance_deflection "d"))
        (setq B_tolerance_rate '(8 9 10 11))
        (setq B_tolerance_criterion 9)
      ((or (= B_tolerance_deflection "E") (= B_tolerance_deflection "e"))
        (setq B_tolerance_rate '(8 9))
        (setq B_tolerance_criterion 9)
      ((or (= B_tolerance_deflection "F") (= B_tolerance_deflection "f"))
        (setq B_tolerance_rate '(7 8 9))
        (setq B_tolerance_criterion 8)
      ((or (= B_tolerance_deflection "H") (= B_tolerance_deflection "JS") (= B_tolerance_deflection "h") (= B_tolerance_deflection "js"))
        (setq B_tolerance_rate '(6 7 8 9 10 11 12))
        (setq B_tolerance_criterion 9)
      ((or (= B_tolerance_deflection "G") (= B_tolerance_deflection "K") (= B_tolerance_deflection "M") (= B_tolerance_deflection "N") (= B_tolerance_deflection "g") (= B_tolerance_deflection "k") (= B_tolerance_deflection "m") (= B_tolerance_deflection "n") (= B_tolerance_deflection "p") (= B_tolerance_deflection "r") (= B_tolerance_deflection "s") (= B_tolerance_deflection "t") (= B_tolerance_deflection "u"))
        (setq B_tolerance_rate '(6 7))
        (setq B_tolerance_criterion 7)

  (setq B_deflection_ascii (ascii (strcase B_tolerance_deflection)))
    ((and (>= B_deflection_ascii 65) (<= B_deflection_ascii 67))
      (setq B_deflection_es (nth (- B_deflection_ascii 63) B_deflection_es_list))
    ((and (>= B_deflection_ascii 68) (<= B_deflection_ascii 69))
      (setq B_deflection_es (nth (- B_deflection_ascii 62) B_deflection_es_list))
    ((= B_deflection_ascii 70)
      (setq B_deflection_es (nth (- B_deflection_ascii 61) B_deflection_es_list))
    ((= B_deflection_ascii 71)
      (setq B_deflection_es (nth (- B_deflection_ascii 60) B_deflection_es_list))
    ((= B_deflection_ascii 72)
      (setq B_deflection_es 0.0)
    ((= (strcase B_tolerance_deflection) "J")
        ((or (= B_tolerance_criterion 5) (= B_tolerance_criterion 6))
          (setq B_deflection_es (nth 12 B_deflection_es_list))
        ((= B_tolerance_criterion 7)
          (setq B_deflection_es (nth 13 B_deflection_es_list))
        ((= B_tolerance_criterion 8)
          (setq B_deflection_es 0.0)
    ((= B_deflection_ascii 75)
      (setq B_deflection_es (nth (- B_deflection_ascii 60) B_deflection_es_list))
    ((and (>= B_deflection_ascii 77) (<= B_deflection_ascii 78))
      (setq B_deflection_es (nth (- B_deflection_ascii 61) B_deflection_es_list))
    ((= B_deflection_ascii 80)
      (setq B_deflection_es (nth 18 B_deflection_es_list))
    ((and (>= B_deflection_ascii 82) (<= B_deflection_ascii 86))
      (setq B_deflection_es (nth (- B_deflection_ascii 63) B_deflection_es_list))
    ((and (>= B_deflection_ascii 88) (<= B_deflection_ascii 90))
      (setq B_deflection_es (nth (- B_deflection_ascii 64) B_deflection_es_list))
  (if (= B_tolerance_shaft 10501)
  (setq B_deflection_es (/ B_deflection_es 1000.0))

  (setq B_hole_ascii (ascii B_tolerance_deflection))
  (setq B_deflection_es (* B_deflection_es -1.0))
  (if (null B_DATE_LIST_NO) (load "B_DATE_LIST_NO"))
  (setq B_hole_ameliorate_list (B_DATE_LIST_NO "B_TOLERANCE_AMELIORATE.DAT" B_criterion_count))
  (setq B_hole_ameliorate_list (mapcar 'atof B_hole_ameliorate_list))
  (setq B_hole_ameliorate 0.0)
  (if (and (>= B_tolerance_criterion 3) (<= B_tolerance_criterion 8))
    (setq B_hole_ameliorate (nth (- B_tolerance_criterion 1) B_hole_ameliorate_list))
  (if (and (>= B_hole_ascii 80) (<= B_tolerance_criterion 7))
    (setq B_deflection_es (+ B_deflection_es B_hole_ameliorate))
  (if (and (= B_hole_ascii 75) (<= B_tolerance_criterion 8))
    (setq B_deflection_es (+ B_deflection_es B_hole_ameliorate))
  (if (and (= B_hole_ascii 77) (<= B_tolerance_criterion 8))
    (setq B_deflection_es (+ B_deflection_es B_hole_ameliorate))
  (if (and (= B_hole_ascii 78) (<= B_tolerance_criterion 8))
    (setq B_deflection_es (+ B_deflection_es B_hole_ameliorate))
  (if (= B_tolerance_deflection "J")
    (setq B_deflection_es (+ (nth (+ B_tolerance_criterion 2) B_hole_ameliorate_list) B_deflection_es))

  (if (= B_tolerance_shaft 10501)
    (if (<= (ascii (strcase B_tolerance_deflection)) 72)
        (setq B_tolerance_lay B_deflection_es)
        (setq B_tolerance_sur (+ B_tolerance_lay B_criterion_it))
        (setq B_tolerance_sur B_deflection_es)
        (setq B_tolerance_lay (- B_tolerance_sur B_criterion_it))
    (if (<= (ascii (strcase B_tolerance_deflection)) 72)
        (setq B_tolerance_sur B_deflection_es)
        (setq B_tolerance_lay (- B_tolerance_sur B_criterion_it))
        (setq B_tolerance_lay B_deflection_es)
        (setq B_tolerance_sur (+ B_tolerance_lay B_criterion_it))
  (if (= (strcase B_tolerance_deflection) "JS")
      (setq B_tolerance_sur (/ B_criterion_it 2.0))
      (setq B_tolerance_lay (* B_tolerance_sur -1.0))

  (if (= B_tolerance_prefix 10511)
      (if (null B_SLIDE_STAR) (load "B_SLIDE_STAR"))
      (setq B_tolerance_prefix 10512)
      (if (null B_SLIDE_STAR) (load "B_SLIDE_STAR"))
      (setq B_tolerance_prefix 10511)

  (if (= B_tolerance_midfix 10521)
      (if (null B_SLIDE_STAR) (load "B_SLIDE_STAR"))
      (setq B_tolerance_midfix 10522)
      (if (null B_SLIDE_STAR) (load "B_SLIDE_STAR"))
      (setq B_tolerance_midfix 10521)

  (if (= B_tolerance_shaft 10501)
      (if (null B_SLIDE_STAR) (load "B_SLIDE_STAR"))
      (set_tile "B_TOLERANCE_SHAFT_S_DCL" "1")
      (setq B_tolerance_shaft 10502)
      (setq B_tolerance_code
           '(lambda (x) (strcase x T)
      (setq B_tolerance_deflection "h")
      (if (null B_SLIDE_STAR) (load "B_SLIDE_STAR"))
      (set_tile "B_TOLERANCE_SHAFT_S_DCL" "0")
      (setq B_tolerance_shaft 10501)
      (setq B_tolerance_code
           '(lambda (x) (strcase x)
      (setq B_tolerance_deflection "H")
  (setq B_criterion_it (nth (1+ B_tolerance_criterion) B_criterion_it_list))
  (if (< B_tolerance_criterion 12)
    (setq B_criterion_it (/ B_criterion_it 1000.0))
  (set_tile "B_TOLERANCE_DEFLECTION_SUR_DCL" (rtos B_tolerance_sur))
  (set_tile "B_TOLERANCE_DEFLECTION_LAY_DCL" (rtos B_tolerance_lay))

  (setq B_tolerance_deflection_count (atoi (get_tile "B_TOLERANCE_DEFLECTION_S_DCL")))
  (setq B_tolerance_deflection (nth B_tolerance_deflection_count B_tolerance_code))
  (set_tile "B_TOLERANCE_DEFLECTION_DCL" B_tolerance_deflection)
  (setq B_criterion_it (nth (1+ B_tolerance_criterion) B_criterion_it_list))
  (if (< B_tolerance_criterion 12)
    (setq B_criterion_it (/ B_criterion_it 1000.0))
  (set_tile "B_TOLERANCE_DEFLECTION_SUR_DCL" (rtos B_tolerance_sur))
  (set_tile "B_TOLERANCE_DEFLECTION_LAY_DCL" (rtos B_tolerance_lay))

  (setq B_tolerance_criterion_count (atoi (get_tile "B_TOLERANCE_RATE_S_DCL")))
  (setq B_tolerance_criterion (nth B_tolerance_criterion_count B_tolerance_rate))
  (setq B_criterion_it (nth (1+ B_tolerance_criterion) B_criterion_it_list))
  (if (< B_tolerance_criterion 12)
    (setq B_criterion_it (/ B_criterion_it 1000.0))
  (set_tile "B_TOLERANCE_RATE_DCL" (itoa B_tolerance_criterion))
  (set_tile "B_TOLERANCE_CRITERION_DCL" (rtos B_criterion_it))
  (set_tile "B_TOLERANCE_DEFLECTION_SUR_DCL" (rtos B_tolerance_sur))
  (set_tile "B_TOLERANCE_DEFLECTION_LAY_DCL" (rtos B_tolerance_lay))  

  (setq B_tolerancd_code_temp B_tolerance_code)
  (setq B_tolerancd_count 0)
  (while (/= (car B_tolerancd_code_temp) B_tolerance_deflection)
    (setq B_tolerancd_count (+ B_tolerancd_count 1))
    (setq B_tolerancd_code_temp (cdr B_tolerancd_code_temp))
  (set_tile "B_TOLERANCE_DEFLECTION_DCL" B_tolerance_deflection)
  (set_tile "B_TOLERANCE_DEFLECTION_S_DCL" (rtos B_tolerancd_count))

  (setq B_tolerancd_code_temp B_tolerance_rate)
  (setq B_tolerancd_count 0)
  (while (/= (car B_tolerancd_code_temp) B_tolerance_criterion)
    (setq B_tolerancd_count (+ B_tolerancd_count 1))
    (setq B_tolerancd_code_temp (cdr B_tolerancd_code_temp))
  (set_tile "B_TOLERANCE_RATE_DCL" (itoa B_tolerance_criterion))
  (set_tile "B_TOLERANCE_RATE_S_DCL" (rtos B_tolerancd_count))

  (setq B_tolerance_code_addlist B_tolerance_code)
  (if (= (car B_tolerance_code) "D")
      (setq B_tolerance_code_addlist (reverse B_tolerance_code_addlist))
      (setq B_tolerance_code_addlist (reverse (member '"N" B_tolerance_code_addlist)))
  (mapcar 'add_list B_tolerance_code_addlist)

  (start_list "B_TOLERANCE_RATE_S_DCL")
  (mapcar 'add_list (mapcar 'itoa B_tolerance_rate))

  (setq B_tolerance_shaft 10501)
  (setq B_tolerance_prefix 10511)
  (setq B_tolerance_midfix 10521)
  (setq B_tolerance_deflection "H")

  (if (= B_tolerance_shaft 10501)
      (if (null B_SLIDE_STAR) (load "B_SLIDE_STAR"))
      (set_tile "B_TOLERANCE_SHAFT_S_DCL" "0")
      (setq B_tolerance_code
          '(lambda (x) (strcase x)
  (if (= B_tolerance_prefix 10511)
      (if (null B_SLIDE_STAR) (load "B_SLIDE_STAR"))
  (if (= B_tolerance_midfix 10521)
      (if (null B_SLIDE_STAR) (load "B_SLIDE_STAR"))
  (set_tile "B_TOLERANCE_DIM_DCL" (rtos B_dim_size))
  (mode_tile "B_TOLERANCE_DIM_DCL" 1)
  (mode_tile "B_TOLERANCE_RATE_DCL" 1)
  (setq B_criterion_it (nth (1+ B_tolerance_criterion) B_criterion_it_list))
  (if (< B_tolerance_criterion 12)
    (setq B_criterion_it (/ B_criterion_it 1000.0))
  (set_tile "B_TOLERANCE_CRITERION_DCL" (rtos B_criterion_it))
  (setq B_criterion_it (nth (1+ B_tolerance_criterion) B_criterion_it_list))
  (if (< B_tolerance_criterion 12)
    (setq B_criterion_it (/ B_criterion_it 1000.0))
  (set_tile "B_TOLERANCE_DEFLECTION_SUR_DCL" (rtos B_tolerance_sur))
  (set_tile "B_TOLERANCE_DEFLECTION_LAY_DCL" (rtos B_tolerance_lay))

    (if (not (new_dialog "B_TOLERANCE" B_tolerance_id))
    (action_tile "cancel"  "(done_dialog 0)")
    (action_tile "accept"  "(done_dialog 1)")
    (setq B_tolerance_what (start_dialog))

   B_tolerance_shaft;判断尺寸是孔还是轴        10501--孔 10502--孔
   B_tolerance_prefix;判断是否加前缀           10511--加 10512--不加
   B_tolerance_midfix;判断是否加公差等级代号   10521--加 10522--不加
  (setq B_old_cmd (getvar "CMDECHO"))
  (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
  (setq B_criterion_date_file "B_TOLERANCE_CRITERION.DAT")
  (setq B_deflection_date_file "B_TOLERANCE_DEFLECTION.DAT")
  (setq B_dim_choose 0)
  (setq B_dim_object (car (entsel)))
  (setq B_dim_ent (entget B_dim_object))
  (if (>= B_dim_choose 0)
      (if (null B_DATE_LIST_TWO) (load "B_DATE_LIST_TWO"))
      (if (null B_NO_CENTER_LIST) (load "B_NO_CENTER_LIST"))
      (if (null B_DATE_LIST_NO) (load "B_DATE_LIST_NO"))
      (setq B_criterion_size_list (B_DATE_LIST_TWO B_criterion_date_file))
      (setq B_criterion_count (B_NO_CENTER_LIST B_dim_size B_criterion_size_list))
      (setq B_criterion_it_list (B_DATE_LIST_NO B_criterion_date_file B_criterion_count))
      (setq B_criterion_it_list (mapcar 'atof B_criterion_it_list))
      (setq B_deflection_size_list (B_DATE_LIST_TWO B_deflection_date_file))
      (setq B_deflection_count (B_NO_CENTER_LIST B_dim_size B_deflection_size_list))
      (setq B_deflection_es_list (B_DATE_LIST_NO B_deflection_date_file B_deflection_count))
      (setq B_deflection_es_list (mapcar 'atof B_deflection_es_list))
      (setq B_tolerance_id (load_dialog "B_TOLERANCE"))
      (if (> B_tolerance_what 0)
      (unload_dialog B_tolerance_id)
  (setvar "CMDECHO" B_old_cmd)

  (if (/= (getvar "DIMTOLJ") 0)
    (setvar "DIMTOLJ" 0)
  (if (= B_dim_or "")
    (setq B_dim_or "<>")
  (setq B_draw_dimheight (strcat "\\H" (rtos B_dim_height)))
  (setq B_draw_height (strcat "\\H" (rtos (* B_dim_height 0.6))))
  (if (> B_tolerance_sur 0.0)
    (setq B_draw_sur (strcat "\\S+" (rtos B_tolerance_sur)))
    (setq B_draw_sur (strcat "\\S" (rtos B_tolerance_sur)))                             
  (if (> B_tolerance_lay 0.0)
    (setq B_draw_lay (strcat "^+" (rtos B_tolerance_lay) ";"))
    (setq B_draw_lay (strcat "^ " (rtos B_tolerance_lay) ";"))                             
  (if (= (strcase B_tolerance_deflection) "JS")
    (setq B_draw_tolerance (strcat "%%p" (rtos B_tolerance_sur)))
    (setq B_draw_tolerance (strcat B_draw_height  B_draw_sur B_draw_lay))
  (if (= B_tolerance_prefix 10512)
    (setq B_dim_or (strcat "%%c" B_dim_or))
  (if (= B_tolerance_midfix 10522)
      (setq B_draw_mid (strcat B_tolerance_deflection (itoa B_tolerance_criterion)))
      (setq B_dim_or (strcat B_dim_or B_draw_mid "(" B_draw_tolerance B_draw_dimheight ")"))
    (setq B_dim_or (strcat B_dim_or B_draw_tolerance))
  (setq B_dim_ent (subst (cons 1 B_dim_or) (assoc 1 B_dim_ent) B_dim_ent))
  (entmod B_dim_ent)

   label = "***公差标注***  版本:试用版";
        label = "配合种类选择V";
            key = "B_TOLERANCE_SHAFT_DCL";
            color                   = 0;
            width                   = 38;
            aspect_ratio            = 0.22;
            fixed_height            = true;
            fixed_width             = true;
            alignment = centered;
            label = "基准选择&I: ";
            key = "B_TOLERANCE_SHAFT_S_DCL";
            list = "孔的公差\n轴的公差";
            edit_width =22;
            alignment = centered;
     label = "基本式样";
          key = "B_TOLERANCE_PREFIX_DCL";
          color                   = 0;
          width                   = 5;
          aspect_ratio            = 0.8;
          fixed_height            = true;
          fixed_width             = true;
          alignment = centered;
          key = "B_TOLERANCE_DIM_DCL";
          edit_width = 8;
          edit_limit = 10;
          key = "B_TOLERANCE_MIDFIX_DCL";
          color                   = 0;
          width                   = 5;
          aspect_ratio            = 0.8;
          fixed_height            = true;
          fixed_width             = true;
          alignment = centered;
            edit_width = 6;
            edit_limit = 6;
            edit_width = 6;
            edit_limit = 6;
          key = "B_TOLERANCE_SUFFIX_DCL";
          color                   = 0;
          width                   = 5;
          aspect_ratio            = 0.8;
          fixed_height            = true;
          fixed_width             = true;
          alignment = centered;
        label = "参数选择";
              label = "基本偏差&U:";     //  style name
              width =8;
              fixed_width = true;
              alignment = centered;
              {                        // for user to enter/specify
              key = "B_TOLERANCE_DEFLECTION_DCL";
              edit_width = 8;
              edit_limit = 10;
               key = "B_TOLERANCE_DEFLECTION_S_DCL";
               edit_width = 7.3;
               label = "公差等级&L:";     //  style name
               width =8;
               fixed_width = true;
               alignment = centered;
               {                        // for user to enter/specify
             key = "B_TOLERANCE_RATE_DCL";
             edit_width = 8;
             edit_limit = 10;
               key = "B_TOLERANCE_RATE_S_DCL";
               edit_width = 7.3;
               label = "标准公差&W:";
               width =8;
               fixed_width = true;
               alignment = centered;
               key = "B_TOLERANCE_CRITERION_DCL";
               edit_width = 8;
               edit_limit = 10;
               width =8;
               fixed_width = true;
       label = " ";
         label="  >>版权所有,翻录不究<<";
         label="     >>作者:B。W<<";

发表于 2002-12-7 22:54:00 | 显示全部楼层


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