我用VB将CAD图形中的图元信息写入到SQL中,当数据量大的时候感觉特慢,请问有什么方法优化吗?下面是我的代码: Option Explicit
Dim acadApp As AcadApplication Dim acadDoc As AcadDocument 'Dim acaddoc As AcadModelSpace Const LB_ITEMFROMPOINT = &H1A9 Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" _ (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _ ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long Private Sub Command1_Click() 'On Error Resume Next
Set acadApp = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.Application.16") If Err Then MsgBox "AUTOCAD图形软件未打开!" End End If If Err Then Err.Clear ' 创建一个新的AutoCAD应用程序对象 Set acadApp = CreateObject("AutoCAD.Application.16") If Err Then MsgBox Err.Description Exit Sub End If End If ' 显示AutoCAD应用程序 acadApp.Visible = True Set acadDoc = acadApp.ActiveDocument Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection acadDoc.SendCommand "zoom" & vbCr & "e" & vbCr Frame1.Visible = False Frame2.Visible = False Command1.Visible = False Command2.Visible = False Line2.Visible = False Line3.Visible = False Line1.Visible = False Dim gdp As New ADODB.Recordset Dim gdpp As New ADODB.Recordset Dim gdeo As New ADODB.Recordset Dim gdpv As New ADODB.Recordset Dim gdv33 As New ADODB.Recordset Dim gdv3 As New ADODB.Recordset Dim gdlp As New ADODB.Recordset Dim gg01 As New ADODB.Recordset Dim gg03 As New ADODB.Recordset Dim tdsyz As String, tdzl As String, qsxz As String, sjyt As String Dim sqllj As String, gdv3lj As String, gg01lj As String, gg03lj As String, gdplj As String Dim gdlplj, gdpvlj As String Dim ftype(0 To 2) As Integer Dim fdata(0 To 2) As Variant Dim gdsx As Variant Dim maxvid, maxvidd As Long, vid As Long, eoid As Long, pid As Long Dim maxga01 As String, newga01 As String Dim maxpid As Long, newpid As Long, maxvn As Long, newvn As Long Dim zdpx(), zdpxgd(), t() As Variant '宗地排序数组 Dim jfmj As Double '街坊面积 Dim ltime As String Dim djh, zdh, jfh As String Dim zds As Integer '宗地数 sjyt = Trim(Text7.Text) tdsyz = Trim(Text6.Text) qsxz = Trim(Text8.Text) ltime = Date + Time ftype(0) = 0: fdata(0) = "LWPOLYLINE" ftype(1) = 8: fdata(1) = "界址线" ftype(2) = 70: fdata(2) = 1 'ftype(2) = 70: fdata(2) = 1 Dim ddzb() As Double '顶点坐标 Dim dds, mode, jzds As Integer Dim zb As Variant Dim i As Integer sqllj = "provider=sqloledb.1;password=" & Text4.Text & " ;persist security info=true;user id=" & Trim(Text3.Text) & ";initial catalog=" & Text2.Text & " ;data source=" & Text1.Text & "" cn.Open sqllj jfh = Trim(Text5.Text) gdv3lj = "select maxvid=max(vid) from gdv3" gdv3.Open gdv3lj, cn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockBatchOptimistic Do While Not gdv3.EOF maxvid = gdv3.Fields("maxvid") gdv3.MoveNext Loop gdv3.Close gdplj = "select maxpid=max(pid), js=count(pid) from gdp" gdp.Open gdplj, cn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockBatchOptimistic If Not gdp.EOF Then If gdp.Fields("js") > 0 Then maxpid = gdp.Fields("maxpid") Else maxpid = 0 End If End If gdp.Close gg01.Open "select maxga01=max(ga01)from gg01 where ga01 like '200%'", cn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockBatchOptimistic If Not gg01.EOF Then 'If gg01.Fields("maxga01") <> Null Then maxga01 = gg01.Fields("maxga01") ' Else ' maxga01 = "2007320506100000" ' End If End If gg01.Close newga01 = pdga01(maxga01) gdeo.Open "select * from gdeo where description like " & jfh & " ", cn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockBatchOptimistic If Not gdeo.EOF Then eoid = gdeo.Fields("eoid") Else MsgBox "数据库中没有本街坊信息、请查实!“" End End If gdeo.Close gdv3lj = "select maxvn=max(vn) , js =count(vn)from gdv3 where eoid=" & eoid & " and vt='100' and vid in (select pvid from gdpv where pid in (select lpid from gdlp where isvirtual=0))" gdv3.Open gdv3lj, cn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockBatchOptimistic If Not gdv3.EOF Then If gdv3.Fields("js") > 0 Then maxvn = gdv3.Fields("maxvn") End If 'gdv3.MoveNext End If gdv3.Close i = 0 On Error Resume Next Dim xzj As AcadSelectionSet If Not IsNull(acadDoc.SelectionSets.Item("st")) Then Set xzj = acadDoc.SelectionSets.Item("st") xzj.Delete End If Set xzj = acadDoc.SelectionSets.Add("st") '新建选择集 'MsgBox xzj.Name xzj.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , ftype, fdata '选择宗地 ReDim zdpxgd(xzj.count - 1, 3) 'ReDim zdpxgd(xzj.Count - 1, 1) ReDim t(xzj.count - 1, 3) If xzj.count = 0 Then MsgBox "没有界址线!" End Else Dim ty As AcadEntity For Each ty In xzj If ty.Close = True Then dds = (UBound(ty.Coordinates) + 1) / 2 zb = ty.Coordinates jfmj = ty.Area ReDim ddzb(dds * 3 - 1) ReDim sjzb(dds - 1, 1) For i = 0 To dds - 1 'MsgBox ty.Coordinates(2 * i) ddzb(3 * i) = zb(2 * i) ddzb(3 * i + 1) = zb(2 * i + 1) ddzb(3 * i + 2) = 0 sjzb(i, 0) = zb(2 * i) sjzb(i, 1) = zb(2 * i + 1) Next i gdsx = tqjfh(ddzb) zdh = gdsx(0) tdzl = gdsx(1) If zdh <> "" Then jfh = Trim(Text5.Text) djh = jfh + zdh 'newpid = maxpid + 1 zdpxgd(zds, 0) = zdh zdpxgd(zds, 1) = ddzb zdpxgd(zds, 2) = jfmj zdpxgd(zds, 3) = tdzl zds = zds + 1 End If Else MsgBox "本宗地界址线没有封闭!请检查!" End If Next End If '以上提取宗地号和宗地界址线坐标表。 '以下对宗地号由大到小排序。 Dim sd, sdd, j, ii As Integer For i = 1 To zds - 1 For j = i - 1 To zds - 1 sd = Val(zdpxgd(i - 1, 0)) sdd = Val(zdpxgd(j, 0)) If sd > sdd Then t(i, 0) = zdpxgd(i - 1, 0) t(i, 1) = zdpxgd(i - 1, 1) t(i, 2) = zdpxgd(i - 1, 2) t(i, 3) = zdpxgd(i - 1, 3) zdpxgd(i - 1, 0) = zdpxgd(j, 0) zdpxgd(i - 1, 1) = zdpxgd(j, 1) zdpxgd(i - 1, 2) = zdpxgd(j, 2) zdpxgd(i - 1, 3) = zdpxgd(j, 3) zdpxgd(j, 0) = t(i, 0) zdpxgd(j, 1) = t(i, 1) zdpxgd(j, 2) = t(i, 2) zdpxgd(j, 3) = t(i, 3) End If Next j Next i '宗地号由小到大排序完毕。 ' newga01 = pdga01(maxga01) '新增宗地数据开始上传 Bar1.Top = 1300 Bar1.Width = 2500 Bar1.Left = 1000 Bar1.Min = 0 Bar1.Max = zds For ii = 0 To zds - 1 'newpid = maxpid + 1 Bar1.Value = ii djh = jfh + zdpxgd(ii, 0) gdplj = "select * from gdp where pid in (select ga33 from gg01 where ga18 = '" & djh & "' )" gdp.Open gdplj, cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic If gdp.EOF Then 'cn.Execute "set identity_insert gdp on" 'cn.Execute "insert into gdp values( " & newpid & ", '100' ,'" & zdpxgd(ii, 0) & " '," & eoid & " ,0,0,0,0.0,0.0,0,0.0, 0,'" & ltime & " '," & zdpxgd(ii, 2) & ",1)" cn.Execute "insert into gdp values( '100' ,'" & zdpxgd(ii, 0) & " '," & eoid & " ,0,0,0,0.0,0.0,0,0.0, 0,'" & ltime & " '," & zdpxgd(ii, 2) & ",1)" gdpp.Open "select maxpid=max(pid) from gdp ", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic If Not gdpp.EOF Then newpid = gdpp.Fields("maxpid") End If gdpp.Close cn.Execute "insert into gdlp values(" & newpid & ",'" & sjyt & "','" & tdsyz & "','" & newga01 & "',1,0,0.0,0.0,1)" 'cn.Execute "insert into gg01 values( '" & newga01 & " ','0','','','" & Left(djh, 6) & " ','" & Mid(djh, 7, 3) & " ','" & Mid(djh, 10, 3) & " ','" & zdh & " ','" & ltime & " ','002','','','','','','','','','','','','" & djh & " ',' ',' ',' ','0','0',' ',' ',' ',' ','Y',0,0,'',0," & maxpid + 1 & ",' Y ',0,0,0,'" & jmj & "',0,'','0',0)" gg01.Open "select * from gg01", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic ' If gg01 Then gg01.AddNew gg01.Fields("ga01") = newga01 gg01.Fields("ga02") = "0" gg01.Fields("ga03") = tdsyz gg01.Fields("ga031") = Left(djh, 6) gg01.Fields("ga032") = Mid(djh, 7, 3) gg01.Fields("ga033") = Mid(djh, 10, 3) gg01.Fields("ga034") = zdpxgd(ii, 0) gg01.Fields("ga04") = "" gg01.Fields("ga05") = ltime gg01.Fields("ga051") = "002" gg01.Fields("ga06") = "" gg01.Fields("ga07") = "" gg01.Fields("ga08") = zdpxgd(ii, 3) gg01.Fields("ga09") = "" 'gg01.Fields("ga10") = "" gg01.Fields("ga11") = "" gg01.Fields("ga12") = "" gg01.Fields("ga13") = "" gg01.Fields("ga14") = "" gg01.Fields("ga15") = "" gg01.Fields("ga16") = "1" gg01.Fields("ga17") = "" gg01.Fields("ga18") = Left(djh, 6) + Mid(djh, 7, 3) + Mid(djh, 10, 3) + zdpxgd(ii, 0) gg01.Fields("ga19") = "" gg01.Fields("ga21") = Null gg01.Fields("ga22") = Null gg01.Fields("ga23") = 0 gg01.Fields("ga24") = Val(sjyt) gg01.Fields("ga25") = "" gg01.Fields("ga251") = "" gg01.Fields("ga26") = "" gg01.Fields("ga27") = "" gg01.Fields("ga28") = "Y" gg01.Fields("ga29") = "" gg01.Fields("ga30") = 0 gg01.Fields("ga31") = "" gg01.Fields("ga32") = "N" gg01.Fields("ga33") = newpid gg01.Fields("ga34") = "Y" gg01.Fields("ga35") = Null gg01.Fields("ga36") = Null gg01.Fields("ga37") = Null gg01.Fields("ga221") = zdpxgd(ii, 2) gg01.Fields("ga222") = Null gg01.Fields("ga38") = Null gg01.Fields("ga39") = Null gg01.Fields("ga381") = Null gg01.Update gg01.MoveNext 'End If gg01.Close zb = zdpxgd(ii, 1) jzds = (pdws(zb) + 1) / 3 For i = 0 To jzds - 1 ' For i = 0 To zdpxgd(ii, 1).cone gdv3lj = "select * from gdv3 where x=" & zb(3 * i + 1) & " and y= " & zb(3 * i) & " and vt=100" gdv3.Open gdv3lj, cn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockBatchOptimistic If Not gdv3.EOF Then vid = gdv3.Fields("vid") newvn = gdv3.Fields("vn") Else vid = maxvid + 1 newvn = maxvn + 1 maxvn = maxvn + 1 cn.Execute "set identity_insert gdv3 on" cn.Execute "insert into gdv3 values ( " & eoid & ",' " & newvn & "'," & zb(3 * i + 1) & "," & zb(3 * i) & ",0,2,1,1,0,'" & ltime & "',100)" End If gdv33.Open "select maxvid=max(vid) from gdv3 ", cn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockBatchOptimistic If Not gdv33.EOF Then maxvidd = gdv33.Fields("maxvid") If maxvidd > maxvid Then vid = maxvidd End If maxvid = maxvidd End If gdv33.Close ' cn.Execute "set identity_insert gdeov on" cn.Execute "insert into gdpv values (" & newpid & "," & i + 1 & "," & vid & ")" cn.Execute "insert into gg03 values (" & newga01 & "," & i + 1 & "," & i + 1 & " ," & newvn & ",null,4,null,null,2,3,null)" ' maxvid = maxvid + 1 'maxvn = maxvn + 1 gdv3.Close Next maxpid = maxpid + 1 newga01 = pdga01(newga01) 'MsgBox ty.ObjectName End If 'If gdp.EOF Then gdp.Close Next MsgBox "数据上传完毕!" End End End Sub Function tqjfh(xxzb) As Variant '提取宗地号、土地坐落 On Error Resume Next Dim jfh(0 To 1) As String Dim zjxzj As AcadSelectionSet If Not IsNull(acadDoc.SelectionSets.Item("zjst")) Then Set zjxzj = acadDoc.SelectionSets.Item("zjst") zjxzj.Delete End If Set zjxzj = acadDoc.SelectionSets.Add("zjst") '新建选择集 Dim ftype As Variant, fdata As Variant Call creatssetfilter(ftype, fdata, 0, "Text", 8, "宗地注记,土地座落") 'ReDim gpCode(0 To 1) As Integer ''gpCode(0) = 0 ''gpCode(1) = 8 '' ReDim dataValue(0 To 1) As Variant ''dataValue(0) = "TEXT" '' dataValue(1) = "宗地注记" '' Dim groupCode As Variant, dataCode As Variant '' groupCode = gpCode '' dataCode = dataValue zjxzj.SelectByPolygon acSelectionSetWindowPolygon, xxzb, ftype, fdata If zjxzj.count = 0 Then MsgBox "没有宗地号,请检查!" ' End Else 'zjxzj.SelectByPolygon acSelectionSetWindowPolygon, pointsArray, groupCode, dataCode If zjxzj.Item(0).Layer = "宗地注记" Then jfh(0) = zjxzj.Item(0).TextString ' jfh(1) = zjxzj.Item(1).TextString Else jfh(1) = zjxzj.Item(0).TextString ' jfh(0) = zjxzj.Item(1).TextString End If End If '以上提取街坊坐标和街坊号 tqjfh = jfh zjxzj.Delete End Function Function pdga01(maxga01) As String '判断调查表号 Dim hm As String hm = Val(Str$(Right(maxga01, 6)) + 1) Select Case Len(hm) Case 1: hm = "00000" + hm Case 2: hm = "0000" + hm Case 3: hm = "000" + hm Case 4: hm = "00" + hm Case 5: hm = "0" + hm End Select pdga01 = Left(maxga01, 10) + hm End Function Function pdws(mArray As Variant) As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim Ret As Integer Dim ErrF As Boolean Dim arrayrange As Integer ErrF = False On Error GoTo ErrHandle '判断代入的参数是否为数组 If Not IsArray(mArray) Then pdws = -1 Exit Function End If 'VB中数组最大为60 For i = 1 To 60 '用UBound函数判断某一维的上界,如果大数组的实际维数时产生超出范围错误, ' 此时我们通过Resume Next 来捕捉错这个错误 Ret = UBound(mArray, i) If ErrF Then Exit For Next i '最后返回 arrayrange = Ret Exit Function ErrHandle: 'Ret = i - 1 'ErrF = True 'Resume Next pdws = Ret End Function Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() End End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() End End Sub Public Sub creatssetfilter(ByRef filtertype As Variant, ByRef filterdata As Variant, ParamArray filter()) '选择集过滤器 If UBound(filter) Mod 2 = 0 Then MsgBox "filter 参数无效" Exit Sub End If Dim ftype() As Integer Dim ftada() As Variant Dim count As Integer count = (UBound(filter) + 1) / 2 ReDim ftype(count - 1) ReDim fdata(count - 1) Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To count - 1 ftype(i) = filter(2 * i) fdata(i) = filter(2 * i + 1) Next i filtertype = ftype filterdata = fdata End Sub