本帖最后由 作者 于 2010-5-22 16:37:00 编辑
 - Sub AddDimRotated()
- Dim dimObj As AcadDimRotated
- Dim point1 As Variant
- Dim point2 As Variant
- Dim location As Variant
- Dim rotAngle As Double
- Dim rotAngleNunmer As Integer
- rotAngleNunmer = 1
- With ThisDrawing.Utility
- point1 = (.GetPoint(, "请指定标注起始点(按Esc或Enter或左健退出):"))
- If IsEmpty(point1) Then Exit Sub
- End With
- With ThisDrawing.Utility
- point2 = (.GetPoint(, "请指定标注结束点(按Esc或Enter或左健退出):"))
- If IsEmpty(point2) Then Exit Sub
- End With
- With ThisDrawing.Utility
- location = (.GetPoint(, "请指定标注基准点(按Esc或Enter或左健退出):"))
- If IsEmpty(location) Then Exit Sub
- End With
- On Error Resume Next
- rotAngleNunmer = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetInteger(vbCrLf & "输入标注位置 [上(1)/下(2)/左(3)/右(4)]: <" & rotAngleNunmer & ">:")
- Select Case rotAngleNunmer
- Case 1, 2
- rotAngle = 0
- Case 3, 4
- rotAngle = 90
- End Select
- rotAngle = rotAngle * 3.141592 / 180# ' covert to Radians
- Set dimObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddDimRotated(point1, point2, location, rotAngle)
- End Sub