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发表于 2002-5-20 20:42:00
Shareware by Frank J. Hessler, THP Limited (CompuServe 104230,604)
One of the very first LISP routine I wrote way back for Version 2.6 a
routine to equally space lines between 2 lines. In my line of business,
structural engineering, I needed a way to equally space lines between 2
other lines (for beams within a bay). The ARRAY command is what I
needed, but when I had a bay size of 25'-6 7/8", QUICK!! what's 3 equal
spaces of that? I hated to get out by $5.00 TI when I had a $5,000
Compaq in front of me. Thus was my introduction into the wonderful
world of AutoLISP.
Over the years, I've modified the routine to accept blocks, polylines,
circles, donuts, as well as equally space lines polarly.
To install this LISP routine, simply copy EQUSPACE.LSP to any directory
which is in the path specified by the ACAD environment variable.
Usually, you would place it in \ACAD\SUPPORT. I keep all mine in \LISP.
Do whatever you want.
When in the AutoCAD Drawing Editor, type "(load "equspace")" or add it
to your ACAD.LSP file to load automatically. To execute the routine,
type "ESPACE" at the command prompt. The routine will ask you to select
2 objects, report the distance (or angle) between them, and then as you
for the number of spaces you wish. That's all there is to it AND IT'S
Since this is SHAREWARE, all I ask is that you try it out, and if you
like it, you are MORALLY responsible to send $10 to:
Frank J. Hessler
THP Limited
100 East 8th Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
When you do, I'll send you the source code, unprotected, for your use
and hacking. You will also be a REGISTERED USER (kind of makes warm and
fuzzy, doesn't it?) so if I come up with a better routine, I'll send it
to you FREE!
If you have any comments on the use of this routine, drop me a line.
Thank you for considering this routine!
(DEFUN c:espace (/ qj q@ qq ql q& q1 q# q0 q$ qo q| q% q?j qjj q@j qqj
qlj q&j q1j q#j q0j q$j qoj q|j
(COMMAND ".undo" "g")
(SETQ q|j (GETVAR "limcheck"))
(SETVAR "limcheck" 0)
(WHILE (NULL (SETQ qj (ENTSEL "\nSelect an entity: "))))
(SETQ q@ (ENTSEL "\nSelect next entity Counterclockwise: "))
(SETQ qq (ENTGET (CAR qj))
ql (ENTGET (CAR q@))
(IF (AND (= (q%j 0 qq) "LINE") (= (q%j 0 ql) "LINE"))
(PRINC "\nLines...")
(SETQ q$ (q%j 10 qq)
q| (q%j 11 qq)
qo (q%j 10 ql)
q% (q%j 11 ql)
(IF (NOT (INTERS q$ q| qo q% nil))
(PROGN (PRINC " arallel...")
(SETQ q0j T
q1j (q?@ q$ q|)
q#j (q?@ qo q%)
qqj (DISTANCE q1j q#j)
(PRINC (STRCAT "\nDistance is "
(RTOS qqj)
" / "
(RTOS qqj 2 2)
". "
(PRINC "Not parallel...")
(SETQ q0j nil
qoj (INTERS q$ q| qo q% nil)
qjj (ANGLE qoj (q?@ q$ q|))
qlj (ANGLE qoj (q?@ qo q%))
q&j (+ (qj@ 180) (- (qj@ 180) (- qjj qlj)))
(PRINC (STRCAT "\nAngle is " (ANGTOS q&j 0 2) " degrees. "))
(IF (AND (= (q%j 0 qq) " OLYLINE") (= (q%j 0 ql) " OLYLINE"))
(PROGN (PRINC "\nPolylines...")
(SETQ q& (ENTGET (ENTNEXT (q%j -1 qq)))
q1 (ENTGET (ENTNEXT (q%j -1 q&)))
q1j (q?@ (q%j 10 q&) (q%j 10 q1))
q# (ENTGET (ENTNEXT (q%j -1 ql)))
q0 (ENTGET (ENTNEXT (q%j -1 q#)))
q#j (q?@ (q%j 10 q#) (q%j 10 q0))
(PROGN (PRINC "\nCircles or blocks...")
(SETQ q1j (q%j 10 qq)
q#j (q%j 10 ql)
(SETQ qqj (DISTANCE q1j q#j))
(PRINC (STRCAT "\nDistance is "
(RTOS qqj)
" / "
(RTOS qqj 2 2)
". "
(COND ((= q@@ nil) (SETQ q@@ 2)))
(SETQ q?j (GETINT (STRCAT "\nNumber of spaces <" (ITOA q@@) ">: ")))
(IF (= q?j nil)
(SETQ q?j q@@)
(SETQ q@@ q?j)
(SETQ qq@ (GETVAR "ucsfollow"))
(SETVAR "ucsfollow" 0)
(COMMAND ".ucs" "w")
(IF q0j
(PROGN (SETQ q@j (/ qqj q?j))
(SETVAR "snapang" (ANGLE q1j q#j))
(COMMAND ".array" qj "" "R" 1 q?j q@j)
(SETVAR "snapang" 0)
(PRINC (STRCAT "\nSpaced at "
(RTOS q@j 2 2)
" inches ("
(RTOS q@j)
") on center. "
(PROGN (COMMAND ".array" qj "" " " qoj (1+ q?j) (ql@ q&j) "")
(PRINC (STRCAT "Spaced at "
(RTOS (/ (ATOF (ANGTOS q&j 0 2)) q@@) 2 2)
" degrees on center. "
(SETVAR "limcheck" q|j)
(COMMAND ".ucs" "p")
(COMMAND ".undo" "e")
(DEFUN q?@ (q&@ q1@)
(MAPCAR (QUOTE (LAMBDA (q#@ q0@) (/ (+ q#@ q0@) 2)))
(DEFUN qj@ (q$@) (* PI (/ q$@ 180.0)))
(DEFUN ql@ (q$@) (* (/ q$@ PI) 180.0))
(DEFUN q%j (q$@ qo@) (CDR (ASSOC q$@ qo@)))
(PRINC "\nType ESPACE to run command.") |