请教大虾们(Objectarx)程序错误应该如何解决? 程序如下: #include<iostream.h> #include "StdAfx.h" #include "StdArx.h" #include "dbpl.h" #include "acedads.h" #include "dbents.h" #include "dbsymtb.h" #include <string.h> // This is command 'ADDPOLYDYNAMIC' void ZffCHAP5AddPolyDynamic() { // TODO: Implement the command ads_real GetWidth() { ads_real width = 0; if (acedGetReal("\n输入线宽:", &width) == RTNORM) { return width; } else { return 0; } } int GetColorIndex() { int colorIndex = 0; if (acedGetInt("\n输入颜色索引值(0~256):", &colorIndex) !=RTNORM) return 0; // 处理颜色索引值无效的情况 while (colorIndex < 0 || colorIndex > 256) { acedPrompt("\n输入了无效的颜色索引."); if (acedGetInt("\n输入颜色索引值(0~256):", &colorIndex) !=RTNORM) return 0; } return colorIndex; } } // This is command 'ADDPOLY' void ZffCHAP5AddPoly() { // TODO: Implement the command int colorIndex = 0; // 颜色索引值 ads_real width = 0; // 多段线的线宽 int index = 2; // 当前输入点的次数 ads_point ptStart; // 起点 // 提示用户输入起点 if (acedGetPoint(NULL, "\n输入第一点:", ptStart) != RTNORM) return; ads_point ptPrevious, ptCurrent; acdbPointSet(ptStart, ptPrevious); AcDbObjectId polyId; // 多段线的ID // 输入第二点 acedInitGet(NULL, "W C O"); int rc = acedGetPoint(ptPrevious,"\n输入下一点 [宽度(W)/颜色(C)]<完成(O)>:", ptCurrent); while (rc == RTNORM || rc == RTKWORD) { if (rc == RTKWORD) // 如果用户输入了关键字 { char kword[20]; if (acedGetInput(kword) != RTNORM) return; if (strcmp(kword, "W") == 0) { width=GetWidth(); } else if (strcmp(kword, "C") == 0) { colorIndex=GetColorIndex(); } else if (strcmp(kword, "O") == 0) { return; } else { acutPrintf("\n无效的关键字."); } } else if (rc == RTNORM) // 用户输入了点 { if (index == 2) { // 创建多段线 AcDbPolyline *pPoly=new AcDbPolyline(2); AcGePoint2d ptGe1, ptGe2; // 两个节点 ptGe1[X]=ptPrevious[X]; ptGe1[Y]=ptPrevious[Y]; ptGe2[X]=ptCurrent[X]; ptGe2[Y]=ptCurrent[Y]; pPoly->addVertexAt(0, ptGe1); pPoly->addVertexAt(1, ptGe2); // 修改多段线的颜色和线宽 pPoly->setConstantWidth(width); pPoly->setColorIndex(colorIndex); // 添加到模型空间 polyId=PostToModelSpace(pPoly); }
else if (index > 2) { // 修改多段线,添加最后一个顶点 AcDbPolyline *pPoly; acdbOpenObject(pPoly, polyId, AcDb::kForWrite); AcGePoint2d ptGe; // 增加的节点 ptGe[X] = ptCurrent[X]; ptGe[Y] = ptCurrent[Y]; pPoly->addVertexAt(index - 1, ptGe); // 修改多段线的颜色和线宽 pPoly->setConstantWidth(width); pPoly->setColorIndex(colorIndex); pPoly->close(); } index++; acdbPointSet(ptCurrent, ptPrevious); } // 提示用户输入新的节点 acedInitGet(NULL,"W C O"); rc=acedGetPoint(ptPrevious,"\n输入下一点 [宽度(W)/颜色(C)]<完成(O)>:",ptCurrent); } } 错误如下: --------------------Configuration: AddPolyDynamic - Win32 Debug-------------------- Compiling... AddPolyDynamicCommands.cpp Compiling STL header files in release mode. D:\TEST\AddPolyDynamic\AddPolyDynamicCommands.cpp(20) : error C2601: 'GetWidth' : local function definitions are illegal D:\TEST\AddPolyDynamic\AddPolyDynamicCommands.cpp(33) : error C2601: 'GetColorIndex' : local function definitions are illegal D:\TEST\AddPolyDynamic\AddPolyDynamicCommands.cpp(80) : error C2065: 'GetWidth' : undeclared identifier D:\TEST\AddPolyDynamic\AddPolyDynamicCommands.cpp(84) : error C2065: 'GetColorIndex' : undeclared identifier D:\TEST\AddPolyDynamic\AddPolyDynamicCommands.cpp(114) : error C2065: 'PostToModelSpace' : undeclared identifier 执行 cl.exe 时出错. ZffAddPolyDynamic.arx - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)