本帖最后由 作者 于 2009-10-9 14:07:23 编辑
有一个文件夹下1000张图,需要把他们用adobe pdf打印机打印到另外一个文件夹中, 打印范围是(0,0)(420,297),A3纸,横向打印,打印后pdf名字取dwg的名字,去掉dwg,改成pdf,如1.dwg,打印完了以后就是1.pdf。 主要是如何打印一张图纸,那么1000张也就好办了。最后能够不用打开图纸,用database读取dwg或dxf,然后打印。 PlottingServices里面的东西太多了,不知道怎么用。 谢谢! 下面的是VBA代码,不知道C#怎么用 Public Sub PlotWindow() ' 确保当前布局是模型空间 ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout = ThisDrawing.Layouts.Item("Model") ' 设置打印设备 ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout.ConfigName = "DWF6 ePlot.pc3" ' 设置打印比例为"布满图纸" ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout.StandardScale = acScaleToFit ' 设置图纸类型 ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout.CanonicalMediaName = "ISO_A4_(210.00_x_297.00_MM)" ' 让AutoCAD在前台进行打印 ThisDrawing.SetVariable "BACKGROUNDPLOT", 0 Dim objPlot As AcadPlot Set objPlot = ThisDrawing.Plot ' 设置打印窗口 Dim minPoint(0 To 1) As Double, maxPoint(0 To 1) As Double SetPoint2d minPoint, 0, 0 SetPoint2d maxPoint, 800, 600 ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout.SetWindowToPlot minPoint, maxPoint ' 设置打印类型 ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout.PlotType = acWindow objPlot.PlotToFile "C:\test.dwf" ' 恢复系统变量的值 ThisDrawing.SetVariable "BACKGROUNDPLOT", 2 End Sub 以下是解决的代码,速度不算慢,100张图7分钟,每张图都是先打开,再打印完,再关闭的。 能否这样,不打开图形,采用database.readdwg或者database.dxfin的方法进行打印?怎么实现? using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry; using System.IO; using Excel;// =Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel ; using VB = Microsoft.VisualBasic;//用于激活窗口 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;//使用Marshal获得进程 using System.Reflection;//使用Missing.value using FS = Scripting;//文件系统 using Autodesk.AutoCAD.PlottingServices; using System.Collections.Specialized; namespace GWDwgFrame { public partial class DwgFrame : Form {
private Excel.Application ExcelApp;//excel工程 string excelPath;//Excel路径 Excel.Workbook operBook;//操作book Excel.Worksheet operSheet;//操作sheet int iRow;//Excel循环数 int finish;//完成数1-100 string folderPath="";//文件夹路径 string framePath="";//图框路径 string operFilePath;//当前操作的文件路径 string frameBlkRecName = "LoopNo"; int iDwg;//操作文件的循环计数 FS.FileSystemObject fso=new FS.FileSystemObject(); FS.Folder dwgFolder; FS.Files dwgFileGroup; FS.File dwgFile; public System.Collections.ArrayList dwgFilesRoute=new System.Collections.ArrayList();//所有文件的路径 public int dwgCount;//文件数计算 string fileType="DXF";//文件类型,DXF或者DWG ObjectIdCollection frameIDCol;//复制块定义所需ID集合 IdMapping acIdMap;// //复制数据库函数成员 Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Database operDb;//操作数据库 Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Database frameDb;//图框数据库 //Document operDwgDoc;//操作图形文档 string frameName;//图框名字,带后缀.dwg string dwgRefName;//外部参照名字 string[] loopHead = new string[] { "文件名","回路名", "EPC图号", "业主图号" }; string[] loopInfor = new string[4];//分别是回路名,回路名,EPC图号,业主图号 Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.AttributeCollection attCollec;//快参照属性集合 Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.AttributeReference attOper;//属性参照 DwgVersion dwgSaveVer=DwgVersion.AC1015;//保存的版本2000 public string devName;//打印设备 public string devPaper;//打印图纸 public bool plotToFile = false;//是否打印到图纸 public PlotRotation rotAng;//旋转角度 //获得可用的打印机 private void DwgFrameLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { //comboBoxFileType.SelectedIndex = 0; //comboBoxFileType.Text = "DXF"; //comboBoxDwgVer.SelectedIndex = 1;//默认版本2000 Document doc =Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Editor ed = doc.Editor; PlotSettingsValidator psv =PlotSettingsValidator.Current; StringCollection devlist =psv.GetPlotDeviceList(); for (int i = 0; i < devlist.Count; i++) { comboBoxPrintDev.Items.Add(devlist); } } //获得该打印机图纸 private void getPaperSize(object sender, EventArgs e) { comboBoxPaperSize.Items.Clear(); devName = comboBoxPrintDev.Text; Document doc =Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Editor ed = doc.Editor; PlotSettingsValidator psv =PlotSettingsValidator.Current; PlotSettings ps = new PlotSettings(true); psv.SetPlotConfigurationName(ps, devName, null); psv.RefreshLists(ps); StringCollection medlist =psv.GetCanonicalMediaNameList(ps); for (int i = 0; i < medlist.Count; i++) { comboBoxPaperSize.Items.Add(medlist); } }
//打印图纸大小 private void setPaperSize(object sender, EventArgs e) { devPaper = comboBoxPaperSize.Text; } //打印角度 private void rotateAngle(object sender, EventArgs e) { string rot=comboBoxRotate.Text; if (rot=="0" ) { rotAng = PlotRotation.Degrees000; } if (rot=="90" ) { rotAng = PlotRotation.Degrees090; } if (rot=="180" ) { rotAng = PlotRotation.Degrees180; } if (rot=="270" ) { rotAng = PlotRotation.Degrees270; } } //是否打印到文件 private void plottoFile(object sender, EventArgs e) { plotToFile=checkBoxPrintFile.Checked; if (plotToFile == true) { folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath = ""; folderBrowserDialog1.Description = "请选择打印文件的存放文件夹"; folderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog(); if (fso.FolderExists(folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath) == false) { return; } folderPath = folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath; textBoxPintFolder.Text = "文件夹路径:" + folderPath; textBoxPintFolder.Visible = true; //dwgFolder = fso.GetFolder(folderPath); if (folderPath.Substring(folderPath.Length - 1, 1) == "\\") { folderPath = folderPath ; } else { folderPath = folderPath + "\\"; } } } //开始打印 private void buttonPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string printFile; //PlotProgressDialog ppd=new PlotProgressDialog(false, 1, true); //PlotEngine pe = PlotFactory.CreatePublishEngine(); for (iDwg = 0; iDwg < dwgCount; iDwg++) { //打印结束才可打开新文档 for (; ; ) { if (PlotFactory.ProcessPlotState == ProcessPlotState.NotPlotting) //if (ppd.IsSheetCancelled) { break; } } operFilePath = dwgFilesRoute[iDwg].ToString();//获得操作图形路径 printFile = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(operFilePath); printFile = folderPath + printFile; //Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.SetSystemVariable("REGENMODE", 0); Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.Open(operFilePath, false); Document doc = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; doc.LockDocument(); Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.SetSystemVariable("BACKGROUNDPLOT", 0); Editor ed = doc.Editor; Database db = doc.Database;
Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction(); using (tr) { // We'll be plotting the current layout BlockTableRecord btr = (BlockTableRecord)tr.GetObject( db.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForRead ); Layout lo = (Layout)tr.GetObject( btr.LayoutId, OpenMode.ForRead ); // We need a PlotInfo object // linked to the layout PlotInfo pi = new PlotInfo(); pi.Layout = btr.LayoutId; // We need a PlotSettings object // based on the layout settings // which we then customize PlotSettings ps = new PlotSettings(lo.ModelType); ps.CopyFrom(lo); // The PlotSettingsValidator helps // create a valid PlotSettings object PlotSettingsValidator psv = PlotSettingsValidator.Current; // We'll plot the extents, centered and // scaled to fit psv.SetPlotRotation(ps, rotAng); psv.SetPlotType( ps, Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.PlotType.Extents ); psv.SetUseStandardScale(ps, true); psv.SetStdScaleType(ps, StdScaleType.ScaleToFit); psv.SetPlotCentered(ps, true); // We'll use the standard DWF PC3, as // for today we're just plotting to file psv.SetPlotConfigurationName( ps, devName,//"Adobe PDF", devPaper//"A3" ); // We need to link the PlotInfo to the // PlotSettings and then validate it pi.OverrideSettings = ps; PlotInfoValidator piv = new PlotInfoValidator(); piv.MediaMatchingPolicy = MatchingPolicy.MatchEnabled; piv.Validate(pi); // A PlotEngine does the actual plotting // (can also create one for Preview) //if (PlotFactory.ProcessPlotState == // ProcessPlotState.NotPlotting) PlotEngine pe = PlotFactory.CreatePublishEngine(); using (pe) { // Create a Progress Dialog to provide info // and allow thej user to cancel PlotProgressDialog ppd = new PlotProgressDialog(false, 1, true); using (ppd) { ppd.set_PlotMsgString( PlotMessageIndex.DialogTitle, "正在打印"+operFilePath//"Custom Plot Progress" ); ppd.set_PlotMsgString( PlotMessageIndex.CancelJobButtonMessage, "取消当前打印"//"Cancel Job" ); ppd.set_PlotMsgString( PlotMessageIndex.CancelSheetButtonMessage, "取消本页打印"//"Cancel Sheet" ); ppd.set_PlotMsgString( PlotMessageIndex.SheetSetProgressCaption, "打印集合进度"//"Sheet Set Progress" ); ppd.set_PlotMsgString( PlotMessageIndex.SheetProgressCaption, "打印页进度"//"Sheet Progress" ); ppd.LowerPlotProgressRange = 0; ppd.UpperPlotProgressRange = 100; ppd.PlotProgressPos = 0; // Let's start the plot, at last ppd.OnBeginPlot(); ppd.IsVisible = true; pe.BeginPlot(ppd, null); // We'll be plotting a single document pe.BeginDocument( pi, doc.Name, null, 1, plotToFile,//true, // Let's plot to file printFile//"c:\\test-output" ); // Which contains a single sheet ppd.OnBeginSheet(); ppd.LowerSheetProgressRange = 0; ppd.UpperSheetProgressRange = 100; ppd.SheetProgressPos = 0; PlotPageInfo ppi = new PlotPageInfo(); pe.BeginPage( ppi, pi, true, null ); pe.BeginGenerateGraphics(null); pe.EndGenerateGraphics(null); // Finish the sheet pe.EndPage(null); ppd.SheetProgressPos = 100; ppd.OnEndSheet(); // Finish the document pe.EndDocument(null); // And finish the plot ppd.PlotProgressPos = 100; ppd.OnEndPlot(); pe.EndPlot(null); } }//using pe } for (; ; ) { this.Update(); //if (ppd.IsDisposed) if (PlotFactory.ProcessPlotState == ProcessPlotState.NotPlotting) { break; } } //for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) //{ // if (ppd.IsPlotCancelled) // if (PlotFactory.ProcessPlotState == ProcessPlotState.NotPlotting) // { // break; // } //} doc.CloseAndDiscard(); labelExecuteCondition.Text = "正在打印,请等待……"; finish = (int)((Double)(iDwg + 1) / (Double)(dwgCount) * 100); progressBar1.Value = finish; progressBar1.Visible = true; labelExecuteCondition.Visible = true; this.Update(); } Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.ShowAlertDialog("打印结束"); progressBar1.Visible = false; labelExecuteCondition.Visible = false; Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.Add(""); }