1. 必须安装中文版的VS2008SP1
2. ObjectARX Wizard中没有提供对应中文系统的资源文件(*.resources.dll)
Wizards toolbar buttons not showing icons.
The Visual Studio toolbar button icons subsystem does not support Neutral Language Satelitte resources. When a resource language satelitte dll is missing the icons does not show up even if the AddIn is working. To solve the issue, you can either switch your OS locale to English (or one of the language coming with the Wizards [de/en/es/fr/it/ja/nl/ru/sv]), or build the resource for your locale.
To do this, execute the following command, assuming xx is your language code:
cd "c:\Program Files\Autodesk\ObjectARX Wizards for AutoCAD\ArxAddInWiz"
mkdir xx
copy en\*.xml xx
Al.exe /embed:resx\Icons.resources /c:xx /out:xx\ArxAddInWiz.resources.dll