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发表于 2003-1-4 19:55:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
;;; DSX-API-Excel.LSP                                                       ;;;
;;; Visual LISP ActiveX API for Excel 97, 2000 and XP                       ;;;
;;; Copyright (C)2002 David M. Stein, All rights reserved                   ;;;
;;; Version 2002.22 05/15/02: Initial release                               ;;;
;;; Code provided AS-IS without warranty of any kind given for any purpose  ;;;
;;; or use, either explicitly, implicitly or as a derivative work item.     ;;;
;;; User assumes ANY AND ALL RISK and LIABILITY for use of any of this code ;;;
;;; for any consequential damages of any kind.  These functions are defined ;;;
;;; within DSX Tools 2002.22 when loaded into AutoCAD.  This document is    ;;;
;;; provided for informational purposes only.                               ;;;


;;; MODULE: DSX-TypeLib-Excel
;;; DESCRIPTION: Returns typelib (olb) file for either Excel 97, 2000, or XP
;;; ARGS: none
;;; EXAMPLE: (DSX-TypeLib-Excel)

(defun DSX-TypeLib-Excel ( / sysdrv tlb)
        (setq sysdrv (getenv "systemdrive"))
                ( (setq tlb (findfile (strcat sysdrv "\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office\\Excel8.olb")))
                ( (setq tlb (findfile (strcat sysdrv "\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office\\Excel9.olb")))
                ( (setq tlb (findfile (strcat sysdrv "\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office\\Excel10.olb")))
                ( (setq tlb (findfile (strcat sysdrv "\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office\\Excel.exe")))
                ( (setq tlb (findfile (strcat sysdrv "\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office10\\Excel.exe")))
;;; MODULE: DSX-Load-TypeLib-Excel
;;; DESCRIPTION: Loads typelib for Excel 97, 2000 or XP (whichever is found)
;;; ARGS: none
;;; EXAMPLE: (DSX-Load-TypeLib-Excel)

(defun DSX-Load-TypeLib-Excel ( / tlbfile tlbver out)
  (dsx-princ "\n(DSX-Load-TypeLib-Excel)")
    ( (null msxl-xl24HourClock)
      (if (setq tlbfile (DSX-TypeLib-Excel))
                                        (setq tlbver (substr (vl-filename-base tlbfile) 6))
                                                ( (= tlbver "9")  (princ "\nInitializing Microsoft Excel 2000...") )
                                                ( (= tlbver "8")  (princ "\nInitializing Microsoft Excel 97...") )
                                                ( (= (vl-filename-base tlbfile) "Excel.exe")
                                                         (princ "\nInitializing Microsoft Excel XP...")
            :tlb-filename       tlbfile
                        :methods-prefix                 "msxl-"
                        :properties-prefix         "msxl-"
                        :constants-prefix         "msxl-"
                      (if msxl-xl24HourClock (setq out T))
    ( T (setq out T) )

;;; MODULE: DSX-Open-Excel-New
;;; DESCRIPTION: Opens a new session of Excel 97, 2000 or XP
;;; ARGS: display-mode ("SHOW" or "HIDE")
;;; EXAMPLE: (setq xlapp (DSX-Open-Excel-New "SHOW"))

(defun DSX-Open-Excel-New (dmode / appsession)
  (dsx-princ "\n(DSX-Open-Excel-New)")
        (princ "\nCreating new Excel Spreadsheet file...")
                ( (setq appsession (vlax-create-object "Excel.Application"))

        (vlax-get-property appsession 'WorkBooks)
                  (if (= (strcase dmode) "SHOW")
                          (vla-put-visible appsession 1)
                                (vla-put-visible appsession 0)

;;; MODULE: DSX-Open-Excel-Exist
;;; DESCRIPTION: Gets handle to existing (running) session of Excel 97, 2000, XP
;;; ARGS: xls-filename, display-mode ("SHOW" or "HIDE")
;;; EXAMPLE: (setq xlapp (DSX-Open-Excel-Exist "myfile.xls" "SHOW"))

(defun DSX-Open-Excel-Exist (xfile dmode / appsession)
  (dsx-princ "\n(DSX-Open-Excel-Exist)")
        (princ "\nOpening Excel Spreadsheet file...")
                ( (setq fn (findfile xfile))
                                ( (setq appsession (vlax-get-or-create-object "Excel.Application"))
                        (vlax-get-property appsession 'WorkBooks)
                        'Open fn
                                  (if (= (strcase dmode) "SHOW")
                                          (vla-put-visible appsession 1)
                                                (vla-put-visible appsession 0)
                ( T (alert (strcat "\nCannot locate source file: " xfile)) )

;;; MODULE: DSX-Excel-Put-ColumnList
;;; DESCRIPTION: Write each list member to a column (startcol) starting at row (startrow)
;;; ARGS: list, startrow, startcol
;;; EXAMPLE: (DSX-Excel-Put-ColumnList '("A" "B" "C") 1 2) puts members into cells (1,B) (2,B) (3,B) respectively

(defun DSX-Excel-Put-ColumnList (lst startrow startcol)
  (dsx-princ "\n(DSX-Excel-Put-ColumnList)")
  (foreach itm lst
      (DSX-Excel-Get-Cell range startrow startcol)
    (setq startrow (1+ startrow))
  ); repeat

;;; MODULE: DSX-Excel-Put-RowList
;;; DESCRIPTION: Write each list member to row (startrow) starting at column (startcol)
;;; ARGS: list, startrow, startcol
;;; EXAMPLE: (DSX-Excel-Put-RowList '("A" "B" "C") 2 1) puts members into cells (1,B) (1,C) (1,D) respectively

(defun DSX-Excel-Put-RowList (lst startrow startcol)
  (dsx-princ "\n(DSX-Excel-Put-RowList)")
  (foreach itm lst
      (DSX-Excel-Get-Cell range startrow startcol)
    (setq startcol (1+ startcol))
  ); repeat

;;; MODULE: DSX-Excel-Put-CellColor
;;; DESCRIPTION: Applies fill-color to specified cell
;;; ARGS: row, column, color (integer)
;;; EXAMPLE: (DSX-Excel-Put-CellColor 1 1 14) apply color #14 to cell (1,A)

(defun DSX-Excel-Put-CellColor (row col intcol / rng)
  (setq rng (DSX-Excel-Get-Cell (msxl-get-ActiveSheet xlapp) row col))
  (msxl-put-colorindex (msxl-get-interior rng) intcol)

;;; MODULE: DSX-Excel-Put-RowCellsColor
;;; DESCRIPTION: Applies fill-color to a row of cells
;;; ARGS: startrow, startcol, num-cols, color (integer)
;;; EXAMPLE: (DSX-Excel-Put-RowCellsColor 1 1 5 14) Start at row=1 col=1 repeat for 5 columns using color #14

(defun DSX-Excel-Put-RowCellsColor
        (startrow startcol cols intcol / next)
  (dsx-princ "\n(DSX-Excel-Put-RowCellsColor)")

  (setq next startcol)
  (repeat cols
    (DSX-Excel-Put-CellColor startrow next intcol)
    (setq next (1+ next))

;;; MODULE: DSX-Excel-Put-ColumnCellsColor
;;; DESCRIPTION: Change fill color in a column of cells
;;; ARGS: startrow, startcol, num-rows, color (integer)
;;; EXAMPLE: (DSX-Excel-Put-ColumnCellsColor 1 1 5 14) Start at row=1 col=1 repeat for 5 rows using color #14

(defun DSX-Excel-Put-ColumnCellsColor
        (startrow startcol rows intcol / next)
  (dsx-princ "\n(DSX-Excel-Put-ColumnCellsColor)")

  (setq next startrow)
  (repeat rows
    (DSX-Excel-Put-CellColor next startcol intcol)
    (setq next (1+ next))

;;; MODULE: DSX-Excel-Get-Cell
;;; DESCRIPTION: Get cell object relative to range using (relrow) and (relcol) offsets
;;; ARGS: range-object, relative-row, relative-col
;;; EXAMPLE: (DSX-Excel-Get-Cell rng1 2 2)

(defun DSX-Excel-Get-Cell (rng relrow relcol)
  (dsx-princ "\n(DSX-Excel-Get-Cell)")
    (msxl-get-item (msxl-get-cells rng)
      (vlax-make-variant relrow)
      (vlax-make-variant relcol)

;;; MODULE: DSX-Excel-Get-CellValue
;;; DESCRIPTION: Return value in given cell (row, column) of active session object (xlapp)
;;; ARGS: row(int), column(int)
;;; EXAMPLE: (DSX-Excel-Get-CellValue 1 2)

(defun DSX-Excel-Get-CellValue (row col)
  (dsx-princ "\n(DSX-Excel-Get-CellValue)")

        (msxl-get-ActiveSheet xlapp)
        row col

;;; MODULE: DSX-Excel-Get-RowValues
;;; DESCRIPTION: Returns a list of cell values within a given row
;;; ARGS: row-number(int), startcol, num-cells
;;; EXAMPLE: (DSX-Excel-Get-RowValues 3 1 20) get first 20 values in row 3

(defun DSX-Excel-Get-RowValues
        (row startcol numcells / next out)
  (dsx-princ "\n(DSX-Excel-Get-RowValues)")

        (setq next startcol)
        (repeat numcells
                (setq out                (if out
                  (append out (list (DSX-Excel-Get-CellValue row next))); row x col
                  (list (DSX-Excel-Get-CellValue row next)); row x col
                                        next         (1+ next)
        ); repeat

;;; MODULE: DSX-Excel-Get-ColumnValues
;;; DESCRIPTION: Returns a list of cell values within a given column
;;; ARGS: column-number(int), startrow, num-cells
;;; EXAMPLE: (DSX-Excel-Get-ColumnValues 2 1 20) get top-20 entries in column 2 ("B")

(defun DSX-Excel-Get-ColumnValues
        (col startrow numcells / next out)
  (dsx-princ "\n(DSX-Excel-Get-ColumnValues)")

        (setq next startrow)
        (repeat numcells
                (setq out
                        (if out
        (append out (list (DSX-Excel-Get-CellValue next col)))
        (list (DSX-Excel-Get-CellValue next col))
                                        next (1+ next)
        ); repeat

;;; MODULE: DSX-Excel-GetRangeValues-ByRows
;;; DESCRIPTION: Get range values in row order and return as nested lists
;;; ARGS: startrow, startcol, num-rows, num-cols
;;; EXAMPLE: (DSX-Excel-GetRangeValues-ByRows 1 1 5 10) get range values from 1A to 5J where each sublist is one row

(defun DSX-Excel-GetRangeValues-ByRows
        (startrow startcol numrows numcols / nextrow rowlst outlst)
  (dsx-princ "\n(DSX-Excel-GetRangeValues-ByRows)")
        (setq nextrow startrow)
        (repeat numrows
    (setq rowlst  (DSX-Excel-Get-RowValues nextrow startcol numcols)
                                        outlst  (if outlst (append outlst (list rowlst)) (list rowlst))
                                  nextrow (1+ nextrow)

;;; MODULE: DSX-Excel-GetRangeValues-ByCols
;;; DESCRIPTION: Get range values in column order and return as nested lists
;;; ARGS: startrow, startcol, num-rows, num-cols
;;; EXAMPLE: (DSX-Excel-GetRangeValues-ByCols 1 1 5 10) get range values from 1A to 5J where each sublist is one column

(defun DSX-Excel-GetRangeValues-ByCols
  (startrow startcol numrows numcols / nextrow nextcol collst outlst)
  (dsx-princ "\n(DSX-Excel-GetRangeValues-ByCols)")
        (setq nextcol startcol)
        (repeat numcols
    (setq collst  (DSX-Excel-Get-ColumnValues nextcol startrow numrows)
                                        outlst  (if outlst (append outlst (list collst)) (list collst))
                                  nextcol (1+ nextcol)

;;; MODULE: DSX-Excel-Get-ActiveWorkSheet
;;; DESCRIPTION: Returns object of active worksheet in active Excel session
;;; ARGS: app (session object)
;;; EXAMPLE: (DSX-Excel-Get-ActiveWorkSheet xlapp)

(defun DSX-Excel-Get-ActiveWorkSheet (xlapp)
  (dsx-princ "\n(DSX-Excel-Get-ActiveWorkSheet)")
        (msxl-get-ActiveSheet xlapp)

;;; MODULE: DSX-Excel-RangeAutoFit
;;; DESCRIPTION: Applies Auto-Fit to columns within active range
;;; ARGS: active-sheet (object)
;;; EXAMPLE: (DSX-Excel-RangeAutoFit myxlws)

(defun DSX-Excel-RangeAutoFit (active-sheet)
        (dsx-princ "\n(DSX-Excel-RangeAutoFit)")
                                (vlax-get-property active-sheet 'UsedRange)

(defun DSX-Excel-RangeDataFormat (active-sheet)
        (dsx-princ "\n(DSX-Excel-RangeDataFormat)")
                (vlax-get-property active-sheet "Cells")
                'NumberFormat "@"

;;; MODULE: DSX-Excel-Quit
;;; DESCRIPTION: Quit and close Excel session (app)
;;; ARGS: app (session object)
;;; EXAMPLE: (DSX-Excel-Quit xlapp)

(defun DSX-Excel-Quit (appsession)
  (dsx-princ "\n(DSX-Excel-Quit)")
                ( (not (vlax-object-released-p appsession))
                        (vlax-invoke-method appsession 'QUIT)
                        (vlax-release-object appsession)

;;; MODULE: DSX-Excel-Kill
;;; DESCRIPTION: Forces any open Excel sessions to be closed
;;; ARGS: none
;;; EXAMPLE: (DSX-Excel-Kill)

(defun DSX-Excel-Kill ( / eo)
        (while (setq eo (vlax-get-object "Excel.Application"))
                (DSX-Excel-Quit eo)
                (vlax-release-object eo)
                (setq eo nil)
                (gc)(gc);; even this doesn't always kill the damn thing!

;;; ARGS:
;;; Remove trailing 'nil' members from a given list

(defun DSX-TrimList (lst)
                ( (/= nil (last lst)) lst)
                ( T
      (DSX-TrimList (reverse (cdr (reverse lst))))

;;; ARGS:
;;; Convert a list of values into a list of string equivalents

(defun DSX-ListStr (lst / mbr out)
        (setq out '())
        (foreach mbr lst
                        ( (= mbr nil) (setq out (cons "" out)) )
                        ( (= (type mbr) 'STR)
                          (if (member mbr '(" " "  " "   "))
                                        (setq out (cons "" out))
                                  (setq out (cons mbr out))
                        ( (= (type mbr) 'INT) (setq out (cons (itoa mbr) out)) )
                        ( (= (type mbr) 'REAL)(setq out (cons (rtos mbr 2 6) out)))
        (reverse out)

;;; MODULE: DSX-Excel-Sheets
;;; DESCRIPTION: Returns SHEETS collection from active workbook
;;; ARGS: Excel-application
;;; EXAMPLE: (setq sheets (DSX-Excel-Sheets xlApp))

(defun DSX-Excel-Sheets (xlapp)
        (setq xlsheets         (vlax-get-property xlapp "sheets"))

;;; MODULE:DSX-Excel-SheetDelete
;;; DESCRIPTION: Delete sheet (tab) from active workbook sheets collection
;;; ARG: sheet-name, sheets-collection
;;; EXAMPLE: (DSX-Excel-SheetDelete "Sheet3" xlSheets)

(defun DSX-Excel-SheetDelete (name xlsheets)
        (vlax-for sh xlsheets
                (if (= (vlax-get-property sh "Name") name)
                        (vlax-invoke-method sh "Delete")

;;; MODULE: DSX-Excel-SheetAdd
;;; DESCRIPTION: Add new sheet (tab) to sheets collection in workbook, returns sheet object
;;; ARG: sheet-name, sheets-collection
;;; EXAMPLE: (setq newsheet (DSX-Excel-SheetAdd "SheetX" xlSheets))

(defun DSX-Excel-SheetAdd (name xlsheets)
        (setq newsheet                 (vlax-invoke-method xlsheets "Add"))
        (vlax-put-property newsheet "Name" name)

;;; MODULE: DSX-Excel-WorkbookSave
;;; DESCRIPTION: Saves active workbook to specified filename, if file exists, it is overwritten if user accepts prompt
;;; ARG: workbook-object, filename
;;; EXAMPLE: (DSX-Excel-WorkbookSave objWB "myfile.xls")

(defun DSX-Excel-WorkbookSave (workbook filename)
  (if (findfile filename)
                (vlax-invoke-method awb "Save")
                (vlax-invoke-method awb "SaveAs"
                        filename msxl-xlNormal "" ""
                        :vlax-False :vlax-False nil

;;; MODULE: DSX-Excel-ActiveWorkbook
;;; DESCRIPTION: Returns active workbook object from given Excel application session
;;; ARG: Excel-application
;;; EXAMPLE: (setq objWB (DSX-Excel-ActiveWorkbook xlApp))

(defun DSX-Excel-ActiveWorkbook (xlapp)
        (vlax-get-property xlapp "ActiveWorkbook")



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发表于 2020-4-20 00:01:29 | 显示全部楼层
大佬们能给个 DSX tools 工具学习一下吗?万分感激有的话请发我, 594007813@qq.com
发表于 2003-1-6 08:21:00 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2003-1-6 11:46:00 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-4-14 08:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-4-14 12:25:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-4-14 12:57:00 | 显示全部楼层
msxl开头???-----msxl是你定义的,你高兴用甚么开头都可以,主要是各应用程序(如:excel & word 有支持Activex-----vba) 有它自己的方法及性质&物件,要从原应用程序vba帮助中找!
发表于 2005-4-14 13:15:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-4-14 16:43:00 | 显示全部楼层


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mccad发表于2003-1-6 11:46:00回复:(mccad)谢谢龙大哥介绍这么好的网站,以后有时间会翻译部分精华的内容供大家学习

发表于 2005-4-15 07:46:00 | 显示全部楼层
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