本帖最后由 雪山飞狐_lzh 于 2014-7-17 18:09 编辑
1998 2月,独立的、非营利的"OpenDWG Alliance" 组织成立,目标是让dwg文件成为一个开放的、大家都可以用的图形存储标准。这个联盟是由Visio牵头的多家公司组成的。 "OpenDWG Alliance"致力于开发读写dwg文件的程序,开始开发供成员使用的OpenDWG Toolkit和 Viewkit(在以前 MarComp 发AUTODIRECT 库基础上)
Teigha即DWGdirect(OpenDWG )
 - using System;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Windows.Forms;
- using System.Drawing;
- using TDb = Teigha.DatabaseServices;
- using TRx = Teigha.Runtime;
- using TGe = Teigha.Geometry;
- using TGi = Teigha.GraphicsInterface;
- using TGs = Teigha.GraphicsSystem;
- namespace TlsCad.Trans
- {
- public class DwgView : IDisposable
- {
- private Panel _panel = null;
- private TDb.Database _db;
- private TGs.LayoutHelperDevice _dev = null;
- private Graphics _graphics = null;
- public Panel Panel
- {
- set
- {
- _panel = value;
- InitializeGraphics();
- }
- get
- {
- return _panel;
- }
- }
- public TDb.Database Database
- {
- get { return _db; }
- }
- private void ReSize()
- {
- if (_dev != null)
- {
- Rectangle rec = _panel.Bounds;
- rec.Offset(-_panel.Location.X, -_panel.Location.Y);
- // HDC assigned to the device corresponds to the whole client area of the panel
- _dev.OnSize(rec);
- }
- }
- protected void OnPaint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
- {
- if (_dev != null)
- {
- _dev.Update();
- }
- }
- protected void OnReSize(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- ReSize();
- }
- public DwgView(Panel panel)
- {
- _db = new TDb.Database(true, false);
- _panel = panel;
- InitializeGraphics();
- }
- public DwgView(Panel panel, string dwgFileName)
- {
- _db = new TDb.Database(false, false);
- _db.ReadDwgFile(dwgFileName, TDb.FileOpenMode.OpenForReadAndAllShare, true, "");
- _panel = panel;
- InitializeGraphics();
- }
- private void InitializeGraphics()
- {
- _graphics = Graphics.FromHwnd(_panel.Handle);
- _panel.Resize += OnReSize;
- _panel.Paint += OnPaint;
- //rendering module (may be also "WinDirectX" or "WinOpenGL")
- using (var module = (TGs.GsModule)TRx.SystemObjects.DynamicLinker.LoadModule("WinOpenGL.txv", false, true))
- {
- if (module != null)
- {
- // create graphics device
- using (var device = module.CreateDevice())
- {
- if (device != null)
- {
- //setup device properties
- using (TRx.Dictionary props = device.Properties)
- {
- if (props.Contains("WindowHWND")) // Check if property is supported
- props.AtPut("WindowHWND", new TRx.RxVariant(_panel.Handle)); // hWnd necessary for DirectX device
- if (props.Contains("WindowHDC")) // Check if property is supported
- props.AtPut("WindowHDC", new TRx.RxVariant(_graphics.GetHdc())); // hWindowDC necessary for Bitmap device
- if (props.Contains("DoubleBufferEnabled")) // Check if property is supported
- props.AtPut("DoubleBufferEnabled", new TRx.RxVariant(true));
- if (props.Contains("EnableSoftwareHLR")) // Check if property is supported
- props.AtPut("EnableSoftwareHLR", new TRx.RxVariant(true));
- if (props.Contains("DiscardBackFaces")) // Check if property is supported
- props.AtPut("DiscardBackFaces", new TRx.RxVariant(true));
- }
- var ctx = new TGi.ContextForDbDatabase(_db);
- ctx.UseGsModel = true;
- _dev = TGs.LayoutHelperDevice.SetupActiveLayoutViews(device, ctx);
- _dev.UserGiContext = ctx;
- _dev.SetLogicalPalette(TGs.Device.DarkPalette);
- Rectangle rec = _panel.Bounds;
- rec.Offset(-_panel.Location.X, -_panel.Location.Y);
- // HDC assigned to the device corresponds to the whole client area of the panel
- _dev.OnSize(rec);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public void AddEntity(params TDb.Entity[] ents)
- {
- using (var tr = _db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
- {
- var btr = (TDb.BlockTableRecord)tr.GetObject(_db.CurrentSpaceId, TDb.OpenMode.ForWrite);
- foreach (var ent in ents)
- {
- btr.AppendEntity(ent);
- tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(ent, false);
- }
- tr.Commit();
- }
- }
- public void AddEntity(IEnumerable<TDb.Entity> ents)
- {
- using (var tr = _db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
- {
- var btr = (TDb.BlockTableRecord)tr.GetObject(_db.CurrentSpaceId, TDb.OpenMode.ForWrite);
- foreach (var ent in ents)
- {
- btr.AppendEntity(ent);
- tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(ent, false);
- }
- tr.Commit();
- }
- }
- public void Zoom(TGe.BoundBlock3d box)
- {
- using (var vtr = (TDb.ViewportTableRecord)_db.CurrentViewportTableRecordId.GetObject(TDb.OpenMode.ForWrite))
- {
- // using protocol extensions we handle PS and MS viewports in the same manner
- using (var vpd = new TDb.AbstractViewportData(vtr))
- {
- var view = vpd.GsView;
- // do actual zooming - change GS view
- // here protocol extension is used again, that provides some helpful functions
- using (var vpe = new TDb.AbstractViewPE(view))
- {
- box.TransformBy(view.ViewingMatrix);
- vpe.ZoomExtents(box);
- }
- vpd.SetView(view);
- }
- }
- ReSize();
- }
- public void Zoom(TDb.Extents3d ext)
- {
- TGe.BoundBlock3d box = new TGe.BoundBlock3d();
- box.Set(ext.MinPoint, ext.MaxPoint);
- Zoom(box);
- }
- public void ZoomWindow(TGe.Point3d minPoint, TGe.Point3d maxPoint)
- {
- TGe.BoundBlock3d box = new TGe.BoundBlock3d();
- box.Set(minPoint, maxPoint);
- Zoom(box);
- }
- private bool GetLayoutExtents(TDb.Database db, TGs.View view, ref TGe.BoundBlock3d box)
- {
- var bt = (TDb.BlockTable)db.BlockTableId.GetObject(TDb.OpenMode.ForRead);
- var space = (TDb.BlockTableRecord)bt[TDb.BlockTableRecord.PaperSpace].GetObject(TDb.OpenMode.ForRead);
- var layout = (TDb.Layout)space.LayoutId.GetObject(TDb.OpenMode.ForRead);
- var ext = new TDb.Extents3d();
- if (layout.GetViewports().Count > 0)
- {
- bool bOverall = true;
- foreach (TDb.ObjectId id in layout.GetViewports())
- {
- if (bOverall)
- {
- bOverall = false;
- continue;
- }
- var pVp = (TDb.Viewport)id.GetObject(TDb.OpenMode.ForRead);
- }
- ext.TransformBy(view.ViewingMatrix);
- box.Set(ext.MinPoint, ext.MaxPoint);
- }
- else
- {
- ext = layout.Extents;
- }
- box.Set(ext.MinPoint, ext.MaxPoint);
- return ext.MinPoint != ext.MaxPoint;
- }
- public void ZoomExtents()
- {
- using (var vtr = _db.CurrentViewportTableRecordId.GetObject(TDb.OpenMode.ForWrite))
- {
- // using protocol extensions we handle PS and MS viewports in the same manner
- using (var vpd = new TDb.AbstractViewportData(vtr))
- {
- var view = vpd.GsView;
- // do actual zooming - change GS view
- // here protocol extension is used again, that provides some helpful functions
- using (var vpe = new TDb.AbstractViewPE(view))
- {
- TGe.BoundBlock3d box = new TGe.BoundBlock3d();
- bool bValid = vpe.GetViewExtents(box);
- if (vtr is TDb.Viewport && ((TDb.Viewport)vtr).Number == 1)
- {
- if (!bValid || !(box.GetMinimumPoint().X < box.GetMaximumPoint().X && box.GetMinimumPoint().Y < box.GetMaximumPoint().Y))
- {
- bValid = GetLayoutExtents(_db, view, ref box);
- }
- }
- else if (!bValid) // model space viewport
- {
- bValid = GetLayoutExtents(_db, view, ref box);
- }
- if (!bValid)
- {
- // set to somewhat reasonable (e.g. paper size)
- if (_db.Measurement == TDb.MeasurementValue.Metric)
- {
- box.Set(TGe.Point3d.Origin, new TGe.Point3d(297.0, 210.0, 0.0)); // set to papersize ISO A4 (portrait)
- }
- else
- {
- box.Set(TGe.Point3d.Origin, new TGe.Point3d(11.0, 8.5, 0.0)); // ANSI A (8.50 x 11.00) (landscape)
- }
- box.TransformBy(view.ViewingMatrix);
- }
- vpe.ZoomExtents(box);
- }
- vpd.SetView(view);
- }
- }
- ReSize();
- }
- public void Dispose()
- {
- if (_db != null)
- {
- _db.Dispose();
- _db = null;
- }
- if (_dev != null)
- {
- _dev.Dispose();
- _dev = null;
- }
- }
- }
- }
 - /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2003-2014, Open Design Alliance (the "Alliance").
- // All rights reserved.
- //
- // This software and its documentation and related materials are owned by
- // the Alliance. The software may only be incorporated into application
- // programs owned by members of the Alliance, subject to a signed
- // Membership Agreement and Supplemental Software License Agreement with the
- // Alliance. The structure and organization of this software are the valuable
- // trade secrets of the Alliance and its suppliers. The software is also
- // protected by copyright law and international treaty provisions. Application
- // programs incorporating this software must include the following statement
- // with their copyright notices:
- //
- // This application incorporates Teigha(R) software pursuant to a license
- // agreement with Open Design Alliance.
- // Teigha(R) Copyright (C) 2003-2014 by Open Design Alliance.
- // All rights reserved.
- //
- // By use of this software, its documentation or related materials, you
- // acknowledge and accept the above terms.
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Text;
- using Teigha;
- using Teigha.DatabaseServices;
- using Microsoft.Win32;
- namespace TlsCad.ApplicationServices
- {
- class HostAppServ : HostApplicationServices
- {
- public HostAppServ()
- {
- }
- public String FindConfigPath(String configType)
- {
- String subkey = GetRegistryAcadProfilesKey();
- if (subkey.Length > 0)
- {
- subkey += String.Format("\\General");
- String searchPath;
- if (GetRegistryString(Registry.CurrentUser, subkey, configType, out searchPath))
- return searchPath;
- }
- return String.Format("");
- }
- private String FindConfigFile(String configType, String file)
- {
- String searchPath = FindConfigPath(configType);
- if (searchPath.Length > 0)
- {
- searchPath = String.Format("{0}\\{1}", searchPath, file);
- if (System.IO.File.Exists(searchPath))
- return searchPath;
- }
- return String.Format("");
- }
- public override String FindFile(String file, Database db, FindFileHint hint)
- {
- String sFile = this.FindFileEx(file, db, hint);
- if (sFile.Length > 0)
- return sFile;
- String strFileName = file;
- String ext;
- if (strFileName.Length > 3)
- ext = strFileName.Substring(strFileName.Length - 4, 4).ToUpper();
- else
- ext = file.ToUpper();
- if (ext == String.Format(".PC3"))
- return FindConfigFile(String.Format("PrinterConfigDir"), file);
- if (ext == String.Format(".STB") || ext == String.Format(".CTB"))
- return FindConfigFile(String.Format("PrinterStyleSheetDir"), file);
- if (ext == String.Format(".PMP"))
- return FindConfigFile(String.Format("PrinterDescDir"), file);
- switch (hint)
- {
- case FindFileHint.FontFile:
- case FindFileHint.CompiledShapeFile:
- case FindFileHint.TrueTypeFontFile:
- case FindFileHint.PatternFile:
- case FindFileHint.FontMapFile:
- case FindFileHint.TextureMapFile:
- break;
- default:
- return sFile;
- }
- if (hint != FindFileHint.TextureMapFile && ext != String.Format(".SHX") && ext != String.Format(".PAT") && ext != String.Format(".TTF") && ext != String.Format(".TTC"))
- {
- strFileName += String.Format(".shx");
- }
- else if (hint == FindFileHint.TextureMapFile)
- {
- strFileName.Replace(String.Format("/"), String.Format("\\"));
- int last = strFileName.LastIndexOf("\\");
- if (last == -1)
- strFileName = "";
- else
- strFileName = strFileName.Substring(0, last);
- }
- sFile = (hint != FindFileHint.TextureMapFile) ? GetRegistryACADFromProfile() : GetRegistryAVEMAPSFromProfile();
- while (sFile.Length > 0)
- {
- int nFindStr = sFile.IndexOf(";");
- String sPath;
- if (-1 == nFindStr)
- {
- sPath = sFile;
- sFile = String.Format("");
- }
- else
- {
- sPath = String.Format("{0}\\{1}", sFile.Substring(0, nFindStr), strFileName);
- if (System.IO.File.Exists(sPath))
- {
- return sPath;
- }
- sFile = sFile.Substring(nFindStr + 1, sFile.Length - nFindStr - 1);
- }
- }
- if (hint == FindFileHint.TextureMapFile)
- {
- return sFile;
- }
- if (sFile.Length <= 0)
- {
- String sAcadLocation = GetRegistryAcadLocation();
- if (sAcadLocation.Length > 0)
- {
- sFile = String.Format("{0}\\Fonts\\{1}", sAcadLocation, strFileName);
- if (System.IO.File.Exists(sFile))
- {
- sFile = String.Format("{0}\\Support\\{1}", sAcadLocation, strFileName);
- if (System.IO.File.Exists(sFile))
- {
- sFile = String.Format("");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return sFile;
- }
- public override bool GetPassword(String fileName, PasswordOptions options, out String pass)
- {
- //PasswordDlg pwdDlg = new PasswordDlg();
- /*pwdDlg.TextFileName.Text = fileName;
- if (pwdDlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
- {
- pass = pwdDlg.password.Text;
- return true;
- }*/
- pass = String.Format("");
- return false;
- }
- public override String FontMapFileName
- {
- get
- {
- String subkey = GetRegistryAcadProfilesKey();
- if (subkey.Length > 0)
- {
- subkey += String.Format("\\Editor Configuration");
- String fontMapFile;
- if (GetRegistryString(Registry.CurrentUser, subkey, String.Format("FontMappingFile"), out fontMapFile))
- return fontMapFile;
- }
- return String.Format("");
- }
- }
- bool GetRegistryString(RegistryKey rKey, String subkey, String name, out String value)
- {
- bool rv = false;
- object objData = null;
- RegistryKey regKey;
- regKey = rKey.OpenSubKey(subkey);
- if (regKey != null)
- {
- objData = regKey.GetValue(name);
- if (objData != null)
- {
- rv = true;
- }
- regKey.Close();
- }
- if (rv)
- value = objData.ToString();
- else
- value = String.Format("");
- rKey.Close();
- return rv;
- }
- String GetRegistryAVEMAPSFromProfile()
- {
- String subkey = GetRegistryAcadProfilesKey();
- if (subkey.Length > 0)
- {
- subkey += String.Format("\\General");
- // get the value for the ACAD entry in the registry
- String tmp;
- if (GetRegistryString(Registry.CurrentUser, subkey, String.Format("AVEMAPS"), out tmp))
- return tmp;
- }
- return String.Format("");
- }
- String GetRegistryAcadProfilesKey()
- {
- String subkey = String.Format("SOFTWARE\\Autodesk\\AutoCAD");
- String tmp;
- if (!GetRegistryString(Registry.CurrentUser, subkey, String.Format("CurVer"), out tmp))
- return String.Format("");
- subkey += String.Format("\\{0}", tmp);
- if (!GetRegistryString(Registry.CurrentUser, subkey, String.Format("CurVer"), out tmp))
- return String.Format("");
- subkey += String.Format("\\{0}\\Profiles", tmp);
- if (!GetRegistryString(Registry.CurrentUser, subkey, String.Format(""), out tmp))
- return String.Format("");
- subkey += String.Format("\\{0}", tmp);
- return subkey;
- }
- String GetRegistryAcadLocation()
- {
- String subkey = String.Format("SOFTWARE\\Autodesk\\AutoCAD");
- String tmp;
- if (!GetRegistryString(Registry.CurrentUser, subkey, String.Format("CurVer"), out tmp))
- return String.Format("");
- subkey += String.Format("\\{0}", tmp);
- if (!GetRegistryString(Registry.CurrentUser, subkey, String.Format("CurVer"), out tmp))
- return String.Format("");
- subkey += String.Format("\\{0}", tmp);
- if (!GetRegistryString(Registry.CurrentUser, subkey, String.Format(""), out tmp))
- return String.Format("");
- return tmp;
- }
- String GetRegistryACADFromProfile()
- {
- String subkey = GetRegistryAcadProfilesKey();
- if (subkey.Length > 0)
- {
- subkey += String.Format("\\General");
- // get the value for the ACAD entry in the registry
- String tmp;
- if (GetRegistryString(Registry.CurrentUser, subkey, String.Format("ACAD"), out tmp))
- return tmp;
- }
- return String.Format("");
- }
- };
- }