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本帖最后由 lucas_3333 于 2014-9-18 18:36 编辑
;;; Support for ISO standard sheets and first angle projection method
;;; for orthographic projection has been added 1991-02-04
;;; by Peter Danielsson / Autodesk AB
;;; Note: This is an update of the original MVSetup.lsp dated 90-11-19,
;;; which was shipped until late Februari 1991. When MVSetup is used for
;;; the first time, it creates a datafile called MVSetup.DFS. This datafile
;;; is used every time you run MVSetup.lsp. If you have used the old
;;; version of MVSetup.lsp, and thereby have created the DFS-file, be sure
;;; to remove it before running this version of MVSetup. Otherwise it will
;;; not give you the options to select ISO drawing sheets. If you have made
;;; changes to your old DFS-file, you will have to integrate those changes
;;; into the new DFS-file which will be created the first time this new
;;; version is executed.
;;; The ISO drawing sheets included in this file does also include
;;; titleblocks and revisionbars. It was my intention to make those title-
;;; blocks as close to existing standards as possible. As we all do know
;;; different companies tend to use different titleblocks. Titleblocks
;;; also vary alot between different branches and therefore the task of
;;; designing a general purpose titleblock is a bit hazardous.
;;; Titleblocks created by this version are based on existing standard.
;;; Fields for owner, title and drawing number is in accordance with
;;; ISO 5457 and the location of the field for edition is in accordance
;;; with ISO 7200. The location and design of all other fields follow
;;; the guidelines given by the Swedish Mechanical Standards Institution -
;;; SMS, except a field for filename that has been added. You may remove it.
;;; The titleblock with of 170 mm is in accordance with ISO 5457, but has
;;; been increased for the size A4 so that the fields cover the full with
;;; of the drawing space.
;;; I find it likely that users will need to customize the output of this
;;; routine in order to support their specific needs. The easiest way doing
;;; this should be by following this method:
;;; 1. Insert the titleblock by using the MVSetup routine.
;;; 2. Answer Y to the question if you want to save drawing to disk.
;;; 3. END your current drawing and enter the drawing (with titleblock)
;;; you just created by typing 2 <Return> and iso_a3 (for the ISO A3
;;; titleblock) at the main menu.
;;; 4. Do the corrections you find necessary (for example adding a
;;; logotype, changing some layers or translating textstrings in the
;;; titleblock)
;;; 5. SAVE the drawing.
;;; The next time you use the MVSETUP routine it will insert your modified
;;; iso_a4.dwg instead of creating a new.
;;; Also note:
;;; It is quite common to use Attributes in a titleblock in order to format
;;; the text to be entered into the title block. The MVSetup does not pause
;;; for attributes. If you are adding attributes to one of the drawingfiles
;;; (say iso_a3-dwg) you will have to insert it using AutoCAD's normal
;;; INSERT-command. You might know that the XREF-command doesn't handle
;;; attributes either. If you wish to use Attributes and Xref you will have
;;; to create a separate titleblock attribute block which could be inserted
;;; with the INSERT-command after inserting the titleblock with XREF.
;;; Please read the following instructions...
;;; This is a new setup routine for Release 11 and Mview.
;;; It is based around a set of functionality that was determined to be a
;;; necessary part of preparing a drawing for plotting. This routine allows
;;; the user to insert several pre-defined title blocks (ANSI A - E) and in
;;; addition it allows the user to create a set of viewports within the
;;; title block just inserted. A global scale may be specified as a ratio
;;; between the scale of the title block in paperspace and the model geometry
;;; in modelspace. For example, if you were doing an engineering drawing at
;;; a scale of 1:4 or quarter scale, then you would specify that you wanted
;;; a ratio of 1 paperspace unit to 4 modelspace units. The routine will
;;; convert this to 0.25xp for the Zoom command. You may also elect to
;;; align the viewports.
;;; (The first time you invoke MVSETUP, you may notice a slight delay.
;;; This occurs because the routine is creating a default file of various
;;; title blocks and viewport layouts. If you should accidentally erase
;;; your default file, another will be created the next time you invoke
;;; MVSETUP. The file will be created in the directory specified by the
;;; AutoCAD system variable "ACADPREFIX". If you run AutoCAD from a
;;; directory other than that one, and the system variables ACAD or ACADCFG
;;; do not point to that directory, then MVSETUP will not be able to find
;;; it, and will create a new one in the directory pointed to by the first
;;; path found in the current setting of the AutoCAD system variable
;;; When you invoke MVSETUP from the command line or one of the menus, you
;;; are given four options; three dealing with the creation and manipulation
;;; of viewports, and one which allows you to insert various "title blocks".
;;; The initial prompts are shown below.
;;; MVSetup, Version 1.00bN, (c) 1990 by Autodesk, Inc.
;;; Align viewports/Create viewports/Scale viewports/Title block/Undo:
;;; The Align viewports option presents you with several more options; you
;;; are asked to determine the type of alignment you wish to perform.
;;; Angled/Horizontal/Vertical alignment/Rotate view/Undo?
;;; The Horizontal and Vertical options ask you to pick a basepoint in one
;;; viewport, and the point to move in another viewport. The view in the
;;; second viewport is panned by the offset distance in X or Y between
;;; the two points relative to the zoom scale factor of the second viewport.
;;; The Angled option asks you for these two points and for a distance and
;;; angle from the basepoint. The point in the first viewport at the
;;; specified distance and angle from the basepoint is where the "other"
;;; point will be panned.
;;; The Rotate view option asks you for a basepoint and a rotation angle
;;; and uses the DVIEW command to change the view twist. This generally
;;; will be useful only when the UCS of the view you are rotating is
;;; parallel to the screen and would be used to align a view with an
;;; angled edge with the Align Angled option.
;;; Selecting Create viewports prompts you with the following:
;;; Delete objects/<Create viewports>:
;;; Selecting Delete objects provides you with a general selection prompt
;;; at which time you may delete any paperspace objects that you wish.
;;; This is intended to allow you to clear an area for your new viewports.
;;; Modelspace entities will NOT be removed.
;;; Selecting Create viewports prompts you to select one of the viewport
;;; options listed.
;;; Available Mview viewport layout options:
;;; 0: None
;;; 1: Single
;;; 2: Std. Engineering 1st angle projection
;;; 3: Std. Engineering 3rd angle projection
;;; 4: Array of Viewports
;;; Redisplay/<Number of entry to load>:
;;; Pressing RETURN or selecting "None" returns you to the main prompt
;;; without creating any viewports.
;;; "Single" is a single viewport which can fill the default area open in
;;; the sheet or it can be located by picking two points on the screen.
;;; Std. Engineering is a set of four viewports with a plan, a front and
;;; an isometric view. 1st angle projection arranges the views according
;;; to the first angle projection method, formerly referred to as method
;;; E. 3rd angle projection arranges the views according to the third
;;; angle projection method formerly referred to as method A. This to
;;; methods are described in ISO 128.
;;; The "Array of Viewports" allows you to specify any array of viewports
;;; that you want to place on your sheet, from a 1 by 2 or 2 by 1 to any
;;; level allowed by AutoCAD.
;;; After selecting option 1, 2 ,3 or 4, you are prompted to specify the
;;; bounding area for the viewports that are to be created. Each of the
;;; title blocks provided has a bounding region defined for it in the
;;; default file. You can select to create all of the viewports within
;;; this region by selecting "Default" at the following prompt:
;;; Bounding area for viewports. Default/<First point >:
;;; You can also select two points on the screen and the number of viewports
;;; you subsequently define will be mapped into this area.
;;; Picking options 2,3 or 4 prompts you to specify the distance between the
;;; viewports; the interstitial distance. This value must be a positive
;;; number but may be zero. The value you enter for X is automatically
;;; assigned to Y, though you may specify Y to have a different value.
;;; If you selected option 2or 3 above, then the four viewports are created
;;; and the four views are mapped into them as defined in the default file.
;;; The other options create the viewports but do not change the views in
;;; any of them; the view will be a plan view in the current UCS.
;;; Selecting Scale viewports at the main menu prompts you to select the
;;; viewports you wish to scale. If you select one or more viewports
;;; you asked whether you want to set the zoom scales all at once or for
;;; each viewport separately:
;;; Set zoom scale factors for viewports. Interactively/<Uniform>:
;;; After selecting one of these you are asked the following;
;;; Enter the ratio of paper space units to model space units...
;;; Number of paper space units. <1.0>:
;;; Number of model space units. <1.0>:
;;; The number of viewports specified will have their zoom scales changed
;;; by the ratio of the paper space units divided by the model space units.
;;; This is cumulative over time, so performing this operation twice with
;;; paper space units set to 1.0 and model space units set to 2.0 will give
;;; the same results as doing it once with 1.0 an 4.0 as the values.
;;; Selecting Title block from the main menu gives you another sub-menu.
;;; Delete objects/Origin/<Insert title block>:
;;; Delete objects works as described above under Create viewports.
;;; Origin allows you to specify a new UCS origin for the subsequent
;;; insertion of a title block. Pressing RETURN will cause you to be
;;; presented with a list of available title blocks or sheets.
;;; Available title block options:
;;; 0: NONE
;;; 1: ISO A4 Size
;;; 2: ISO A3 Size
;;; 3: ISO A2 Size
;;; 4: ISO A1 Size
;;; 5: ISO A0 Size
;;; 6: ANSI-V Size
;;; 7: ANSI-A Size
;;; 8: ANSI-B Size
;;; 9: ANSI-C Size
;;; 10: ANSI-D Size
;;; 11: ANSI-E Size
;;; 12: Arch/Engineering (24 x 36)
;;; Add/Redisplay/<Number of entry to load>:
;;; This list includes the ANSI and ISO standard sheet layouts from A to E
;;; and includes size A Vertical. Selecting the number preceding one of the
;;; selections causes one of two things to occur. One, if the AutoCAD
;;; drawing associated with the selections cannot be found, then the
;;; default file is read, a definition is extracted, and the drawing is
;;; created in your current drawing. You are then asked whether you want
;;; to save this drawing to disk. If you want to use this drawing more
;;; than once, you should answer Yes to this prompt. Two, if the AutoCAD
;;; drawing can be found then it is INSERTed into your drawing at 0,0.
;;; The other options are Add, Delete and Redisplay.
;;; Pressing RETURN or selecting 0 for "None" at this prompt returns you
;;; to the main menu. Selecting the number of a viable entry causes one
;;; of two things to occur: if you selected one of the built-in entries,
;;; and you have not created a drawing by the name associated with this
;;; entry, the default file is scanned for a definition, and if found,
;;; the title block is created in your current drawing. You are asked
;;; whether you want to create a drawing of the entities just created.
;;; For example, picking 6 (ANSI-V Size) gives you the following prompt:
;;; Create a drawing named ansi-v.dwg? <Y>:
;;; Answering Yes causes a drawing to be created and reinserted into your
;;; drawing where it was created.
;;; If the drawing already exists it is inserted at the current UCS origin.
;;; This is the mechanism for using your own title blocks and parts of
;;; title blocks.
;;; Selecting Add after the available title blocks are listed gives you
;;; the following prompts; example text is given in parentheses:
;;; Name to save: (Title block 1)
;;; Block to insert: (tb-1)
;;; A line looking like this
;;; Title block 1,tb-1.dwg
;;; is added after the last entry in the default file.
;;; Selecting Delete at the same prompt allows you to delete any of the
;;; lines listed except line 0. Redisplay causes the list to be displayed
;;; again.
;;; If neither a valid drawing or a definition can be found you are so
;;; informed and returned to the main menu.
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