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- 2003-7-14
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发表于 2003-10-14 10:35:00
(defun c:CM ()
;**** Internal error handler defined locally ****
(defun DR_ERR (S) ; If an error (such as CTRL-C) occurs
(if (/= S "Function cancelled") ; while this command is active...
(if (= S "quit / exit abort")
(princ (strcat "\nError: " S))
);end if
);end if
(if DR_OER ;If an old error routine exists
(setq *error* DR_OER) ;then, reset it
);end if
(if (not BASEPT) ;if an initial displacement was used
(foreach x SSELIST (redraw X 4));unhighlight the last selection set
(setvar "cmdecho" 1) ;reset command echo upon error
);end error defun
;**** Set our new error handler ****
(if (not *DEBUG*)
(if *error*
(setq DR_OER *error* *error* DR_ERR)
(setq *error* DR_ERR)
);end if
);end if
(if (setq EMARK (entlast))
(while (setq B (entnext EMARK))
(setq EMARK B)
(setq SS (ssget))
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(prompt "\nBase point or Displacement: ")
(command "copy" SS "" pause)
(setq BASEPT (getvar "lastpoint"))
(prompt "\nCopy point: ")
(command pause)
(if (equal BASEPT (setq LASTPT (getvar "lastpoint")))
(progn (setq REFPT LASTPT)
(setq BASEPT nil)
(while (entnext EMARK) ;while there are new entities
(setq SSOLD SS)
(setq SS (ssadd)) ;reset SS
(while (entnext EMARK) ;while there are new entities
(setq EMARK (entnext EMARK))
(ssadd EMARK SS) ;add them to new SS
(if (equal BASEPT (setq LASTPT (getvar "lastpoint")))
(progn (command "erase" SS "")
(command "copy" SSOLD "" REFPT "")
(setvar "lastpoint" (polar BASEPT ANGLPT DISTPT))
(progn (setq ANGLPT (angle BASEPT LASTPT))
(setq DISTPT (distance BASEPT LASTPT))
(setq REFPT (polar '(0.0 0.0 0.0) ANGLPT DISTPT))
(setq BASEPT LASTPT) ;increment basepoint
(prompt (strcat "\nCopy point <@" (rtos (car REFPT)) "," (rtos (cadr REFPT)) "," (rtos (caddr REFPT))">: "))
(command "copy" SS "" BASEPT pause)
);end while
(while (entnext EMARK) ;while there are new entities
(setq SSOLD SS)
(setq SS (ssadd)) ;reset SS
(while (entnext EMARK) ;while there are new entities
(setq EMARK (entnext EMARK))
(redraw EMARK 3)
(setq SSELIST (append (list EMARK) SSELIST))
(setq SSELIST (list EMARK))
(ssadd EMARK SS) ;add them to new SS
(ssget "")
(setq REFPT (getpoint (strcat "\nDisplacement <" (rtos (car REFPT)) "," (rtos (cadr REFPT)) "," (rtos (caddr REFPT))">: ")))
(if (not REFPT)
(setq REFPT (getvar "lastpoint"))
(command "copy" SS "" REFPT "")
);end while
);end if
(setvar "cmdecho" 1)
);end defun
(princ) |