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发表于 2003-11-22 10:31:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<br/><br/><br/>原码:<br/>取出AcDb2dPolyline实体中的点数组,而且将AcDb2dPolyline实体中的点反向<br/>A=(student *)malloc(3000*sizeof(student));<br/> acedSSGet(NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,ss);//选择实体<br/> acedSSLength(ss,&amp;len);<br/> if(acedSSName(ss,0,ent)!=RTNORM) return;<br/> AcDbObjectId eId;<br/>    AcDbObject *pObj;<br/> AcDb::Poly2dType type;//拟合类型<br/> AcGePoint2d lp;<br/> acdbGetObjectId(eId, ent);<br/>    acdbOpenObject(pObj, eId, AcDb::kForWrite);<br/>    if(pObj-&gt;isKindOf(AcDbPolyline::desc())) {//AcDbPolyline换向<br/>  N=AcDbPolyline::cast(pObj)-&gt;numVerts();<br/>  for(j=0; j   AcDbPolyline::cast(pObj)-&gt;getPointAt(j, lp);<br/>   (A+j)-&gt;x=lp[X];<br/>   (A+j)-&gt;y=lp[Y];<br/>  }<br/>  kv=N;<br/>  for(j=0;j   kv=kv-1;<br/>   lp[X]=(A+kv)-&gt;x;<br/>   lp[Y]=(A+kv)-&gt;y;<br/>   AcDbPolyline::cast(pObj)-&gt;setPointAt(j, lp);<br/>  }<br/>  pObj-&gt;close();<br/> }else if(pObj-&gt;isKindOf(AcDb2dPolyline::desc())) {//AcDb2dPolyline换向<br/>  AcDb2dPolyline *pPline;<br/>  acdbOpenObject(pPline, eId, AcDb::kForRead);  <br/>  type=pPline-&gt;polyType();//拟合类型<br/>  pPline-&gt;close();<br/>  acdbOpenObject(pPline,eId,AcDb::kForWrite);<br/>  pPline-&gt;convertToPolyType(AcDb::k2dSimplePoly);//改成不拟合<br/>  pPline-&gt;close();<br/>  acdbOpenObject(pPline,eId,AcDb::kForRead);<br/>  AcDbObjectIterator *pVertIter=pPline-&gt;vertexIterator();<br/>  AcDb2dVertex *pVertex;<br/>  AcGePoint3d location;<br/>  AcDbObjectId vertexObjId;<br/>  N=0;<br/>  for(j=0;!pVertIter-&gt;done();j++,pVertIter-&gt;step()) {//遍历坐标<br/>   vertexObjId=pVertIter-&gt;objectId();<br/>   acdbOpenObject(pVertex,vertexObjId,AcDb::kForRead);<br/>   location = pVertex-&gt;position();<br/>   N=N+1;<br/>   (A+N)-&gt;x=location[X];<br/>   (A+N)-&gt;y=location[Y];<br/>   (A+N)-&gt;z=location[Z];<br/>   pVertex-&gt;close();<br/>  }<br/>  delete pVertIter;<br/>  pPline-&gt;close();<br/>  acdbOpenObject(pPline,eId,AcDb::kForRead);<br/>  AcDbObjectIterator *pVertIter1=pPline-&gt;vertexIterator();<br/>  for(j=0;!pVertIter-&gt;done();j++,pVertIter-&gt;step()) {<br/>   vertexObjId = pVertIter-&gt;objectId();<br/>   acdbOpenObject(pVertex, vertexObjId,AcDb::kForWrite);<br/>   location[X]=(A+N)-&gt;x;<br/>   location[Y]=(A+N)-&gt;y;<br/>   location[Z]=(A+N)-&gt;z;<br/>   pVertex-&gt;setPosition(location);<br/>   pVertex-&gt;close();<br/>   N=N-1;   <br/>  }<br/>  delete pVertIter1;<br/>  pPline-&gt;close();<br/>  acdbOpenObject(pPline,eId,AcDb::kForWrite);<br/>        if(type==0)//还原拟合类型<br/>   pPline-&gt;convertToPolyType(AcDb::k2dSimplePoly);<br/>  else if(type==1)<br/>   pPline-&gt;convertToPolyType(AcDb::k2dFitCurvePoly);<br/>  else if(type==2)<br/>   pPline-&gt;convertToPolyType(AcDb::k2dQuadSplinePoly);<br/>  else if(type==3)<br/>   pPline-&gt;convertToPolyType(AcDb::k2dCubicSplinePoly);<br/>  pPline-&gt;close();<br/>  pObj-&gt;close();<br/> }<br/> acedSSFree(ss);<br/> free(A);<br/>


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发表于 2021-1-9 23:26:05 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2019-12-12 11:02:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2003-11-22 12:48:00 | 显示全部楼层

  1. ;;;LWPOLYLINE线型换向,不能对POLYLINE线型换向,拟合过的线条都是POLYLINE线。
  2. (DEFUN c:lwpolyline_reverse (/ ss1 num data one points tempnum tempent)
  3.     (PRINC "\n\t请选择要换向的线条:")
  4.     (SETQ ss1 (SSGET (LIST (CONS 0 "lwpolyline"))))
  5.     (SETQ num 0)
  6.     (REPEAT (IF ss1
  7.                 (SSLENGTH ss1)
  8.                 0
  9.             )
  10.         (SETQ data (ENTGET (SSNAME ss1 num))
  11.               num  (1+ num)
  12.         )
  13.         (SETQ points nil)
  14.         (FOREACH one data
  15.             (PROGN (IF (= (CAR one) 10)
  16.                        (SETQ points (APPEND points (LIST one)))
  17.                    )
  18.             )
  19.         )
  20.         (SETQ points (REVERSE points))
  21.         (SETQ tempnum 0)
  22.         (SETQ tempent nil)
  23.         (FOREACH one data
  24.             (PROGN (IF (= (CAR one) 10)
  25.                        (SETQ tempent (APPEND tempent (LIST (NTH tempnum points)))
  26.                              tempnum (1+ tempnum)
  27.                        )
  28.                        (SETQ tempent (APPEND tempent (LIST one)))
  29.                    )
  30.             )
  31.         )
  32.         (IF (NOT (ENTMOD tempent))
  33.             (ALERT "错误:\n\t不能更新实体数据!\t")
  34.         )
  35.     )
  36.     (PRINC)
  37. )
 楼主| 发表于 2003-11-22 13:22:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2003-11-22 14:38:00 | 显示全部楼层
  1. Sub RevPline()
  2.     Dim ent As AcadEntity
  3.     Dim pnt As Variant
  4.     Dim NewCoord() As Double
  5.     Dim i As Integer
  6.     On Error Resume Next
  7.     Do
  8.         ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity ent, pnt, "选择多段线:"
  9.         If Err Then Exit Sub
  10.         If TypeName(ent) Like "IAcad*Polyline" Then Exit Do
  11.     Loop
  12.     Dim Coord As Variant
  13.     Dim CoordCount As Integer
  14.     Dim Bulge() As Double
  15.     If TypeName(ent) = "IAcadLWPolyline" Then
  16.         Coord = ent.Coordinates
  17.         CoordCount = (UBound(Coord) + 1) / 2
  18.         ReDim NewCoord(UBound(Coord)) As Double
  19.         For i = 0 To UBound(Coord) - 1 Step 2
  20.             NewCoord(UBound(Coord) - i - 1) = Coord(i)
  21.             NewCoord(UBound(Coord) - i) = Coord(i + 1)
  22.         Next
  23.         ReDim Bulge(CoordCount - 1) As Double
  24.         For i = 0 To CoordCount - 1
  25.             Bulge(i) = ent.GetBulge(i)
  26.         Next
  27.         ent.Coordinates = NewCoord
  28.         For i = 0 To CoordCount - 2
  29.             ent.SetBulge i, -Bulge(CoordCount - 2 - i)
  30.         Next
  31.         ThisDrawing.Regen acActiveViewport
  32.     ElseIf TypeName(ent) = "IAcadPolyline" Then
  33.         Coord = ent.Coordinates
  34.         CoordCount = (UBound(Coord) + 1) / 3
  35.         ReDim NewCoord(UBound(Coord)) As Double
  36.         For i = 0 To UBound(Coord) - 1 Step 3
  37.             NewCoord(UBound(Coord) - i - 2) = Coord(i)
  38.             NewCoord(UBound(Coord) - i - 1) = Coord(i + 1)
  39.             NewCoord(UBound(Coord) - i) = Coord(i + 2)
  40.         Next
  41.         If ent.Type = acSimplePoly Then
  42.             ReDim Bulge(CoordCount - 1) As Double
  43.             For i = 0 To CoordCount - 1
  44.                 Bulge(i) = ent.GetBulge(i)
  45.             Next
  46.         End If
  47.         ent.Coordinates = NewCoord
  48.         If ent.Type = acSimplePoly Then
  49.             For i = 0 To CoordCount - 2
  50.                 ent.SetBulge i, -Bulge(CoordCount - 2 - i)
  51.             Next
  52.         End If
  53.        ThisDrawing.Regen acActiveViewport
  54.     End If
  56. End Sub
 楼主| 发表于 2003-11-22 14:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2003-12-3 09:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2003-12-3 15:01:00 | 显示全部楼层



;DDL: Copyright By WWZ,2003-12-3

(defun C:ddl(/ tmp ed ent m n endpt1 endpt2 newline name)
(princ "\n交换直线、多段线或标注的起点和终点.请选择直线、多段线或标注:\n")  
(setq tmp (ssget (list (cons -4 " (if tmp
     (setq n (sslength tmp) m 0)
     (repeat n
         (setq ent (ssname tmp m))
         (setq ed  (entget ent))     
         ;(ts "\nent=")
         ;(ts ent)
         (setq name (cdr (assoc 0 ed)))
         (if (= name "LWPOLYLINE")
           (lwpolyline_reverse ent ed)
             (setq endpt1 (cons 11 (cdr (assoc 10 ed) )))        
             (setq endpt2 (cons 10 (cdr (assoc 11  ed) )))                  
             (setq ed (subst endpt1 (assoc 11 ed) ed))   
             (setq ed (subst endpt2 (assoc 10 ed) ed))
             (setq newline ed)
             ;enddel 对象名称ent不是对象数据表ed
             ;endmod entmake 的不是对象名称ent是对象数据表ed
             (entdel  ent)
             (entmake newline)                         
         );end if  
         (setq m (1+ m))
     );end repeat
);end if tmp
(princ "\n共处理了")
(if m (princ m) (princ "0"))
(princ "条直线(多段线、标注)。")
);end C:ddl

(DEFUN lwpolyline_reverse (lwpent data / num data one points tempnum tempent)
       (SETQ points nil)
       (FOREACH one data
            (PROGN (IF (= (CAR one) 10)
                       (SETQ points (APPEND points (LIST one)))
        (SETQ points (REVERSE points))
        (SETQ tempnum 0)
        (SETQ tempent nil)
        (FOREACH one data
            (PROGN (IF (= (CAR one) 10)
                       (SETQ tempent (APPEND tempent (LIST (NTH tempnum points)))
                             tempnum (1+ tempnum)
                       (SETQ tempent (APPEND tempent (LIST one)))
        (entdel  lwpent)
        (entmake tempent)
);end lwpolyline_reverse

发表于 2003-12-16 10:17:00 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2003-12-16 19:57:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-1-2 14:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
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