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(defun testbb (/ obj circle )
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "\npick the circle: "))))
(setq rad (vla-get-radius obj));get the radius of circle
(setq cen (vla-get-center obj));here center is (0,0,0)
(setq pt (vla-get-point circ-obj);get the points of circle
if for (cadr pt(i))=(cadr pt(+(i)n);for the same y coordinate of two different points on circle
(setq leng ( abs(-(car pt(i))(car pt(+(i)n)))));calculate the subtraction of their x coordinates
(setq leng1 (+(expt leng 2)1);bring the subtraction into nonlinear function to largen
(setq newx (/ leng1 2);then divide by 2
(setq newx1 (- newx)
(vlax-put-property newx1 (car pt(i));take above value as new x coordinates of that two points,put back negative one to point1
(vlax-put-property newx (car pt(+(i)n)));put back positive one to point2
;here short of one line: according to those points,get a polyline.
(command "_.extrude" (entlast) "" z "");extrude the polyline at a height to get cylinder
(prompt "\nblock has been scaled.")
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