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(defun C:acc (/ err)
(command "UNDO" "BE")
(setq err (vl-catch-all-apply 'ac-autoDim nil))
(if (vl-catch-all-error-p err)
;; add some error handles here
(command "UNDO" "E")
;;; global variables: dd, posRec, stPos
;;; main function
(defun ac-autoDim(/ ss ent i inf pt-pairs xs ys x1 x2 y1 y2 xinfs yinfs xinf1 yinf1 xinf2 yinf2 cpt gap
dd posRec)
(setq ss (ssget)
pt (getpoint "\nBase point: ")
ent (ssname ss 0)
i 0
dd (* (getvar "DIMSCALE") (+ (getvar "DIMTXT") (* 2.0 (getvar "DIMGAP"))))
posRec (list nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)
(command "UCS" "O" pt)
(while ent
(setq inf (ac-dimInf ent))
(if inf
(setq xinf1 (nth 0 inf)
yinf1 (nth 1 inf)
xs (append (nth 2 inf) xs)
ys (append (nth 3 inf) ys)
(if xinf1
(setq xinf2 (assoc (car xinf1) xinfs))
(if xinf2
(setq xinfs (subst (list (car xinf2) (cadr xinf2) (append (nth 2 xinf2) (nth 2 xinf1))) xinf2 xinfs))
(setq xinfs (cons xinf1 xinfs))
(if yinf1
(setq yinf2 (assoc (car yinf1) yinfs))
(if yinf2
(setq yinfs (subst (list (car yinf2) (cadr yinf2) (append (nth 2 yinf2) (nth 2 yinf1))) yinf2 yinfs))
(setq yinfs (cons yinf1 yinfs))
(setq i (1+ i)
ent (ssname ss i)
;; find the center of objects
(setq x1 (apply 'min xs)
x2 (apply 'max xs)
y1 (apply 'min ys)
y2 (apply 'max ys)
cpt (list (/ (+ x1 x2) 2.0) (/ (+ y1 y2) 2.0) 0.0)
gap (* 5.0 dd)
stPos (list (- x1 gap) (+ x2 gap) (- y1 gap) (+ y2 gap))
;; dimension
(setq xinfs (vl-sort xinfs '(lambda(a b) (< (abs (- (cadr a) (car cpt))) (abs (- (cadr b) (car cpt))))))
yinfs (vl-sort yinfs '(lambda(a b) (< (abs (- (cadr a) (cadr cpt))) (abs (- (cadr b) (cadr cpt))))))
(ac-dimInfs xinfs cpt "x")
(ac-dimInfs yinfs cpt "y")
(command "UCS" "P")
(defun ac-dimInf(ent / dat typ p1 p2 x1 y1 x2 y2 ang ang2 xs ys xinf yinf inf rad)
(setq dat (entget ent)
typ (cdr (assoc 0 dat))
(cond ((= typ "LINE")
(setq p1 (trans (cdr (assoc 10 dat)) 0 1)
p2 (trans (cdr (assoc 11 dat)) 0 1)
x1 (car p1)
y1 (cadr p1)
x2 (car p2)
y2 (cadr p2)
ang (angle p1 p2)
ang2 (rem ang pi)
xs (list x1 x2)
ys (list y1 y2)
(cond ((or (equal ang2 0.0 0.01) (equal ang2 pi 0.01) (equal ang2 (* 2.0 pi) 0.01))
;; horizontal
(setq yinf (list (rtos y1 2 4) y1 (list x1 x2)))
((or (equal ang2 (* 0.5 pi) 0.01) (equal ang2 (* 1.5 pi) 0.01))
;; vertical
(setq xinf (list (rtos x1 2 4) x1 (list y1 y2)))
(setq inf (list xinf yinf xs ys))
((= typ "CIRCLE")
(setq p1 (trans (cdr (assoc 10 dat)) 0 1)
x1 (car p1)
y1 (cadr p1)
rad (cdr (assoc 40 dat))
xs (list (+ x1 rad) (- x1 rad))
ys (list (+ y1 rad) (- y1 rad))
xinf (list (rtos x1 2 4) x1 (list y1))
yinf (list (rtos y1 2 4) y1 (list x1))
inf (list xinf yinf xs ys)
(defun ac-dimPtPair (p1 p2 cpt dir)
(if (> (distance p1 cpt) (distance p2 cpt))
(ac-dimOrd p1 (angle p2 p1) cpt dir)
(ac-dimOrd p2 (angle p1 p2) cpt dir)
(defun ac-dimPtSingle (pt cpt dir / v)
(setq v (mapcar '- pt cpt))
(cond ((= dir "y")
(if (> (car v) 0.0)
(ac-dimOrd pt 0.0 cpt dir)
(ac-dimOrd pt pi cpt dir)
((= dir "x")
(if (> (cadr v) 0.0)
(ac-dimOrd pt (* 0.5 pi) cpt dir)
(ac-dimOrd pt (* 1.5 pi) cpt dir)
(defun ac-dimInfs (infs cpt dir / a bs b1 b2 p1 p2)
(foreach inf infs
(setq a (cadr inf)
bs (vl-sort (nth 2 inf) '<)
(if (= (length bs) 1)
(cond ((= dir "x")
(setq p1 (list a (car bs) 0.0))
(ac-dimPtSingle p1 cpt dir)
((= dir "y")
(setq p1 (list (car bs) a 0.0))
(ac-dimPtSingle p1 cpt dir)
(cond ((= dir "x")
(setq p1 (list a (car bs) 0.0)
p2 (list a (last bs) 0.0)
(ac-dimPtPair p1 p2 cpt dir)
((= dir "y")
(setq p1 (list (car bs) a 0.0)
p2 (list (last bs) a 0.0)
(ac-dimPtPair p1 p2 cpt dir)
;;; global variables: dd, posRec
;;; stPos: (x1 x2 y1 y2)
(defun ac-dimOrd (pt ang cpt dir / area pp px py dd2 pp2)
(cond ((or (equal ang 0.0 0.001) (equal ang (* 2.0 pi) 0.001))
(if (> (cadr pt) (cadr cpt))
(setq area 7)
(setq area 6)
((equal ang pi 0.001)
(if (> (cadr pt) (cadr cpt))
(setq area 5)
(setq area 4)
((equal ang (* 0.5 pi) 0.001)
(if (> (car pt) (car cpt))
(setq area 3)
(setq area 2)
((equal ang (* 1.5 pi) 0.001)
(if (> (car pt) (car cpt))
(setq area 1)
(setq area 0)
(setq pp (nth area posRec))
(cond ((= area 0)
(setq px (car pt)
py (nth 2 stPos)
(if pp
(setq dd2 (- (- pp px) dd))
(if (< dd2 0.0)
(setq px (+ px dd2))
(setq pp2 px)
((= area 1)
(setq px (car pt)
py (nth 2 stPos)
(if pp
(setq dd2 (- (- px pp) dd))
(if (< dd2 0.0)
(setq px (- px dd2))
(setq pp2 px)
((= area 2)
(setq px (car pt)
py (nth 3 stPos)
(if pp
(setq dd2 (- (- pp px) dd))
(if (< dd2 0.0)
(setq px (+ px dd2))
(setq pp2 px)
((= area 3)
(setq px (car pt)
py (nth 3 stPos)
(if pp
(setq dd2 (- (- px pp) dd))
(if (< dd2 0.0)
(setq px (- px dd2))
(setq pp2 px)
((= area 4)
(setq px (nth 0 stPos)
py (cadr pt)
(if pp
(setq dd2 (- (- pp py) dd))
(if (< dd2 0.0)
(setq py (+ py dd2))
(setq pp2 py)
((= area 5)
(setq px (nth 0 stPos)
py (cadr pt)
(if pp
(setq dd2 (- (- py pp) dd))
(if (< dd2 0.0)
(setq py (- py dd2))
(setq pp2 py)
((= area 6)
(setq px (nth 1 stPos)
py (cadr pt)
(if pp
(setq dd2 (- (- pp py) dd))
(if (< dd2 0.0)
(setq py (+ py dd2))
(setq pp2 py)
((= area 7)
(setq px (nth 1 stPos)
py (cadr pt)
(if pp
(setq dd2 (- (- py pp) dd))
(if (< dd2 0.0)
(setq py (- py dd2))
(setq pp2 py)
;; reorder posRec
(setq posRec (mapcar '(lambda (i / r)
(if (= i area)
(setq r pp2)
(setq r (nth i posRec))
'(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
;; dimension
(command "DIMORDINATE" "none" pt dir "none" (list px py 0.0))